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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Yeah, I don't think I ever once put the red armor on my first Jetfire. It took a long time but eventually his right arm fell off. Then I bought a buddy's Jetfire and eventually both of its arms fell off
  2. That's a ton of 1/60s! Man, I definitely envy your storage space in the meantime
  3. Well that's about as unfair as it gets. Who pays $80 for an MPC... even RT.com has them for sale at $59.99. Neova does not sell 1/48s for $100 and he's in Hong Kong (IIRC). You can get a 1/48 for $125 new pretty easily, and you can get an MPC for half that pretty easily. There isn't a huge price similarity... nor is there a huge quality similarity to be sure.
  4. I don't know if anyone else pointed this out but I just disassembled both my GBPI and GBPII and both feature the SAME fragile center piece. I call it fragile because others have broken theres. I installed the missiles in mine without any problems.
  5. A Toynami Max MPC. Boy... if that didn't light a little fire.
  6. If I dug my old Optimus out of the box he's in I'd probably be ashamed by how absolutely thrashed he is from all the playing I did. It was a similar thought the last time I saw my first Jetfire. Yellow as could be with only one arm still attached. I don't think "photogenic" would really describe them. If you need pics of anything Macross though I'm there for ya
  7. Cool, but you meant "1/72" as the 1/60 isn't out. Hopefully a mod could fix that for you.
  8. Where are the new pics??? That's it, this thing is Vaporware. Yamato just loves to drag out the YF-19 to get people psyched and then doesn't actually build the toy. It's the 1/72 Fast Pack version all over again. Nah, I'm not really serious.
  9. While in some ways I agree with Haterist there is more to it. If you're in college DON'T BUY TOYS. Seriously, it'll just get broken in a drunken stupor by you or one of your friends and that money could be much better used to get yourself or a freshman girl drunk. If you absolutely must get a valk just to feed the festering valcoholism (something I clearly suffer from) just pick up a 1/100. Then, when you're through with school and have a job that pays nice, pick up a 1/48 like it ain't no thang.
  10. Those Alphas on a Card Glad you dig the site, it needs some major improving but it's getting there.
  11. Those arms look like they might be a bit fragile.
  12. See my review of the first edition on my website (it's on the front page, one of the last two most recent posts). I've had that toy for a couple years and as you can see in the pics, it's been used and abused and hasn't yellowed at all. It's also very white, not really grey-ish. There were a couple members here who did see some versions of the 1/48 yellow a bit but I think most admitted to having them in sunlight for displays of some sort.
  13. LOL, everything except the 0S & 0A!!! Sorry, I haven't gotten around to those yet. I'm waiting on a reissue of the 0S because the first one apparently had some QC issues (although, even with those QC issues I'd wager it'd blow the Toynami out of the water... and I'm one of the people less hateful toward Toynami in these parts). I definitely recommend you check out my site to see the wealth of other options you have. There's a link to it in my signature if you wanna get there quick. I'm also in the midsts of a pretty exhaustive write-up to finally show people just how significant the differences are between the MPC, Yamato's 1/60, and Yamato's 1/48... that'll probably take another week or two to finish... but won't help you with the decision to buy a 0S though.
  14. I posted a bunch more pics in an updated review of Yamato's 1/48 Super/Strike Parts (including Stealth). Check it out here. Here's a teaser:
  15. Man, you pick some very odd combinations! I know black is supposed to go with everything but I gotta expect the Stealth in either GBP is going to be pretty hideous. I can do all of your requests (it's going to take some time) except for the 4th item. I don't collect DYRL color schemes. Closest I could do is Focker wearing the green GBP. In other news, more AngelBirds and pics of lots of other valks in the standard and stealth parts are up in my newest post (or "updated post" to be more precise): Just follow this white rabbit.
  16. Was there some big video game event near SFO today? I saw a bunch of younger people dressed very oddly walking around the Marriot. There seemed to be an inordinate amount of people dressed as cats... There were also what appeared to be girls dressed in traditional Dutch attire (Okay, I have no idea what country the attire was from, but it was definitely traditional). I figured it might have been a comic or video game convention and lots of people were dressed up like stuff i was totally not familiar with.
  17. I don't really get it (as far as the Neutron S missiles are being used and how they're ordered and when) from the brief write-up presented there. Rick ordered them, then had a change of heart after it was too late? Did I misread it or is that what it said?
  18. So I went to check on my valk pilots and I was shocked to find Max & Miria doing unspeakable things! Apparently Max is wearing green protection... Eh, just foolin' around, I checked three valks that have had their pilots in them the entire time and no fudged pants. I wonder if it's just the CFs or somethin'?
  19. I think someone on RT.com said this version (I think it's actually official, not a bootleg) worked great for them. I think I also remember hearing something about a wood box?? I think you can get RT: The complete edition for about $40 within the US also if you watch eBay.
  20. Mitch, this is no way a criticism of you, but the forum has a search feature that you should use. There have been lots of long conversations about MacZero already and I'm sure you'll find many of the answers you're looking for.
  21. Cool, thanks for the offer! At some point in the near future I'll pull it out and take a few transition shots so it would animate better. Don't be surprised if you get a random PM about this like a month from now!
  22. Don't forget folks, this is Toynami. The fact wave 1 made it out when it did is a miracle. It was Toynami's FIRST product that didn't suffer a SIX month delay or greater. That's not anti-Toynami ramblings, it's fact.
  23. I see, thank you for the heads-up in return
  24. Just a heads-up Skull, there's a ban on animated avatars. I don't think there's any chance that this movie will not be released now that another company has a vested interest in it other than HG.
  25. You know, I honestly never even considered that. Do you want to see it in the Blue or Brown GBP? I'm planning on putting up very revised review of the GBP soon (so that I could include the new release and better pics). Glad you guys are diggin' the gallery! I definitely agree about the Max armor. The color isn't quite a perfect match but it's definitely close enough. It's too bad the Miria armor is just a little too blood red. Unfortunately I'm very computer illiterate. Right now all it is is a sequence of like 8 photos of the Angelbird throwing punches (he didn't have his gun after all) that I just click "next photo" in my weak attempt of animating it.
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