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Everything posted by jenius

  1. LOL, any time any one wants a good M7 bash thread you can count me in. If you're trying to instigate one I'm sure everyone else here on the board who has seen a thousand of them come and go will appreciate my honest response of "Yeah f*ckin' right."
  2. Well, all our heroes from SDF Macross did disappear. Not that I'm saying we should see that story, I'm just saying there certainly could be stories worth telling. Besides, what really happens in Macross Plus? It doesn't really add anything to the "universe" other than introducing two new mechs but it sure is fun to watch. Macross has a ton of potential but I think Mac7 was just awful and MacZero is only good visually. I too would be very afraid of what the next offering would be. I know i'd buy the toys for it
  3. I don't think that link works. If it's to the ebay auction, i also will be bidding
  4. Did somebody say Gakken?
  5. LOL! Myk, if this were true, I'd be having so much more sex these days. Wait... that ain't right.
  6. Welcome to the boards The Raven, just FYI, they don't allow images in signatures here. If I could venture a guess on Vermillion's behalf, his avatar looks like a modded Gakken 1/8 Stig Ride Armor (toy). This thread will have a link to it and many other cool Genesis Climber customs: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...461&hl=mospeada
  7. A Regult in 1/60 scale would be just shy of 10" tall. I agree whole-heartedly with this sentiment. It'd be really nice to see Yamato briefly focus on the enemy mecha for span. Release the TV version Q-Rau, release the various Glaugs and Regults, and release articulated character figures like they did for the Scopedog and Garland. I couldn't disagree more. If Yamato has gotten good enough to fit more things into smaller places then they should do it. I just wish the original 1/60 hadn't been so terrible because it'd be great to see the whole Mac universe done in that scale but a damn shame to have its corner piece be such a lame VF-1 toy.
  8. Oh thank God, I thought they were trying to make Mac7 into a live action flick or something...
  9. Here's a pic, hopefully not shrank down too much, of the Bandai 1990 VF-1S Super that shows all three landing gears: There's also a pic of my poor Milia that was supposedly minty...
  10. Yep, still springloaded. You just give em a slight nudge and they pop right open. Thanks Kanata, will PM later.
  11. If you want to see a Milia Taka up close I have one that needs to have its feet replaced. Do you have spare clean takatoku feet with the knowledge of how to replace them? I just need to replace the the part that the toy actually stands on in battloid mode as I bought one MIB from eBay... and I'm sure you know how that goes. If you think you might be able to help let me know and I'll post pics later.
  12. I could be completely wrong, I only own one of them and maybe someone slipped me a bootleg (but I really doubt it since mine too says Bandai on it). It looks to me like the Bandai 1990 was really an attempt to improve upon the original. The little landing gear doors that always became loose on Takatokus was simply removed and the whole thing was made a little more user friendly. The pics on this site suck but seem to concur that there just are no landing gear doors nor any mechanism to bring the gears down other than a mild pluck from a finger.
  13. That is exactly how the 1990 Bandai reissue super VF-1S should be. EDIT - I did a full photo shoot with a 1990 VF-1S the other night and can show you pics of what it looks like to confirm. You have to fish your fingers in a bit to release the landing gears. There are a few other give aways too, such as the locking mechanism for the swing bars and, as mentioned, the funky head sculpt. EDIT II - From my review of the toy on a website: "Removing Takatoku's original landing gear doors leaves gaping holes in the legs and nose of the fighter."
  14. Hey guys, glad you enjoy the pics! No doubt the 1/48 trumps all. There's a few little things I do like about some of the others though. The 1/60 comes with the stamped Reflex weaponry logo on the missiles. Seems a little odd that that would be missing from the 1/48s. The 1/60 and the MPC armor also comes with kite/jolly roger already on the fast packs. I know it's not on the 1/48 since they're sold separately and meant to be applicable to any valk but it's still a nice touch on those smaller versions. Finally, the MPC does have a couple little booster nozzles you can actually move around which is another nice touch. Still, the detail, paint application, and the little removeable missiles (not pictured) on the 1/48 are just too cool.
  15. very nice collection Toonz! You already got your LVII?? Lucky.
  16. What about Agent One's image of Graham out killing hobos, that was pretty funny. There were a few funny images in the "great moments in Anime done in MSPaint" thread too.
  17. Here it is, the evolution of the fastpack!
  18. Those are computer generated?
  19. Who buys from a guy with 50% feedback in the first place?
  20. Back in the mid 1980s my brother and I amassed a gi-normous Star Wars collection before switing to Transformers. When we switched to Transformers my parents told us they were putting all of our Star Wars toys in the garage to store them. We found out a few months later that that was code for selling them at a flea market for next to nothing. After I outgrew the transformers my parents moved them into the garage... and they still are in my garage now due to the tyrade my brother and I threw over the Star Wars toys.
  21. Well Toynami ripped off Takatoku's Paro-Valkyrie to do their morphers. They probably couldn't get permission from Bandai to do a jokemachine and these things would definitely cost a lot more to produce than those craptastic morphers.
  22. This thread needs a sense of humor. Perhaps some joke machines could help?
  23. I can't wait until the new Toynami 1/100s come out because I guarantee one of those will end up in my office. I'll probably just leave it in fighter mode and I doubt anyone will say anything. I would never bring any toy nicer than that though as I'm sure it'll yellow and be coated with dust in no time.
  24. The biggest problem has got to be the knees. I did a project once where I took one apart and used snips to remove plastic from a few areas so the toy wouldn't look so darn stiff and it was amazing how much more articulation I was able to get out of it. Seriously, all it takes is some minor trimming around the knees and this toy gets a lot better. I think it's a fun toy but I would definitley stop short of saying it's one of the better Macross toys out there. It's overly chunky, it feels cheap, landing gears are poo, and over all there's not much detail. Oh Yamato... if only you could make your own version of this beast in 1/60 scale....
  25. it's gonna take another month for the GBP Parts to come out for this thing???? ARGH!! I ordered my 1/60 OS, Super Stealth, GBP II, and LVII at the same time and all will be shipped when all items are out...
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