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Everything posted by jenius

  1. well, seems like you're not really asking a question of any type so I guess no one understands how you would like to respond. One way or another, hello and welcome.
  2. Well, you have to watch the whole thing just in case there's some dramatic turn around where everything starts getting cool. I think, in order to properly be able to render a judgement, you should at least give the entire show a chance (unless it reaches some hideous point of no return). In the case of Macross, it's a Macross show so no matter how bad it gets we WANT to believe it's going to turn around and be cool at some point.
  3. YES!!! That's all I have to say.
  4. What's this talk about a VF-11? This thread is about the VF-1. I think Mephis is talking about the VF-1 but the first quote seems to be off target.
  5. Sorry, I should have been more clear. Yamato made the Focker VF-1S in 1/60 scale. That toy, however, comes with a head sculpt that looks like it was done by someone who had never seen the show. The head is squashed and just all around looks horrible. You can see pics here: VF-1S So, I would like Yamato to actually put some effort into a new head that looks like the one in the series (simply scaling down the 1/48 one would be perfect) and then sell a Strike Hikaru VF-1S, a Super TV Focker VF-1S, and a Max VF-1S that's perfectly variable.
  6. You got that backward, the Max 1A was the one that first implemented the fixes to the errors. The major problem with the first releases are the nosecone and wingflaps fall off in a breeze.
  7. Here's an idea, how about if they just released versions of the perfect variable 1/60 that didn't get the imperfect version? We could get the following in perfect style: 1) Hikaru VF-1S (with new head!) 2) Max VF-1S (to do battle with our red QRau) 3) Hayao! 4) Gray Focker VF-1S TV I'm sure they could come up with some others -
  8. search for the word "exhaustive" and you'll find a list of all the 1/48 releases and when they happened.
  9. You know, I am so careful with my Valks but my GPB one just had the BP8 go... I guess I must have handled the backpack a bit tough. Anyway, PM sent to Neova.. or if anyone has a glue suggestion, like above, I'd love to hear it - EDIT - trying "cement for plastic models" Testors style first... Oh God I hope this works
  10. I HATE removeable parts. I don't even like removing the intake shields on the 1/48 VF-1 series. I would MUCH prefer a landing gear that could be extended in some way or another. Spring loaded would certainly be cool but there are a dozen ways to accomplish it and I really wouldn't care which one they went with... just don't make me go digging for my box everytime I decide to display it in a different mode.
  11. GTV is advertising that they will have the scoop on the TF moving from the San Diego con in a couple weeks... or something like that, it was pretty late last night when i saw the commercial. "NEXT SUMMER'S BIGGEST MOVIE, and we have the scoop!"
  12. Is the landing gear really such a big deal? Why not make the landing gear collapsible? Have it so that you extend it outward and twist to lock it. Boom, landing gear size problem solved and you didn't have to ugly up the entire front of a jet to do it.
  13. Will they sell a big mechanical horse for that thing to ride. I mean seriously, I haven't seen a gap like that since... well, let's not go there. I'm just kinda teasing a bit. I do think there are a few rough spots, and I did prefer the CAD design the other member did that was a bit narrower with upward sloped shoulders, but I do think it's well on its way to being great. The pelican area is definitely the biggest turn off, I really liked the sleekness of the Mac+ valks and that pelican gut kinda does away with that.
  14. That fits in the "If it's not a 2-seater" section.
  15. You're not the first person to think that: 1/48 Jetfire Click it!
  16. I think LEs are badges of honor for the true diehards of the hobby. A lot of people shun LEs because they're abnormal in someway (not canon or otherwise unique) so the real diehards pick them up. If anything it benefits the diehards 'cause years later, when the investors have driven the price up, the diehards can reap the gains also. I don't find your fight against the LE so noble... if people are afraid of missing out they shouldn't hesitate. Besides, it's a great way for the company itself to make more money on the product through a reduced production run by slapping a higher MSRP on it, thus we get toys that otherwise wouldn't have made the cut.
  17. Thank you for the pic, I honestly had no idea what the Big Track was. At first I was thinking of the O'Mega Supreme transformer... then I remembered that crazy name!
  18. Very good chance it could be. Then again, a lot of people may have Macross toy treasures they've stumbled across or may have a special Macross toy that was their favorite growing up. I think it's kind of an amoebus topic but if someone wants to move it I wouldn't argue.
  19. jenius


    get an original low vis If that's not in the equation, then just get whichever you prefer. I would say the Strike Stealth likely will get hard to find at some point in the near future so if that tickles your fancy I wouldn't hesitate too long on it.
  20. So I'm at my folks house right now. I keep my toy collection here 'cause they have a heck of a lot more room than I do and I'd hate to have my toys salt my game with the ladies. Anyway, I'm working on the computer and my father tells me to come down and check out this box he found while cleaning out an old storage bin. Turns out it's my three favorite toys from my childhood - So, that made me wonder, you guys ever have a similar experience? What was your favorite toys growing up? EDIT - I should mention that I actually owned two Jetfires. One I bought like the instant it was available and had the Macross symbol and everything. Unfortunately, I left it out a lot and before long it had no arms and was a deep yellow. Then a buddy of mine sold me his for like $5. Well, there it is in the box... but I can tell you, it also is missing its arms
  21. I went VF-17 but I'd certainly be happy with any.
  22. um, you're gonna have to try again on this poll. Each option needs to be its own line. EDIT - nevermind, you already realized this.
  23. jenius

    1/48 Gbp

    Of course.
  24. With the exception of the Ben Dixon, and maybe the Miriya Sterling, the 1/60 Yamatos have been selling for less than the MPCs for quite some time now. The only 1/60s that catch any sort of price at all are the supers, strike, elint, ostr, and GBP+1J.
  25. jenius

    1/48 Gbp

    I'm diggin' the deep chocolate brown on the chest and sleeves.
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