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Everything posted by jenius

  1. LOL, yeah, I was having some fun and actually did a little stop-motion of it shadow-boxing.
  2. Hey everybody, I did a huge spread on Yamato's Angelbird release on my site. I normally don't create a new topic as a redirect but I kinda went nuts on this one and I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep this many pics up for. Here's some samples: I encourage you to go check it out here: the ULTIMATE ANGELBIRDS GALLERY. Mods, if this feels too spammy then feel free to delete it and I'll just post a less offensive link in the 1/48, 1/72, 1/60 thread. Thanks -
  3. Imai did release some molded in color though. The kits are pretty terrible though. As to the size question, they're exactly the same size as the MPC as Toynami used these models in the development of their toy. In fact, the MPC is pretty much just a better version of what you see here. I wonder why these folks didn't pull the fins out?? EDIT - Yes, they are the same exact size even if Toynami says they're 1/55 and Imai says they're 1/48. Neither company has the scale exactly right. In fighter mode the toys are some whacky scale (too big) and in Battroid they're firmly between 1/48 and 1/55.
  4. I'm doing some pretty exhaustive photo shoots of my entire collection right now, it's involved taking every pilot out at some point or another. So far no butts stuck to paint <knocking on wood>
  5. The second screen shot from the top features a clearly over-exposed Hik VF-1S (as if he is direct line of a giant spot light from the SDF-1). As such, I wouldn't say it really supports a white head-laser argument. Basically, all discussion over what color the head lasers and shields are *supposed* to be aside, Yamato should have at least strived for consistency. We may never know if the head lasers should be white but we didn't need that debate driven home every time we pose the skull squadron toys with each other.
  6. I'm in the process of re-working all the Yamato 1/48 stuff on my website. I just put this Updated Yammy 1/48 Review on the site. It might help you see why the 1/48 gets so much love. In the event it does not, I should be posting a bunch more 1/48 stuff in the next week or two to get some more experiences and pics out to everybody...
  7. ghostbusters... nice
  8. It still may be a minority opinion but I agree whole-heartedly.
  9. I don't know why, but this seems like a good place to point out how cool Firefly was (especially on DVD with the other episodes and slightly altered dialogue). Serenity was a wonderful way of tying that story up also. Asian TV doesn't do the long drawn out series huh? No Simpsons in Asia? Well, on the one hand that saves you from the ridiculous "jump the shark" moments but some shows do go out gracefully over here too.
  10. This thing will retail in Japan and the surrounding areas for $120 is my guess. Put a $20 mark up on it and ship it to the US and I'm thinking $170 should be the max price. For those considering going to Neova, I think it took 4 days for his package to make it to me... I call that fast. I don't know his asking price at the moment, nor do I know how quick he gets things from Yamato, but if shipping time alone counts then I could vouch for him.
  11. At the risk of harshing the love-fest, those last episodes also have some really REALLY lame moments to them also. I know my memory is a bit tainted by the animation in some parts also though. That episode with Minmay in the fork prison and the zents smoking giant cigars and eating giant drumsticks definitely comes to mind.
  12. I thought the old Yammy arms couldn't handle the gun but the new ones could?
  13. There's gotta be like a pinned thread we could direct this guy to right? Talk bad about MOSPEADA man, c'mon, do it. I dare you... <heads into other room to sharpen knife> Those whose franchises include Macross7 should not throw stones.
  14. So how do I get cabinets like those? Are they from one of the custom vendors online, are they something you did on your own, or are they something you can buy somewhere?
  15. You need Marlboro Milds, I believe they're blue so you wouldn't even have to switch brands.
  16. jenius

    Graham's Sig

    "two-seater vf-1s" "1/48 two-seaters" "1/60MacIIMonster" "MZero 1/60 VF-0D" "Life-sized Miria" "Miria Love dolls"
  17. jenius


    Hey man, you can't put that collection down, there's more there than meets the eye. Your place must be huge... I like my toys in jet mode but man... it's amazing how quick you run out of space when you do that. Gradually all my toys are being posed in battloid
  18. I noticed this too... it's quite a bummer. I handled my AB at the same time as a Stealth and an LVII and didn't notice any differences in the plastic quality. I did notice that the AB is as bleached a white as they come though. In some of my pictures it was difficult to tell where the AB ended and where the white background began.
  19. Woohoo, thanks for the plug I really intended to way more comparisons on the site but I just haven't gotten there yet (I have almost no free time at all these days). I think the reviews that are there ought to give you a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of them all. There's no variety in the MPC releases but Yamato improved the 1/60 line as they went, that's why there's lots of reviews for those. The 1/48s... well, they're in a world of their own.
  20. Is that the same trick that Yamato used for the 1/60 Elint and Ostrich?
  21. I don't know about making the gun pods parts, and I don't like the idea of making the guns part of the fast pack only either. It seemed silly that the 1/72 didn't have gun and it'll seem sillier with the 1/60. I think, in the grand scheme of things, being a pretty large bird, Yamato can definitely figure out a way to facilitate the guns. I'm not so much worried about the space though so much as I'm worried about big glaring holes in battloid mode. I think it'll take some creative engineering but I have faith.
  22. I love my Angelbirds VF-1. I thought I wasn't going to like it at all but man, it's great. It looks really nice in the GBP-1 as well. I'll be postin' a pic or two here once I get the review all done for my site. Sadly, mine did come with a very loose airbrake... but it's no biggy
  23. Thanks! VF-1A Angelbirds, GBP VII and updated 1/48 reviews are comin' up... gonna be lots more pictures
  24. So I finally got around to reviewing the Strike/Super VF-1J Stealth at my site. I advise you CHECK IT OUT
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