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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I hear ya and I don't wanna start a debate but I did want to clarify, when I say that I feel the MPC is better (honestly, six of one, half a dozen of the other) I don't mean because it looks better. I just mean the MPC is a better toy. No screw covers popping off, no legs falling off, no awkward hips in battloid mode, no mid mid-calf rotation in GERWALK, that sort of thing. The MPC's sculpt is no where near as good as the 1/60's (except for the heads... although the MPC heads look too small). Another case in point, someone said you should get a 1/60 VF-1 to compare it with the 1/60 VF-0. I think this would be awesome except the 1/60 VF-1S has the worst head sculpt in history. In fact, I think once Yamato saw just how friggin' ugly a head they created they decided not to do a VF-1S Hikaru. Just seeing the head of that sculpt irritates the hell out of me. Add that to the fact the 1/60s look awkward in GERWALK. So, if you wanna do a 0S next 1S comparo you better be leaving both vehicles in fighter mode.
  2. The Alpha/Legioss toys all have differed in what they thought was proper scale. Here's a pic, obvioulsy the 1/35 is the big boy, all the other guys are supposedly 1/55 scale.
  3. I think Graham has a how-to video on here somewhere. I looked and only found the 1/60 one though so hopefully someone else will point you in the right direction. Yes, they're worth it. They really do spruce this toy up a bunch, and a VF-1S Strike Hikkie is straight DYRL bad-assness. I think they're worse than the Toynami MPCs if that tells you anything. Nobody can say for sure... but since they have reissued a lot of the other ones it seems that they will eventually give us more Max 1As. Maybe in time for Xmas? Eh, like I said, nobody knows.
  4. I think they're preorders for September... and you can make your preorder in a number of areas including TMP.
  5. Plus, Hik did tap that a$$ during the reconstruction period. Sure, it's not on screen, but you know he did it. He was also clearly tapping Misa, why else would she have a key to his apartment? Life was good for Hikaru no matter how dramatic they made it seem in the show. "So much tail and only one Mr. Happy to hit it with."
  6. Didn't Neova say he was having supply difficulties and he didn't expect to have people their VF-0S until June? As far as eBay goes, look at the feedback and you'll be fine. If a person has 100% or close to it then you pretty much have nothing (other than factory flaws) to worry about. Ask the seller a few questions and see how promptly they respond and if you like the way they answer. There really is no reason to be afraid of eBay. I use it a lot and have scored many great deals from it. I sell on eBay occasionally, I am not a crook and don't really enjoy being lumped in with the few irresponsible dealers. The real crooks these days are eBay themselves who are making it less and less worth selling on.
  7. This guy must love his Panasonic 3DO also.... Yeah, over-priced systems are the only way to go! I don't mind being left a couple years behind anyway, there's way too many great PS2 games I haven't played yet and I get so little time to play it'll take that long for me to catch up.
  8. Lemme know if I'm alone but if i hit "View new posts" more than once per visit I get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: clean_int_array() in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/mwf/sources/search.php on line 83
  9. PS3 = $599? Lemme think... yeah f*ckin' right. I'll buy this three years from now when it's down to $250 and I actually need a DVD player that can play blu-ray discs.
  10. jenius

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    Here's a couple pics of mine: (And the display I'm most proud of)
  11. jenius

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    Oh schnikeys, I didn't even notice that, I thought you bought it loose! Wow, now I'm even more jealous of your deal! As someone mentioned, you need to buckle the knees a bit in fighter mode for it to be transformed properly. There's a pic of mine somewhere on this forum... I'll find it later.
  12. I think you have it a bit wrong Godzilla, the smaller and larger Gakkens do full transformations but they give up a lot of what the vehicle actually looks like in the show to accomplish it. The diecast toys, on the other hand, give up fighter mode to look a whole lot better in the two modes they do achieve. Unfortunately they're practically statues since they lack articulation. As far as toys go, they're not so hot, but they're cool little metal statues.
  13. That is correct. It's the diecast one, 2 mode, it stands a bit smaller than the Toynami MPCs.
  14. jenius

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    Yours cost $440 less than mine and mine isn't sparkling white by any means (yellowed where the box's window was). Sure, I got a pristine box and all the inserts to go with it but is that worth an extra $440??? You sir definitely found a deal. You go see if that guy has any property he wants to sell too.
  15. I'm with you, I ordered mine with a Stealth, LVII, and GBPII, so I'm stuck in a holding pattern Looks like I'll be getting one of the June re-stock VF-0S... hopefully they're pretty solid.
  16. A little tiddly bit - Once upon a time Toynami announced it was going to make Macross Saga superposeable destroids. There was no mention of a scale for the superposeables but I would guess they'd be much smaller than 1/55... perhaps 1/100? Toynami might already have molds to do 1/100 destroids.... or molds that might be adjusted to make them.
  17. oh yeah, well I liked Yamato so much, I bought the company! I have my minions currently working on a VF-19 transformable figure that features an exact replica of my own head in battloid mode. Holy crap, how creepy would that be???
  18. well indications seem to be good from the sellers as at least a couple are telling people they're going to have to wait for restocks and the preorders haven't even all been met yet. More likely though I think that tells us that Yamato ran into some problems meeting their production quota. Still, it can't be selling horribly.
  19. This pic should show the difference. First pic is from the first 3000, second pic is from the next 12000. The vents were initially a brighter blue and were then toned down quite a bit.
  20. Looks nice! The MPC Alphas are definitely beautiful toys... dont' play with the arms too much though or else they'll get too limp to hold the gun up in a hurry.
  21. No lie, my friends and I were looking into making quality ghostbusters costumes and we quit when we saw just how crazy the prices could get. Instead we went with the cast of Pulp Fiction... it worked out nice
  22. well, i'm sure your super ostrich is nicer than mine.... mine has a bit of yellowing that makes me sad So hard to find a snow white VT-1.
  23. Very nice! The fast packs (in the other pics) don't really work in atmosphere, I like that non fast pack valk shot.
  24. After tax, shipping, and all that good stuff, I spent $600 on a Bandai Elintseeker. I feel pretty good about it though, looks like it had been removed from the perfect box maybe once... ever. So nice and minty. I've spent $500 on a couple other classic Macross items also.
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