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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Agreed, but the clip from the next episode makes it look like he gets busted. I think Libby is going to survive (although did someone post that my assumption here has been leaked out as being wrong?) and she's going to bust Michael? I think this means we can expect Michael's death in upcoming episodes. I don't think murderers are bound to live long on this island. I'm glad we won't be seeing a "AL is pregnant with Sawyer's kid" story...
  2. The problem with that theory is that you would first kill the prisoner and then shoot yourself. It'd take a pretty idiotic guy to shoot himself first and then attempt to kill another person. Nope, I think he shot himself, gave the other the gun, then collapsed to the ground. Don't forget, Henry lied about pretty much everything. There's no reason to believe the others would have killed him or that he was there to pick up the cripple.
  3. It would seem to me that he actually shot himself, gave Henry the gun, and then let Henry escape. Then when the group gets there they find Michael injured, Anna dead, and the other girl near dead. Michael will be undone when that other girl (he thinks is dead) is nursed back to health. That's my take on the ending there. Michael clearly has been manipulated, his child being used as bait, and his rhetoric being used to cause the beach crew to wander into the Others hands. I did like when Hurley said he was gonna get so drunk he'd remember where he knew the girl from and she looked scared. "oh that's right, we know each other because we were both crazy... how exactly are you a shrink???" Does it seem to anyone else that Jack's dad is a super major player in this whole mystery. A doctor with more going on than anybody knows about with connections all over the world and seems to have been in a position to know everyone on that airplane.
  4. Wow, just noticed that all MPC prices have been slashed to $59.99 over at RT.com. Anyone looking for a Jack Archer or a Max Sterling, you won't be able to beat that price anywhere I've seen. In fact, a prudent investor might scoop up a bunch of those and sell 'em on eBay around xmas. I've already seen some MPC Maxs sell for over MSRP there...
  5. Octopus Hi-Balls, they're available on the SDF-1 and the even advertise on the missiles.... (that was one of the animator jokes right?)
  6. So, if a Toynami MPC alpha and a Yamato VF-0S toy got into a fight, which one would be in pieces first? I guess that's not fair since the VF-0S costs twice the MPC's price so maybe their should be two of them? Eh, sounds like it'd be a customizer's dream at the end of that battle either way. I don't get my 0S for another couple months... this thread is definitely hampering my enthusiasm.
  7. Well, I don't think they were super valks, they definitely weren't strike valks, and if I'm not mistaken (it might just be the coloring on my old copies or I might be thinking of a different scene) they're navy blue. The Stealth is not a canon valk, it's just a "neat" paint job like the LV and LVII. Oh, if anyone has a Credit Card valk a pic of the box would be super schweet too.
  8. This thread needs another pic of the Alpha MPC lookin' frackin' sweet (although it is admittedly naked):
  9. Please do a search on Macross7 and read the other threads about Mac7 and maybe revive one of those if you really feel it's necessary. I sincerely hope this thread was just started to inspire the return of A1... 'cause I watched that whole series and rather than taking my breath away I think it gave me gas.
  10. Agreed. A Tread/Beta toy would be about the same size as the MPC VF-1 in battloid mode (although it'd also be about three times as thick). Certainly this thing can't be any harder to pull off than Yamato's Koenig toy and that thing doesn't retail anywhere near $200. What is it that is making the Beta toy so expensive???? Something is just way off here...
  11. You're misunderstanding, the $200 price tag was for a transformable one like the prototype. They're considering making a much cheaper one that can't transform. Personally, still sounds laughably bad in my book. Then again, if they got it to $150 range for the transformable version that'd be the same as a 1/48 and I'm a huge enough GCM fan where I'd probably buy at least one (especially if it was built comparably to the Yammy 1/48s). I serioulsy doubt how many others are big enough fans where they'd pony up for that though.
  12. Yamato is smaller than Toynami? I don't think that's true... Yes, Toynami has the GCM license through HG. This whole thing is silly, the design costs are already sunk, what else could be so prohibitively expensive? I think this smacks of either a craptastic way of getting publicity and being able to up an already inflated MSRP or a way of covering the fact that Toynami is actually in such dire financial straits that they can't do anything more than 3 cents a unit Imen.
  13. would that be like Toynami's Imen?
  14. So Godzilla, having 95 1/48s alone now, what could you possibly do with all of them? The logistics of the space that must consume is mind-boggling. My modest collection is already taking over my house and it's just a fraction of yours. Do you have family that run a rental storage facility or something? I think 12 of the Super Stealth's ought to fill an entire closet on their own!
  15. for some reason I bet the clear covers would look good on the fast packs.
  16. Would this be in comparison to the amazingly fancy looking DYRL paint jobs... white with a colored stripe?
  17. I'm really glad the heat shield is gray and not black. Would have been interesting if it were a Stealth skull squad valk... As for the eye piece, I don't think I mind the lack of color there. Maybe if it were yellow? I dunno. All in all, as of right now I like it slightly better than the camo LV but I don't find either really jumps out at me. I can't wait to have them in front of me to really compare though. [sarcasm]What really would have sold me on this valk would have been if they could only find a way to put it in a bigger box. You know, they were on the right track with the 1/60 Elint and Super Ostrich which had several inches of useless plastic. I think they just tried way too hard to cram this thing into a tight spot. [/sarcasm] I'm seriously going to have to sell my luggage so I have somewhere to store this thing.
  18. i am going to get piss drunk and watch it in the theater with a bunch of piss drunk friends and it will be hilarious... even if it's not.
  19. Gooo - you want the aliens to talk to each other? I like the thought that the Alien are really intelligent and kind of sense what needs to be done (like in Resurrection where they kill one of the Aliens in a cell so his blood will burn through the floor and they can escape) but I don't like the notion of them chatting at all. The Predators? Definitley (although I think they should be very quiet for the most part too). This script sounds like everything it should not be. Why not remake Aliens but instead have a squad of Predators show up. Focus on a few survivors of the colony trying to reach the last means of escape on a far side of the base while avoiding both aliens and using their skirmishes as diversions. How does a Predalien make sense? When an alien jumps out of a human it's just an alien not an alienuman.
  20. very bay area if i'm not mistaken. i'm pretty sure i recognize that view. Tis definitely wedding season, i had to rent two tuxes this weekend. congrats! all looks very nice.
  21. I would say so. Then again, if they stopped making new Macross would that be the end of Macross? Yes, but only in one way. I think since we have seen two new games, a rehashing of the DVDs, new comics, and several lines of toys in near history Robotech is more alive now than it has been. They might be trying to ink some deal that also includes merchandising rights of some sort and other craziness and maybe that's the hold-up. Maybe things can't get penned until there's officially a Shadow Chronicles video game in the works or some suchness. There's definitely something afoot here but it doesn't necessarily spell disaster. As George W Bush might say, perhaps this is all a case of "strategery."
  22. Wasn't ADV going under or something like that?
  23. for you guys with the 1/100 takas... sell them to me! I hate you so much.
  24. That isn't quite right. The storyI heard was that they went to find funding and got nothing but hesitation. Still, they were convinced there was more money to be made from Robotech so they pulled enough funding to make an OVA. If the OVA does well they think it shouldn't be difficult to acquire funding from the folks who hesitated the first time around and then make an entire series, or, at the very least, follow-up OVAs. Obviously this isn't like Sentinels where they had funding and then had it yanked leaving behind only a few completed episodes that they then spliced together into an OVA. What this might be more akin to is Robotech 3000. That was a project that I think was due to become an OVA and never came to fruition. However, we've already seen more screen caps and animation then we ever got of Robotech 3K. I think these additional pics must be an indication that progress is still being made... if not very slowly. Yes, this project is already a year late. The Prelude comic was supposed to have the last episode come out like a week before the OVA did. That way there you could read the comics and then buy the OVA and not sit there wondering why some of the major Robotech characters are back and others aren't. It also satisfied the people who enjoyed the Sentinels since it seems like the OVA won't go anywhere near that storyline... it has concluded in the comics.
  25. Damn dude, that's harsh. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's not done with it yet. He's also working with wood... maybe he has a buddy that will do some engraving for him at some point. Even if it has no detail, he made a friggin' SDF out of wood! Do the aircraft carriers have elevators in their decks?
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