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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Yes, on one of the three I have the whole leg section seems to constantly want to pop off. There are little tricks I can do to make it not want to pop off quite so bad (if I position the outer leg shell just a little off center it seems to reduce the pressure for some reason). Basically, it just kind of sucks. I just checked my other pics I took at the same time as the one posted here, it looks like there may have been a tiny bit of separation at the very bottom parter of that missile boom. In the pics with the top shell on the seam is only noticeable right at the very bottom. You're right, that could cause it to look like the fast packs point out a bit. That said, even in the pics where they're sucked right up, the fast packs still do point up much further than Yamato's.
  2. I like every suggestion here. I would love to see them get the Mac7 rights so they could do the Mac+ valks in 1/60 and then release variants from Mac7. Also, a VF-17 would be schweet.
  3. Are you talking about the missile booms? They're on as tight as they can go unless there's some sort of latching trick I don't know about. All the plastic looks flush with each other. Next time you have yours out take a look and let me know if there's a little trick I'm missing.
  4. It's like a eight hour drive to get to San Diego but rest assured I'm on my way to kick your as s . Okay, maybe not, but did you just diss the VF-1? You're lucky I'm not a character in one of the gospels 'cause otherwise I'd be smiting you.
  5. I think Yamato is done with Limited Versions... there's not as much potential for profit there I suppose. They have plenty of other opportunities for limited versions too. Max TV 1A, Hayao TV 1A, Alaska Base Green, VF-1J CF, and I think skull squadron had a green VF similar to Kakizake's DYRL scheme during the reconstruction period. I'm probably missing a couple but there are certainly more paintjobs from the actual shows they could be opting for rather than camo, "stealth", and the Low Vis we already have. Basically, it appears they have determined that, of the remaining canon paintjobs available, newer paint jobs of their own design would be more popular.
  6. Wood Land Color! Similar to the Shadow with the chest outline. No "Limited Version" text. Boooo!!!!
  7. That's a neat idea. Where it says "Who is online" it could list everyone's names and the number of valks we all own There are currently 45 members online with 2000 Valks. Okay, maybe not, but I do like the sound of having something in our profiles for that..
  8. ya know, looking at Godzilla's numbers, and my own thoughts on the manner, is anyone really buying the stealth without FPs? Is that going to be a 1/48 we can all score at super discount somewhere down the road because everyone opted for fast packs? Even worse, will no one still buy it because it's completely black and thus nearly impossible to customize? EDIT - Godzilla, reading your response, I have to wonder if there isn't some element of an addiction to what you're doing? You're not investing, you're buying for sentimental reasons (and I think I do the same) but I can't really see why you'd get more than say... 4 of anything. Then you could have one for each mode and one sealed in a box. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this being your addiction though, you'll have a hell of a lot more to show for it than cigarettes or cocaine would get you.
  9. LOL, okay. It still reminds me of Thing from Fantastic 4 punchin' the crap outta something but I could see where his lean might be a bit excessive. The clean room white makes the toys stand out better but I guess this explains why some people prefer all black backgrounds.
  10. Hey guys, someone asked in another thread recently what color the YF-1R MPC was (Volume 6). I'm currently taking review pics for it for a website I'm working on and thought I'd post them here since a picture is apparently worth 1000 words right? Hopefully whoever asked the question will find their way to this thread.
  11. So you're saying it succeeds at being a Noir film but you don't really like noir. No big deal, different strokes.
  12. yep, tampo printed right on a seam no less. That's pretty cool. I agree, thought the 1/60s were too small and the 1/48s are magnificent.
  13. Can we invoke a rule against complaining about new products especially before they are released. For the love of Christ people, we're getting something new that we didn't even ask for. If it sucks, who cares, we never asked for it and we won't spend money on it. That means, we should just be happy because if it's cool we have one more cool thing to spend our money on.
  14. one day, Godzilla will be bored with Macross like he was with Joes. He will look unto his collection and decide the winds of change are blowing. On that day he will come to MW and post in the "For Sale" section. On that day many friendships will be lost in the ensuing feeding frenzy and the only thing to stop people from being trampled alive will be the fact that this will be an online market place.
  15. Man... this is going to cost me a lot of consternation somewhere down the line.... "BUY IT, you know you want to." "DON'T BUY IT, it's not like you have a MacZero or Shin display to fit it into."
  16. LOL, the Yammy 1/48s better trounce the Toynami MPC fast packs. I think it kinda works by scale though: First place goes to Yammy 1/48 FP Second place Toynami 1/55 FP Third place Yammy 1/60 FP (very close to second since they don't have that stupid middle attachment point and link directly to the backpack) Honorable mention: Takatoku 1/55FP for being the innovator
  17. Okay, so I'm still doing more photo shoots and right now an MPC Roy is up with super armor. Here's a pic to show off the wears. Eventually I'll be doing the 1/60 Strike Roy and you'll be able to compare. I will say I had forgotten how easy it was to knock the leg armors off completely on this thing. Sorry, I'm working on shrinking it, in the meantime this is a good chance to check out the detail.
  18. Aw c'mon Graham, it's not that bad. Check it out, here's my "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!" Thing impression done with a Yammy 1/60 GBP
  19. Um, the YF-1R isn't black, it's an odd brown color. Are you saying you bought one to paint it black? The MPCs are just over-sized Bandai HCMs with a few minor tweaks (for the better) and a knee that swivels outward. Nothing special but not entirely lame.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, those are three Takatoku valks and one Bandai Strike on the USS Flagg. You can tell the Takatokus by the armor which was a lighter gray color. Bandai started making them bluer with their 1990 reissue and then again with their 2000ish reissue. Of course, the GBP was never reissued so that's gotta be original (although the valk might not be but seeing the rest of that collection, I'm pretty sure it is). Very nice and white chunkies Sephiroth!
  21. I just figured out a way to make the VF-1 MPCs not suck so bad. This is probably old news to everyone else but, just in case there's someone like me who hasn't stumbled across it, I thought I'd point it out. Some people have complained that the VF-1 MPC has floppy legs in fighter mode. While taking photos for a big project I noticed that the MPC has pegs just aft of the hip/intake (on what would be the battloid's back) that just barely plug into the legs with a little work. When these pegs are in the recesses in the legs it locks them into place. Sure, it's not the sturdiest lock in the world, but on the Ben Dixon I'm working on I can now lift it by the nose and shake gently without the legs falling down at all. Yes, shaking hard will probably still cause parts to fly somewhere
  22. So I did some math and determined the old Matchbox battlepods are roughly 1/60 in scale (somebody correct me if I'm wrong). So, I decided to practice using my new manually adjustable digital camera on a Battlepod fighting a 1/60 Yammy. Sounds like innocent fun right? It only took about 2 minutes for my 1/60 to spit up screw cover from its arm. Granted, the pic looks rough but I absolutely baby these things.
  23. Yep, I've been watching Max & Miriya's appendices go for $150 each and more at times! That's ludicrous. When a Max appendix demands the same price as a super Max 1/48 you know something is terribly wrong in this world. Be aware that Toynami has reissued Hikaru's armor already once, they may reissue all the armors again soon. After all, the armors were never described as a limited edition item and none of them are numbered.
  24. my problem with the Detolfs is they're not tall enough, not that they're not deep enough. Still, I could see how these could be incorporated into some cool set ups.
  25. The MPC Armor was better than Yamato's 1/60 armor (although, as mentioned previously, the leg armor has a tendency to pop off). That's just my opinion though as it really does seem to add a lot more to the appearance of the MPCs themselves and I prefer the smoother look. The 1/48 is, of course, king. Remember though, MPC armor used to be easy to get for $19.99 and now is selling for much more. Sometimes MPC armor sells for as much as 1/48 armor and that's just not right.
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