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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I like it! Now I'm trying to imagine what kind of future would be best for all the characters. What the hell becomes of a sumo wrestler after they retire??
  2. Seriously, I almost wish I had written my original text to be that cool! You want more rice gruels?? NIiiice
  3. Eugimon is so going to kick your a$s for your insolence. How dare you come into this thread and act like Yamato isn't perfect and your should service each member of that company for blessing us with what they've given so far. How dare you sir! Oh really Oliver, you want more porridge??? Haha, I'm just teasin' Eugimon. It's been too long since he last yelled at me. I'm honestly sure Yamato has much better sources than fanboys like us on what they're doing right and wrong but I think if we're all pointing the same things out then there's a good chance the people who really do have input are noticing similar things.
  4. pics have been way too big lately. It's nice so you can see all the detail sometimes though.
  5. jenius

    Space Ghost

    Yeah, looks like a VF-1D with a radome and the arm antennae from an Elint...
  6. It's a lot like therapy for us. We don't nitpick at our jobs. We don't nitpick our women. BUT OUR TOYS BETTER BE DAMN WELL NEAR PERFECT OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY! EDIT - does anyone else find all the "cod piece" discussion hilarious? Seriously, when was the last time so many men gathered to discuss a cod piece?
  7. Shared this with a buddy, we both thought it was great and hope they do another.
  8. The lineart does look like it's slouching a bit. Pushing the torso forward on the toy and bringing the shoulders up (like we now know they can) seems like it'd bring the toy almost dead on with that lineart (cod piece excluded)
  9. I know nothing about Vpin, in fact, this is the first I've ever heard about it. I am a bit of a pinball fanatic though (I did a lot of growing up in bars ). Star Trek and Indian Jones were among my favorites as well as many others I'm sure. Now for the next logical question, if these things are really cool video game simulations of pinball machines... why doesn't someone whip up a Macross pinball machine program?? That'd be SCHWEET. Heck, you could probably do it by just changing graphic and sound calls to an existing design framework. For example, with Star Trek, replace the disc of the Enterprise with a Spacy Kite and change the super simple episodes to be Macross related.... oooh if only I could program...
  10. Will you guys ever simulate any of the following: Star Trek New Gen Indian Jones Playboy (the one with Centerfold multiball)
  11. Man, if only Graham could somehow make that picture bigger.... I think one billion by two billion pixels is just too small.
  12. To my knowledge.. no.
  13. I hear that! I was thinkin' about doing this for my website but I've decided to hold off until a 0S reissue and the 19 are out so I can have 'em all shipped simultaneously to save $$. Expect a full review from me some time in 08! Yeah, it'll be old news by then. Heck, I still haven't reviewed Yamato's last round of releases... but they are all sitting on my desk right now. So how 'bout it, anyone else plannin' on doing some review work?
  14. Things Yamato has done that confused me: 1) The 1/100 Koenig Monster 2) Releasing the DYRL Raus and not the TV Rau or other enemy mechs I'm not saying I'm unhappy they made those toys... it just seems like they were random choices... especially the Koenig considering its size and complexity. How can we get that but not a 2 seater VF-1? If they felt they had to use the VF-X license then why not a VF-17? As far as the Raus go, were they worried they didn't have the rights to the TV version or was it simply a matter of being able to use the exact same mold twice? I'm guessing the latter but some of the logic just doesn't add up for me.
  15. According to Neova, and seemingly confirmed by everyone's gripes, there has NOT been a 2.0 version of the VF-0S yet. They released the original in two waves which has a lot of people screwed up thinking there was a second edition. If the second wave differed at all from the first it was certainly not in a manner that included the improvements of the 0A. EDIT - the same is true of the GBP-1 (original). It also was released in two waves with no differences between the first and the second (to my knowledge)
  16. I think Shin is overcompensating from the looks of his head laser.
  17. I mentioned that on the last page but I couldn't remember what show it was from. Is that a Kawamori design? I seem to recall hearing it was.
  18. LOL, I forgot how bad some transformers really were... There's a reason I stick to Macross collecting after all!
  19. I forget what show it was from but I believe it's a Kawamori design, Whirl the helicopter??
  20. He's there under 1/55 VF-1 Taka/Bandai/Hasbro
  21. What about shuttles like AstroTrain and autobot shuttle that transformed into a dragon?
  22. Do we know if the GBPII has the reinforced chest piece? I would assume it does but mine hasn't arrived yet
  23. Aren't there like a billion Transformers?
  24. I agree, no removeable nosecone or adjustable wingflaps, they're gratuitous enough on the 1/48. It absolutely has to be perfectly variable. Since I think we'd all be okay with it not having diecast any swingbar involved could be much smaller than what we've seen in the past. I'd live with that swingbar but I'd much rather see the 1/48 transformation brought over.
  25. I don't get why some designs have been completely over-hauled but others look relatively untouched?
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