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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Nice mods to that chunky. I'll have to post some unmodded chunky pics in the coolest poses I could manage when I have a chance.
  2. Protoculture?
  3. While I do enjoy seeing everyone's pics, we currently have a bit of mayhem going on in the managing of them. How many threads do we have? We have the "Display your Collections", "Strike a Pose", "1/60, 1/72, 1/48 Gallery", and then we have other threads for vintage stuff and jokemachines. It is a bit much at times. That's just an observation though, I certainly wouldn't want to discourage anyone. It shall be done! Afraid that even if I wanted to rush I couldn't though Too much work mixed with vacations, friends weddings, and CPA cramming. I appreciate the enthusiasm though! I love the "ugliest" thread.
  4. The vast majority of it is just clips taken straight from the series. To my knowledge it hasn't been subtitled either but the dialogue isn't very important. The whole show consists of Yellow remembering what happened in between glimpses of him performing a show and what Sorji is doing back at home. Then, Yellow goes to meet her at home and the rest of the crew meets him there. IIRC they simply made the entire cast couples now so Jim is dating Mint, Rei is with Houquet, and Stig is with Aisha. It's been a while since I've seen it so I might not be dead on.
  5. While I think Haterist wanted us to avoid consideration of these kinds of issues when making the decision of which toy offered the best rendition of each mode, I totally feel your pain. The legs tend to be a bit loose and the top a bit heavy... eventually the thing tries to do the splits or topples forward or back. With some patience and a surface with some decent grip though you can still pull off some nice poses.
  6. I fully support everyone who is upset about the stand. I think it sucks. Sure, I'm not using my stand at the moment, but I could totally see where that'd be way lame. I also agree, I prefer these to the MPCs. I'll go a step further, when considering price, I think I'm prefering them now to Bandai chunky reissues and Yamato 1/60s also... I'm not sure... it's honestly a tough decision. If the legs and arms were more solidly attached I think the 1/100 would be an easy choice.
  7. I don't get how anyone could like the 1/60 in battloid mode from the chest down. Sure, the head (not 1S), shoulders, and arms are nice... but everything else is lame. No knees, the legs rotate at the calf, the crotch is pointy, and the hip mechanisms are ugly. Look at the gaps and seams on the legs... yuck. To each their own I suppose.
  8. I'm not endorsing this method but, since it'll never get a US release I don't frown upon it too much either. LLA can be found fairly easily for download and I imagine there's lots of freeware out there that'd let you convert it to a DVD. I absolutely suck with computers and I managed to download it.
  9. Danth, I see what you're talking about now and yes, my fighter mode pic for the 1/100 is a bit sloppy. Thanks for the heads-up. When I get the others in I'll be taking more pics so hopefully i'll have better reference pics then. In the meantime, thanks again to the member that pointed out the Banpresto legs and the A stance in GERWALK, I put an example of this in my Banpresto review on my site. I've been so dreading doing the monkey shoots... when I do a shoot I take 40 +/- shots of each toy. Since there are 5 monkeys that's 200 pics I'll be taking. When you throw in the unpacking, transforming, posing, putting back away that's a large investment of time... but it'll be happening soon If I do two a week over the next few weeks it shouldn't be so bad. The whole process really helps me out when it comes to putting my little blurbs about the toys online too.
  10. Sidearms, i'll check mine out momentarily and see if I can't correct that gun droop. In the meantime I finally added a Banpresto review on might site if someone wants to check out this toy's closest competition. Yes, this post is a shameless plug. Sidearms, I just checked, yes, I could have improved the angle of the gun.
  11. Well, here's the thing, I'm sitting here playing with one on my desk and I still can't understand where your problem is with the swing bar. It's locked in place in battloid mode without any bumps or whatever so is the problem for you in one of the other modes? Are you sure you didn't hold a Banpresto? On those I could totally see what you're talking about (I also have one of those on my desk) and yes, in battloid mode the swingarms do slop about on Banprestos.
  12. Wow, you are awesome. "Just 'cause I don't like to nitpick toys doesn't mean I'm not a complete ass." Go you, you really bring a lot to a conversation.
  13. Eugimon gets very angry when anyone implies Yamato isn't perfect or could do something more to make their toys better. You would think he is the actual employee at Yamato who made the decision at some point in the design process not to angle the wings down a tad... It's just a toy, consider the criticism constructive, accept that other people have different tastes, and RELAX. Do the wings on the SD YF-19 in your avatar point downward?
  14. I really fail to see any problem with the swing bar and am mystified why it causes you such heartache. I assure you, in battloid it's quite locked in place. You're arguing for something that would make the front of the toy uglier without there being any real need for it (the very essence of poor engineering). A more legitimate complaint would by to wonder why they didn't include some mode of fixing mechanism to the top of the intakes to the bottom the of the plane. I have to imagine they felt it'd make the toy more poseable in GERWALK to omit them.
  15. I could see where you felt that I was making that statement about you but I really wasn't. It just seems, in general, that a lot of people expressing dislike of this valk, both here and on other boards, are holding it to an unrealistically high expectation as if they were going to receive a miniaturized 1/48. If people started by expecting a larger, better looking, more sturdy Banpresto for only slightly more than the Banprestos then their reaction would likely be one of far greater enthusiasm. Maybe if they were starting from the viewpoint of the 1/60s they'd also be happy, the legs on my 1/60 always come off when I transform it I'm left to wonder if you feel any 1/100 scale toy could be made that you didn't find crappy. In that small of a scale certain compromises need to be made. Proportions will get thrown off to accomodate the parts used for transformation. The price point would necessitate a "snap together" construction. Snap together construction allows pull-apart deconstruction and from what I can tell it's pretty limited on these little guys and it never happens when they're in one mode or another, only during transformation if you're trying to fly through it.
  16. I think Darkwater also kind of hit on something, it sounds like this OVA is meant to be part of a series (Oh God, can you imagine how long that series would take to come out???). So, it's like watching the first three episodes of MacrossZero or some other small series like that and then reviewing it. Obviously, the story will have sucked, the characters will feel undeveloped, and the resolution will be unsatisfactory.
  17. Yamato has an excellent track record at making necessary adjustments. Since that's the case most members here don't seem to mind their initial SNAFUs. The 1/48 is a brilliant product and its release has defintely caused many members to develop brand loyalty (or fanboyism if you prefer). I've never really been a fan of brand loyalty, I think it's a lazy concept unfit of capitalism, but Yamato has definitely been doing the right thing regardless. How many members have had the following problems: 1/48 crooked skulls on tailfins 1/48 broken BP8 1/60 screw covers that aren't glued in properly 1/60 froppiness 1/60 GBP with a crotch that needs tape to stay on 1/72 VF-11Bs with broken hips 1/72 tab B 1/72 paint that seems to jump off the product I'd list Toynami's known issues but it'd take too long and it seems to be completley random. When I buy an MPC, I have no idea what part is likely to have a problem, at least Yamato is consistent with their QC bugs. So anyway, the 1/100 seems to have an issue that a few members have run into. People who weren't going to buy these to begin with have another excuse for not buying it. People who were going to buy it might still want to think of what percentage of people are having a problem and what measures can be done to be a bit on the safer side with the potential problem. Well, sometimes you also just need a point of reference also. "This toy feels cheap." It is cheap. "This toy has problems." What toy doesn't? It also seems that some people detracting from the 1/100 want to compare it to the 1/48 which isn't exactly a level playing field.
  18. LOL, the second review makes me totally want to see this. It almost sounds like the guy is reviewing a sequel to The Bible. "Robotech was bigger than GI Joe and Transformers and now they've ruined it!" Um, no, Robotech was not. I think this reviewer may be just a bit too into Robotech and may have had their expectations a bit too high. Still, if it's craptacular enough to get 1/5 stars from the dude then I know I'm going to be amused by it one way or the other. I think all we're missing now is a review by the "HG can do no wrong!" guy and we will be able to gleam a collective nothing from three different reviews.
  19. Anything that doesn't strictly fall under the name Macross gets placed into the Other Anime section. While Genesis Climber MOSPEADA was out not long after Macross it has no connection to that series other than the company that made it. Thus, it's not a Macross cartoon so it goes in the Other Anime section. If you were to discuss Robotech's The Macross Saga it would also end up in Other Anime. If it ain't Macross, it's Other Anime. Not that I'm a mod or anything, but that's how I understand it.
  20. It's been a while since I looked at my Yammy 1/48s but aren't the skulls painted on? That's actually a moot point, in my other post I meant to refer to the stickers included with these 1/100s. If the choice was between a puffy painted on skull or a sticker of similar quality to the ones packaged with the toy then I think they chose wisely. EDIT - note, i still don't like the puffy skull and wish they wouldn't have used it also... but again, you barely notice it after you handle it once.
  21. Picture too big... must be shrunk... page takes too long to view... If you don't have software to shrink then maybe you have software that will simply let you crop out the four inches on the right where nothin's going on?
  22. Your entire decision whether or not to buy this product boiled down to how sturdy the additional stand would be and the fact a few people have had a problem has completely turned you off to it? People got 1/48 Yamatos without a heatshield, do you know how craptastic that would be? Honestly, the 1/100 is not for everyone though... I'm actually a little surprised how much importance people are putting on the stands though. None of your other toys even come with stands, how do you cope? The puffy heatshield is really not nearly as noticeable as you might think but I too am at a loss for why they would do such a thing. I think it beats it being a sticker though... especially a crappy sticker. I'm not sure sanding would help, it's kind of a rubber material and I think if you tried to sand it it'd just fall apart on you. Besides, there is a principal here worth being upset over. Companies shouldn't ship products that don't withstand the rigors of what should be anticipated usage.
  23. One thing I've always hated about Robotech is their insisting upon using this trick. In the actual animation it's not too bad, Dana is M&M's kid, no big deal. The books though seemed to connect everyone to someone else. Sure, it's a much smaller world, that doesn't mean every character has to directly relate to the 10-15 characters who were previously established as being important a generation ago. It sounds like this film is exactly what MWers should be looking for. Those who hate RT will be able to blast the show for having crappy animation and an uninviting storyline and those who like RT will enjoy the obscure references and the sentimental return of some characters. For me, I'm just thrilled it sounds watch-able and that potentially means we might see toys for it
  24. Okay, let's not forget that lots and lots of these have been sold and so far we have only a few complaints about the stands. Remember, people complain much more readily than praise so you will ALWAYS hear more negative than good about any new product. That said, there's a legitimate complaint here, I'm just saying we should not rush out and say "Crap, the stands for every one of these Toynami Valks is useless." They might just have a casting process for these little ball-type joint-thingies that left some too thin. Yes, that sucks, but it doesn't mean everyone's will fall apart. Too bad Toynami's track record doesn't indicate they'll provide reinforced ones in the future.
  25. Are you sure it wasn't a Takatoku or Bandai 1/100 toy? The other option would be one of the Henkei Convertors or Takatoku toys? Those were pretty small and ugly though.
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