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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Yeah, that auction looked terribly shading. Black credit card valk.... with Stealth Strike Parts! Bare in mind, this was before the stealth parts were available separately...
  2. I remember Nintendo made an announcement once upon a time that they wouldn't be pursuing ROM distributors of their Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games nearly as much as their competitors seemed to be. Their logic was that their portable games were cool because they were portable and that would keep people buying them regardless of the ROM community. I bring this up because I don't think Nintendo will be restricting anything in fear of competing with their portable products... they don't really think anything on a console can compete with their portable products. As much as I like compilations, I find that 90% of the time they include a bunch of games I could care less about. If it's $50 for 50 games then I'd rather I choose the 50 then some dude in a suit... even if it requires my downloading those 50. I think they should just do the "Pay $9.95 a month to play any game in our catalog" trick.
  3. Like some of the others, I give them points for effort. This is something they're doing out of love of at least one franchise so that's honorable. Sure, the designs might not be something up my alley, but you have to admit that just about any new mech design would look similar to something already out there. Think of the preponderance of mech shows out there and how funky something would have to look to seem completely originally... especially if it's still going to transform into a jet.
  4. I thought you had to have a special Macross version of the card or something to qualify for the Macross 1/48 prize???
  5. jenius


    That's perty Rodavan.
  6. Whoa betty, MrIsamu, you need to do some bargain shopping 'cause that's a lot of cash! Beyond that, I am of no help, but do use the search feature if you haven't already. There were a couple threads where people discussed their VF-0S as they got them and many had a variety of issues not unlike yours.
  7. Somebody has them up on eBay as a preorder for October release. I hope the 0S 2nd Edition (or third... but I still think there's only been 1 release so far) accompanies it. I'd like to get both at once
  8. Yamato Exec 1: "Man, we really showed Toynami. The fans hate their crap now because our stuff is so good." Exec 2: "Yeah, the only Toynami product anyone seems to really love is their Voltron." Exec 1: "Those slimy bastids! Make a Voltron at once, make it 2x as good at 4x the price. We'll show them." I for one, think this whole bit smells heavily of misinformation. I find it hard to believe the whole world has been scooped by this site. THen again, stranger things have happened.
  9. If you're going to do all that why not just package it in battloid form? You could make the box as tight as coffins then.
  10. Who is the guy smoking in the picture? Does anyone know of a really comprehensive Mac7 website that's in English? I don't want to have to break out my DVDs every time I'm curious as to what happened when or who was named what.
  11. I'm not game, it's an animation mistake just like the YF-1R head the RTers canonized. It should be a VF-1D painted blue. Besides, having it be a VF-1D painted blue gives Yamato more reason to pursue the 1D.
  12. jenius


    Absolutley beautiful. I can't really understand the physics of how a Zent would squeeze into it though... but that's probably just because I don't understand the scale of the mech vs. the size of a Zent
  13. Honestly, I suspect they just forced Milia into Max's normal fighter for the TV show... still, it should have been a VF-1D so the toy is definitely a valid consideration.
  14. The magazine shots consistently have the fighter mode angled to either reduce the bulge or hide it completely. I'm not saying it's a conscious effort by Yamato because the fighter mode angles they give us are pretty standard "new fighter" angles.
  15. Hey Guts, I don't know about the rest of your quote, but this part definitely sounds like you could be talking about your kid(s).
  16. I bought this toy... I'm not exactly sure why. I think maybe I bought it because I don't think Yamato will ever re-release it... but if that's the case I'm dumb and lack foresight. I think I mostly bought it to show support for Yamato's making more variations. I'm probably going to do exactly what Graham has done but as a general rule I transform every toy at least once just to make sure it hasn't been delivered to me already broken or missing some element.
  17. Don't forget the Elintseeker and Ostrich heads... but yeah, if you're talkinga bout just the TV series, true. If they make the VF-1D Trainer do you think they'll also make the VF-1D Virgin Road (with Max & Milia in wedding attire pilots)?
  18. Seconded! I think that should have been your first post. We shouldn't jump to conclusions that things like slanted shoulders necessarily mean less rigidity in the toy. It's a neat gimmick that makes the toy look more like it's supposed to so I'm all for it but I'm with you, I really hope it doesn't come at the expense of the toy's ability to stay together... but at this point there's no reason to assume it does.
  19. Is shaggydog crazy? I mean, I know Eugimon's crazy, but I'm pretty sure so is Shaggydog
  20. Wow, great pics everybody! Penachoy, that's a very solid collection you have going there. Detolfs display cases are great but they really are tight on space aren't they??? I tried to do a bad guy cube like you have and there just wasn't enough space
  21. What Graham said. Yamato has made it's money back on a mold, this is a manufacturer's dream place to be. All they have to do now is recoup very limited costs in the production of subsequent releases so long as they produce them in the right quantities. The fact you don't see the prices on these things being slashed and sold for peanuts lets you know they've figured out how many to sell. They also know that if they don't release enough they can always do another run so it seems they now consistenly err on the side of a shortage rather than surpluses sitting in warehouses.
  22. Wow, the pic in the middle on the bottom row is crappy! It shows how loose the airbrake is and how bad it can make poses in battloid look. Did you notice they also forgot to extend the gun pod?? Man, people need to start hiring me to pose toys for publicity shoots.... I'm glad I don't buy DYRL paint schemes... Yamato is sucking me dry as it is! For the rest of you, you have my sympathies!
  23. That's not really all that fair in a discussion about the 1D. Yes, Yamato could have made a Max 1S (and might still) and a few others of the rarely seen valks but there's no real indication that these canon-but-only-glimpsed-valks would have more draw than the more elaborate paint schemes Yamato has been offering. Besides, you should be thrilled as more and more 1/48 VF-1s come out, it likely indicates Yamato is making money and can invest that on new molds like the YF-19, VF-0, and potentially VF-1 2 seaters.
  24. i've always dreamt of modding an existing pinball machine into a Macross machine
  25. Is there any way, or anyone, who has ever designed a YF-19 that could rotate at the waist? Is it truly impossible? I'm not talking full rotation, maybe just a little bit of pivot in either direction?
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