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Everything posted by jenius

  1. wow, that's fresh and clean. Is that the bootleg or genuine TT? I haven't looked at mine in a while but something is striking me as different... (probably just my cruddy memory though)
  2. Yep, that's all I meant to say. If you use aftermarket ones, especially if you give 'em the clearcoat treatment or something, I'm sure your toy will be a looker for a good long while. I have no patience for decal work nor do I trust myself so I keep my babies as sticker free as possible. They may look a little more plain that way but I've actually grown to really appreciate the dressed down look. I also know that fifteen years from now if a sticker falls off or something like that I won't be left with a little portion of plastic that looks brighter than the rest and I won't have a bunch of stickers looking like they want to jump ship (again, something someone who uses aftermarket stuff probably won't have to worry about either).
  3. No doubt, stickers help a lot, especially aftermarket ones. Unfortunately, some of the vintage toys I have with their stickers applied look worse for the wear so I keep mine sticker free.
  4. Neat camo LV! You need to extend his gun though!
  5. Well, I try to refrain from posting pics of my collection 'cause most of them have already been posted in other threads but I recently rearranged my Mac+ valks to let the YF-21 do the John Woo thing - LOL - tell me this display isn't a little too crowded. I have so much rearranging to do once the new YF-19 (and inevitable VF-19A) come out in 1/60... This is how I used to have 'em... I think the display looks less cramped here:
  6. Holy Joons Batman! Nice pic
  7. Here's the real brain twister for you: HCM = Toynami MPC Get this though... Toynami straight ripped off the HCM and IMPROVED it. So, think to yourself, how bad do you want an HCM?
  8. I don't know about you guys but I would pay $120 NOT to go to court. I mean, $120 is about half a day's work if you're making the Bay Area average any way. Besides, I hate myself for not remembering, but the traffic school I took online took all of one hour to complete. PIECE OF CAKE. I'm admittedly a bad driver (I think other people suck but they have better records than me, that's for sure) and I just pay the piper, take the school, and move on. Now that I started collecting toys I can tell you that I'm definitely a slower driver though. As you said, one ticket = one yammy (or groceries if you're into eating).
  9. That pilot is definitely not standard issue... it's better than the original fo' sho'
  10. Nice pics... What's the Jokemachine toy? is that a version 2.0 or a modified recast or what?
  11. You want a bump??? I'll give you a bump! All pics are from my reviews HERE
  12. jenius

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    Shortly after I purchased my elint to finish my collection I thought I had a hemorroid, turns out it was just the stinging from taking up the arse still bothering me. I know where you're coming from.
  13. Did you see the Yamato 1/60 in those pics??? Now that sir, is FUGLY. I mean, compare the heads of the two. Maybe the head isn't perfect on the 1/100 but it's oh.... ONE BILLION times better than on the wittle Yammy. The proportions are a bit chunky, I think we need some close ups of just the toy though. The first joint in the arms below the shoulders does look a little funky.
  14. Touche! My point was really just to say that the speculation still goes both way and that people should neither be too discouraged nor very encouraged at this point. It wasn't at AX and that's all we know for sure. Was it gone because it's being retooled? Was it gone because it's been scrapped? All we have is idle RT.com speculation there. I definitely remember hearing that but I didn't realize it was the destroids that had prompted that discovery.
  15. I just stumbled upon the receipt of my BRAND SPANKIN' NEW HCM and I bought it for $220 AFTER shipping. So the original purchase price was $210. Still, I watched a few HCM auctions a while back and the starting price was $190 shipped and they both worked there way up to about $210 ('cause shippin' from Singapore cost $$). In the end, I think it's pretty safe bet to say the average price for a minty HCM is a hair over $200 but certainly not as high as $300. ShadoweverV2, market price only means something to those who exercise a fair amount of patience and are shopping right now. Obviously it fluctuates quite a bit and boils down to how much the money holder is willing to part with for whatever the reason. EDIT - A minty VF-1A just went up on eBay for $192 shipped
  16. WORST.CHARACTERS.EVER There were a few things that made me nearly spit milk out my nose the first time I watched Mac7. The guitar controls, the face on the valk, the boobs on the valk, the stereo gunpod, the giant speaker add-ons, the episode dedicated to Mylene's panties, Gamlin's "I'm better than Christ" resurrection, the initial Protodevlin flyin' through space, but then I made it to those two Protodevlin that laugh and teleport and that's when it hit me... it's not just a really bad series, it HAS to be a joke. Either a joke or it's aimed at a much younger audience 'cause I actually think it might have been fun for a very young kid. That's probably where the truth lies anyway, it seems shows aimed at children make more money and we adult Macross fans had already been spoiled by the more adult-orient DYRL, MacII, and Mac+ (although the latter was kinda simultaneous right?).
  17. It's been so long since I've seen the pictures that I can't say for sure. I was under the impression though that they were new figures developed as part of the Superposeable lines. If they really were reissues of the old toys than yeah, I'm fine with them not being released. Honestly, it'd take a wonderful destroid toy for me to consider buying it so I'm not crying either way.
  18. First, I want the Hik VF-1S!!! Man, everywhere I look though they want like $50 for it and I know it's not worth that. If anyone picked up extras LET ME KNOW! Actually, I think Bobe said that the armors count as volumes too so far we have: 0 - Hik VF-1S 1-3 - Hik 1A, Max 1A, Roy 1S 3-6 - Hik 1J, Max 1J, Miria 1J 7-9 - Hik, Miria, Max Fastpack TV 10 - Hik Strike Armor DYRL Does it strike anyone odd that the Fastpacks are hybrids? They come with strike cannons... that's cool. Why doesn't Toynami color the leg armor like Yamato does? They also left the leg armor grey on their MPC releases. Don't forget, Toynami has a nasty habit of claiming things will make it to production and then not following through with it so let's all just keep our fingers crossed. The good news is if they keep releasing these as 3 part sets then it'll be a lot easier for them to make unpopular valks and ship them with a sure seller. For example, we might get a Hayao 1A with a Max 1S and a CF or something like that. Either way, I'll delay excitement until I've actually handled one.
  19. Hey, as much as I'd love to be optomistic here, we should also hedge our optimism by remembering the Destroids, SDF-1, and Cyclones that they started work on and have never finished. If I'm not mistaken, the Destroids and SDF-1 both made public appearances before they got S*itcanned so it's not like the Beta would be the first. I wonder if Toynami claims they're still working on those other items though.
  20. jenius


    I sent a PM to Neova but he posted a while back that he'd be too busy to respond to PMs until the end of July.
  21. There's nothing but misinformation over at RT.com, whether it's what Nightmare tells you or anyone else. The last place you should look for anything concrete on either The Shadow Chronicles or the happenings of Toynami is RT.com. The HG folks don't seem too optomistic though so read from that what you will, Toynami, for its part, still keeps claiming they're making one.
  22. I kinda think the "Buy a book" line of thought is a bit silly. First, I can't read Kanji and i'm not even sure I just spelled it right. Second, the absolute only thing I'd be interested in is the lineart. Since every book probably only contains a few pieces of plain lineart it seems like I'd be spending a lot for a small return. Third, I don't even own a scanner. So, if someone has been putting up like ten instances of lineart from the ten Macross-related books over the year you could see how hugely beneficial that'd be. All that said, if there was one book that was just plain lineart and nothing else at a reasonable price I could very easily be talked into buying it. I think the whole idea of piracy is a little lame here too. Remember libaries? Everyone used to just go in, take a book, and return it when they were done and pay like $1 a year for the priveledge? Seriously, if this book did exist I would use it for like a week and then I'd never need it again. In lieu of it ever being at a library I wouldn't find it so terrible for it to be archived online somewhere.
  23. Somebody on RT.com said that the word from Toynami is that they're completely retooling and still expecting to make a 1/55 transformable Beta toy.
  24. I was looking for this also. I wanted to compare Macross toys to their lineart in a few reviews on my website but it's hard to find lineart and when you do it's tough to know whether or not it's official.
  25. The old Macross toy was 1/3000 scale and when totally erect it's a bit larger than a 1/48.
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