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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Didn't this precedent get set with the 1/60s?? That's where the infamous Super Hik 1J first appeared. Hik 1J in 1/60 only was released as a GBP or a super... never as a standard valk. My take on it is that Yamato just does a Hik Super 1J to recoup the costs of doing the Max & Miriya Super 1Js... everything gets more cost effective if it's for more units.
  2. I feel kind of dirty looking at the YF-19 lineart from the angle in David's post.
  3. What really drove the craziness of Yamato's price home for me was when I was sitting here thinking how crazy the price of the PS3 was. I was thinking "Man, that's stupid, I'm gonna wait until that thing drops $200 in price to pay for it." Then I got my email from Neova (Anthony) telling me I owed $450 for various Yamato products. Hmm, a few toys that I can throw on a shelf or a small computer that plays blu-ray DVDs... man, I need to start spending my money more wisely.
  4. I hope this isn't too true because I purchased a 1S Roy's BP8 to replace my broken Hikaru's 1J's
  5. I put up the review for the 1D. I also added the scale subcategory to my site to make searching for this kind of thing easier in the future. To see all of the Yammy 1/60 VF-1 products on one page, go here.
  6. Yamato got better very rapidly. Toynami has clearly not gotten better so rapidly (although I'd say they're taking baby steps as the MPC VF-1 to Alpha to Voltron and VF-1 1/100 all seem to show improvements over their predecessors). Still, I would hope that as Toynami turns profits it is able to reinvest that money in itself and improve in a manner similar to Yamato and one day actually compete with Yamato. If that were to happen it would force both companies to be more innovative and certainly force Yamato to start considering how much its asking for its toys...
  7. My thoughts exactly and honestly, like many others on these boards I'm sure, my time to play games has been so limited that there are still tons of PS2 games I want to get to but haven't. As a result, I'm pretty confident I can spend the next year getting caught up on cool PS2 games I meant to play while the PS3 builds its library and drops in price.
  8. Looks like the knees need to be inverted a bit for the battloid to stand straight... I hope that's just the pose they were going for but with the angle of the back I wouldn't be surprised if it were necessary
  9. I figured as much but just in case someone does want to take that and run with it as a good idea... I say no. Collapsing landing gears I support, magnetic missiles I oppose.
  10. Missiles with magnetic hard points?? That *sounds* like the worst idea ever. Maybe they could amaze me and pull it off but seriously, if you own a Yamato 1/48 Super then you no how much a pain in the rear missiles can be to get to stay on and stay straight. I have a hard time believing magnets would work better than the "insert pole in hole" approach. If all the missiles do is get crooked and fall off then it'd be more frustrating then having no missiles at all (although I guess the missiles would still help for static displays).
  11. I think Graham was misinformed about the 2nd edition of the VF-0S... either that or there's a 1.5 run of them. My understanding now is that both the 0S 2nd edition and 0A are due out in a couple weeks... but I'm betting it takes longer than that. Then again, if I had to trust me or Graham, I'd go with Graham, but I've heard from a couple vendors now that they got additional units to ship but have not yet received a 2nd edition of the 0S.
  12. Did a quick check at macrossnexus and, from their listing order, what you say could definitely be true.
  13. Honestly, it's been a few years since I even tried this so I can't even tell you what emu I was using any more. I ended up resolving the issue by just hooking up my old system and playing them the way they were intended and everything worked fine. I remember Dark Wizard would do all the opening cinemas on the emu and let you play the first battle but then would freeze rather than going on to the second battle. I think Shining Force screwed me worse, I believe it was either the last battle or the mid point of the game or something like that where it'd just refuse to load the next chapter. Man, that ticked me off somethin' fierce. All the games are originals though.
  14. If Popbox is working with Toynami wouldn't they try to build a 1/55 Zent to go with the MPCs before a 1/48 one? I think they ought to make all the Mospeada characters and then Toynami could release MPC Cyclones that mate to them and finally live up to the MPC name.
  15. You sure? I thought the Hik 1A released in 2001 was the first and the TRU was the 4th after the Max 1A. This website's toy section seems to back that conclusion as well (although I admittedly gave it quite the cursory parousal).
  16. I thought the deal was that Nintendo's first party games will all be non-regional and everything else will be left at the developer's discretion. The real trick for this system is going to be Nintendo's ability to woo developers to Wii... seems like everyone's been leaving them ever since the end of the SNES. There are Sega-CD emulators out there for computers but I've had a lot of problems with them. I pulled out Dark Wizard and Third World War and both of them ended up glitching eventually. I think even Shining CD gave me problems. If I bought a Sega-CD emulator for the Wii (not that one has even been considered yet) I would sure hope they'd make it more reliable. A Saturn emulator would be fantastic... but that system was so complex that developers hated it and that probably bodes very poorly for emulation.
  17. How many different pics of the same toy do you really need? I think people stopped posting pics because pics of it in every mode have been put up. I could spam the thread with tons of pics if you like... I just don't see a call for it. I just think your perspective is skewed because you probably have your expectations set too high. If you compare it to anything other than a Yamato 1/48 it looks decent. If you then consider it's about half the size and cost of those other valks you could compare it to *I* think it looks even better. I'm certainly not saying it's fan-diddily-tastic, but it's better than the MPC and I think it's more fun than a Yamato 1/60 or a chunky. For you though, you don't seem to have any financial worries when it comes to collecting, and you obviously have the space, so you're right, why bother with a smaller toy that's not even trying to compete with the 1/48?
  18. Pretty sure it was the end of 2001 that Yamato began releasing the 1/60 VF-1 toy. I'm sure someone else has a better answer for you though. This link is kind of neat from MW's own toy section: 1/60 prototypes
  19. Actually, I think the only post you'd HAVE to read is this one: 1/60 write up
  20. Go to my website's VF-1 section for Yamato branded toys by clicking here and then scroll to the bottom of the page. You'll see a write-up on the 1/60 elintseeker and then, if you click "previous entries" at the bottom of the page you can see write-ups on all of Yamato's other 1/60 products. Read them and you'll get a feel for the differences like which ones come with pilots, which ones have cooler guns, which ones have cooler arms, etc. My review on the 1/60 VF-1D is going to be my next post this weekend... that's why you won't see it there yet. For the record, the Max one you just got would be under the write-up for "original releases."
  21. How does one "clean up" photos? Do you have a software you'd recommend? I'd love to start doctoring up my photos a bit or switching out colors or editing out backgrounds but I would have no idea where to begin....
  22. I'm confused, everyone in here is mentioning a 2nd edition 0S but Neova states they won't be released until the end of September. Did I miss something?
  23. My buddy just remodeled his house and added a bar downstairs complete with the Super-Off-Road arcade machine and I must say... that's the way to go. Cranking those wheels and throwing elbows at your buddies while getting plastered is sure a heck of a lot more fun than sitting in the living room. Too bad you can't pick up an arcade machine for like $200 though...
  24. I finally got my chunkies up on www.anymoon.com, lots of pics of old school stuff up there now for anyone who feels like surfing Read: another shameless plug.
  25. Why must people insist upon de-valuing their own opinion by degenerating into profanity-laced rants and child-like antics? I was genuinely getting bummed about the state of this script but after the last couple paragraphs I'm forced to wonder if this guy isn't just really angry because this movie isn't being made exactly as HE would make it. Then again, he does point out some terrible-sounding stuff... I just wish he would have stopped writing a bit sooner.
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