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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Wow great deal. If you wanna turn a quick profit on that I'm looking for one I was actually fortunate enough to get one eons ago for $400. The valk itself is minty white but the decals were applied and some have been worn off. I've been looking to replace it with a mintier one for quite some time now.
  2. Or you could have loaned it out to a recaster and then sold it and we'd all win Oh, except me, since I don't build models... but you know what I mean.
  3. Oh no you did not! The TV Q-Rau has several other differences besides the green paint. Wait, is that your point? What the hell happened to this thread. You kids drop this TV vs DYRL talk right now. You're giving me a headache and you're all WRONG. Why are you all wrong? Because I decree it so. Turns out, the only difference between DYRL valks and TV valks is whatever I tell you they are... and I'm not consistent so good luck. How do you know you like Macross toys too much? A) You have an entire room dedicated to them B) You have heated arguments with others about their forearms C) You know the differences between TV Q-Rau and DYRL Q-Rau besides color D) You've scored a "deal" on a toy that cost over $200 E) Even when English is your second language you're still willing to engage in verbal brawls over what is and isn't canon toy design in English. F) ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE This rant is completely non-sensical ignore it. So, how 'bout that Wood Land Valk eh? Don't you think the matching GBP is kinda silly since it will just cover the camo?
  4. Someone needs to buy it and display it next to a 1/35 Gakken Legioss. That'd be SCHWEET
  5. And knowing is half the battle! (Yes, that's a GI Joe reference)
  6. Not to question an obvious uber-collector, but I've found the bone white Taka, when no yellowing is present, still easily demands $400+. I do remember seeing one go for less than that but only once.
  7. For the record, I purchased my so mint it never seems to have been touched VF-1J Hikaru HCM for $220 before shipping. Box is immaculate and nothing has been removed from the sprues. A boxless one or one with minor yellowing will go for a lot less. I haven't seen one go for much above $220 though. Agent GHQ, nice pick up the other day on eBay. I placed my $480 bid just in time to tell me I was already outbid
  8. Nope, as mentioned previously, the MOSPEADA license resides with Toynami regardless of Tat's involvement. Toynami is the only toy manufacturer that can sell Genesis Climber Toys globally. I suppose it's possible HG could work out some other deal separately for Shadow Chronicles licensing but since Shadow Chronicles is heavily MOSPEADA-based (thus creating this very conversation) it would seemingly give Toynami grounds to sue HG and I think no one wants to go down that path.
  9. Super minty (almost) never touched =$185- $250ish (shipping might run it up higher) Minty clean everything present no dings - $160-$225ish Beyond that is a little too random to guess. EDIT - these can be found at prices lower than I've stated also, such would be the nature of eBay of course. I'm just giving averages from what I've seen.
  10. Isn't Tasunoko working with HG on Shadow Chronicles? I thought I had heard that and that was one of the items that lead to the rumors of Shadow Chronicles becoming GCM II in Japan. If they're working together than no doubt they've learned from the past and structured their deal more coherently.
  11. Harmony Gold owns the right to Genesis Climber MOSPEADA in Japan. They probably also own the rights to Southern Cross but I couldn't swear to it.
  12. Anybody notice like six VF-17Ds got posted on eBay today? Okay, it seemed like six... then again, it might have been one guy with technical difficulties who just kept reposting the same ad -
  13. This thread is worthless without pics... I'll try to post some
  14. Oh hey, that's great news! That reduces the number of official toys I don't own by one!
  15. Pat can correct me if i'm wrong Japanese: VF-1A Hik VF-1A Max VF-1S Hik Strike VF-1S Roy VF-1J Max VF-1J Milia American Robotech: VF-1J Max VF-1J Miriya VF-1S Roy
  16. Morphers feature arms that are permanently outstretched and slide on pegs outward. In fighter mode you push the pegs in and the legs go outside of them. To transform you swing the legs down and pull the arm pegs outward. The knees and elbows don't move on morphers. The "break apart" David referred to pretty much means the morpher has a hinge in the middle so to go from fighter mode you just apply pressure on either end and that opens the hinge. You then fold the ends together to form battloid mode.
  17. Um, rather than pissing and moaning why don't you prove me wrong. You're gonna have some pretty big hurdles to overcome though. HG is a private company and I'm not financing them so I don't have access to their financials. That said, they've been developing a new show, they no-doubt invested heavily in a toy company, and they're off advertising. You tell me which one of those doesn't deplete a budget. Besides, I didn't say they're broke, I merely implied they're better served being frugal. I suppose you think it makes good business sense to invest in a toy company with your license being the biggest thing it has going for it and then pull that license from them? Who's being ridiculous now? PS - find a single one of my posts where I've ever bashed HG or jumped the wagon on anything Macross vs. Robotech. My comment stemmed from common sense, not bashing. When you put it that way, it does sound terrible. The way I heard it was different though. More like a legal stalemate was reached with Toycom being dead in the water. The Sohn jumping ship/Yamato acquisition was then a convenient way of resolving everything. So, having heard it that way, that's why I said it didn't sound backhanded... more like the only way out that didn't completely screw Sohn.
  18. I don't think the deal that bore Toynami was "backhanded" at all. Toynami has no small roots in HG and HG's attempt to try to maintain the American market free of Japanese competition but it didn't seem like either company was ever sneaky about it. That said, Toynami likely represents no small expenditure for a depleted HG budget so it'd have to take some real convincing for them to pull their licensing. However, that doesn't mean the license needs to be kept exclusive. What if Toynami became the future source of 1/100, superposeable, and Shadow Chronicle toys and Yamato was provided the license to distribute the 1/48 series and 1/60 series?? Sounds like a winning situation for everyone... EXCEPT Bandai who would then sue the asses off of everyone.
  19. You'll get one. At the very least there's gotta be a line of superposeables right? Seriously, what the hell does Toynami spend their days doing??? I think they're keeping very mum while they wait for the Shadow Chronicles to get figured out. Once HG makes their "big" announcement I think Toynami is going to show off a bunch (think 2) of new prototypes and start scheduling new release dates so all the new marketing efforts can coincide/benefit from/with each other. Okay, a lot of that might be wishful thinking but I refuse to believe Toynami is just twiddling their thumbs right now.
  20. Gotcha, pro M7 is okay, anti M7 is not okay. That sounds fair. When my comments seem completely unprovoked, you let me know. For a guy who hates the series I think I was completely amicable about the whole thing (until my "crap" filled response to Roy). You obviously haven't been a member long. Then again, maybe with AgentONE no longer here maybe there's hope.
  21. M7 sucks compared to Plus regardless of how it was conceived but I give you points for being the first to initiate that defense of Mac7... Crappier animation + crappier characters + crappier (sans VF-17) mech designs + crappier villains + crappier plot = crappier story. I could crap in a box and claim it was inspired by Macross and label it Macross, it doesn't make it good. Then again, if I took something good and labeled it Macross it doesn't make it worse. Did we decide this wasn't a Mac7 bashing thread? I'll stop. Edit - Tone, sounds harsh, not meant to be. Second Edit - Grammar, doesn't look good to bash and type like a retard.
  22. Anything with SW1 has potential to garble the backstory even more. What interpretation is correct? SDF Mac, DYRL, or New Show? I really don't think anything has been "covered" by the video games. While the video games do have nice little plots (from what I hear) they certainly don't serve as an impediment from animating a story. The point about Mac+ kinda shows that there's really nothing stopping more stories from being made.
  23. There have been LOTS of Mac7 threads. If anyone is honestly curious about it and wants to know if they should dedicate the time and energy into seeing the show I highly advise them to use the search feature here and give those threads a read. Really though, as with any artistic medium, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if you have a ton of free time and love anything else Macross I would certainly encourage you to watch it and come up with an opinion of your own. Then, if your opinion differs from my own, we will all know how stupid you are (yes, this sentence is a joke) EDIT - My point = don't let M7 derail this thread too much
  24. C'mon, that's being a bit of a stickler isn't it? I kinda hate calling it "limited version" because then it's an LV instead of an LE. What do you have then. An LV LV. Do we just call it the LV squared? Is the LV an LE? No, the LV is an LV? Who's on first? That's what I'm trying to tell you!
  25. LOL, any time any one wants a good M7 bash thread you can count me in. If you're trying to instigate one I'm sure everyone else here on the board who has seen a thousand of them come and go will appreciate my honest response of "Yeah f*ckin' right."
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