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Everything posted by jenius

  1. It all started with the purple YF-21 Fast Pack version... Yes, yes I do That's just a model right? I can't imagine Yamato ever making that thing (not that I would mind).
  2. Amen! Obviously we're engaging in rabid speculation here but if they package a drone with the attachable Ghost I'll think that's kind of lame. I have absolutely no use for a drone plane in my display cases... let alone one I don't remember ever seeing in the show. So basically if they package them together, as I would suspect, I get to pay for an item I don't want. Awesome. You know, I thought the EXACT same thing. Roy gets a yellow stripe, the CF gets a red stripe? My only guess is that Shin must get the blue stripe which for some reason also seems fitting for him. Still, I did/do find the red a bit misleading. Oh well, maybe it does mean that Yamato honestly didn't intend to release a VF-0 Shin but then the HFH caved and told them to go ahead and make some more $$.
  3. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    Maybe they'll make an Enigma scheme VF-1 to go with it.
  4. My guess: Both Ghosts in one set only available separately running the same cost as a GBP. That's not my hope, that's my guess.
  5. Ooh, thanks for the info. So I i guess the question is now whether it will be one box we buy with both or if we'd have to buy both separately. Interesting.
  6. Looks like the ghost also acts as a drone. It does have its own landing gears, that's cool. The white thing only has one fin, the other fin is an optical illusion from the front fins of the Ghost.
  7. I think you're okay, I don't think there is a separate YF-19 2 seater vs 1 seater. I just think the blonde guy comes with the fast packs and can be squeezed into an existing YF-19 toy.
  8. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    Yamato is apparently confused or they're making it with two different stick sets. Note that Yamato changed the original from a Prometheus held GBP to an ARMD-1 GBP. Unfortunately, Yamato still has a Prometheus sticker on the GBP's knee. Also, the Prometheus sticker looks cooler on the leg than the ARMD-1 does. Very odd... I think Yamato's take on the fan made custom is really solid. The only reason I can tell (other than the stickers) the fan made one looks way better is because it has a wash and some weathering.
  9. Well I'm no proponent of idolizing Yamato, I just think that the blonde guy and making it two-seats was a pretty pivotal part of the OVA. In this particular instance I think it was a bit obvious of a suggestion to think it took some forum clamoring to make it happen. If I see the toy though and it's clear it's an after-thought they pinned on I'll be much more likely to agree with you. I don't doubt that forums have some influence, I just think that influence is far more likely to be related to "look, our customers keep complaining about this part breaking" or something like that. Or maybe "There seems to be a lot of demand for this product." Design tweaks, especially after prototypes are making rounds, aren't likely to be something I would think we could play much of a hand in. Now, if they released a prototype, it was widely scorned, so it got scratched, that might be something we help with. I wonder if that's what happened with the 1/100 VF-0? Back on subject... GIFT SETS!!!! C'mon Yamato, give us some sort of break by letting us buy multiple purchases together.
  10. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    I think that's very wise of you. If I had to choose between the LVII armor and this armor though I would definitely go with this armor. While this armor doesn't quite look like it'd go great with any particular valk the LVII armor actually seems to clash with some VF-1s. Basically, if you don't have an LVII or you don't really dig the way the GBPII looks on a stealth, there's just really no good reason to get the GBPII armor. The problem with the Stealth in this armor would be the hands. IMHO the hands have to match the valk inside. If the hands are gray or white they won't go with a black stealth well. Has someone made black GBP hands yet for Stealth owners? I think they should make a black GBP at some point to go with the Stealth 'cause it'd also look sharp on all the white DYRL paint schemes. While I do prefer canon schemes to non-canon, I would be more than happy to buy a VF-1S in a non-canon scheme that pairs well with this offering.
  11. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    Thanks! You know, I forgot I also have the VF-1A Angelbirds and that's sitting naked at the moment as well... I think that thing looks better nekked though too! Man, I really hope we're about to hear about a new VF-1 Release (crossing fingers for gray TV Focker VF-1S)
  12. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    This is going to sound insane but I really think they're going to need to release more VF-1s in 1/48 scale because I think all of mine have armor of some sort already attached. Either that or I'm going to have to break down and buy a DYRL paint scheme 1/48 (boo!). 1) Hikaru - GBP 2) Focker - Hikaru's TV Fast Packs 3) Max - TV Fast Packs 4) Miria - TV Fast Packs 5) CF - DYRL Strike Parts 6) Stealth - Stealth Strike Parts 7) LVII - LVII GBP LVI??? Well, I guess this GBP *could* go on the LVI but I like my LVI naked! You know what they should do??? They should release a Gray Focker TV-Stlye VF-1S to go with this GBP!
  13. Couldn't the Shin and CF be exactly the same plane if Yamato had just included like 4 more stickers on the sticker sheet and another pilot figure? I'd think that'd be the way to go. Hopefully in order to get Shin you do need to buy the Ghost, I think that'd keep some of the CF purchasers from feeling mislead.
  14. Wha?? How do you figure? You think because a few members made the obvious "it'd be nice if the blonde guy was there too" they went and did that?? I think if a few members here did that there were probably some truly diehard Yamato designers who had thought of it long before we even knew a 1/60 YF-19 was coming.
  15. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, this is just a display at a show. It doesn't mean they're definitely releasing a Shin variant yet (it just seems likely now). They might have just made the mock up to help sell the Ghost or something though. -
  16. Pardon my ignorance, but what's the thing just before the blur also? LOL, I wonder if the thing behind the blur isn't G-rated from the looks of the girlies on the right. Man, maybe I'm collecting the wrong thing!
  17. If they do release a giftset with both and a new pilot I'm all over that.
  18. They fit the nerd in the back of the YF-19 after all eh?? Is the first edition Garland being shown because they've retrofitted all the fragile areas??
  19. Upward trend in prices, downward trend in supply. SQUEEZE. They should get in the habit of accompanying new releases with gift sets so we can buy both simultaneously and get some sort of a break.
  20. Good stuff, you certainly draw better than i do. From a mech preference standpoint, I've always been a bigger fan of having the pilot concealed within the armor.
  21. Focker's dead, there's not much story left to tell. We do get some more in MacZero though and that was nice. We get what we need about Max & Milia in Mac7 also. So basically, Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay are the only real untold stories and Minmay is a civilian singer so there's probably not much of a story there to tell. Now, what happened to Hik and Misa could be cool but I accepted long ago that they were just gone so i could live with something completely new.
  22. Some places give you a week to return for store credit and anyone who complains enough and makes a big enough stink always gets some sort of preferential treatment just to shut them up and to keep them buying their games from that particular store. We have lots of options, having the best service helps.
  23. The VF-0S being shoddy in its first release and the VF-0A being such an improvement is the only thing comforting me right now in my need to wait. Sigh, I guess my YF-19 purchase probably won't be until the end of next year considering Yamato still hasn't issued as second edition VF-0S and I've been waiting for that so I can finally purchase one.
  24. No one "deserves" it but that guy is definitely an idiot.
  25. Ah yes, I had forgotten those. I think they're also on the Bandai toy so i should have remembered. Needless to say, I'm no fan of that alternate Gerwalk. I always thought a big part of the reason for having a Gerwalk was to be flexible in where you were aiming your weaponry but still utilizing some of the advantages of a full flight mode... the VF-17's Gerwalk seems to be going for something different.
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