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Everything posted by jenius

  1. jenius

    Did I screw up?

    Oh man, there's a Kill Jenius graphic now? I know what's going to pop up the next time I say "Gee, this Toynami product isn't THAT bad."
  2. jenius

    1/60 VF-11

    Yeah, I remember hearing something like that too. Although I thought the one we already had was 1/65 scale. Either way, it seems like a 1/60 would be only ever-so-slightly larger than the existing toy. Maybe the VF-11 needs the 1/48 treatment!
  3. I think his point is that Graham's review will come up on the 7th and he hopes he'll get his preordered YF-19 shortly thereafter and get a review up also.
  4. Surfing the RT.com stuff section and learned that they're selling their version of the subtitled Macross series for just $39.99. As far as I know this is the Animeigo version that used to retail for $199.99 just put in a different box.
  5. Isn't commander just a mod? C'mon, like we don't have some retarded mods on this board! heh.. um, just kiddin', you guys are swell You can't blame the RT folks for lovin' this teaser, it's got the trailer voice guy! Everything is cooler when the trailer voice guy talks about it! Besides, isn't it equally irrational to pan an OVA for the 90 seconds of it you know about as it is to LOVE it for the 90 seconds you know about? So far, all I know is the people who have seen it haven't really harped on the animation at all so it must not be THAT distracting when actually watching it. So, like it should, it boils down to the story. I mean, I don't know if you've watched much other 80s anime lately, but the animation in that is much worse than it is in TSC and I still love some of it to this day. Now, from what I hear the story is only so-so which means there should be plenty of great reasons to pan this show when it's officially available.
  6. You actually do get two missile launchers with the DYRL parts though...
  7. LOL! Yeah, and Graham, when will we get to see the 1/60 YF-21? How much will it cost? What repaints of the YF-21 will they make? C'mon Graham, we want to know! Sorry Gian, I think Graham's made it pretty clear that he tells us what he can. If the pictures don't show a Yen amount under the display models then chances are Yamato hasn't made the info public and thus neither can Graham... same with all the other questions asked.
  8. I'm going to actually test this. It may take some time but I have enough friends who see my toy collection and say "Holy S*IT, I never knew you were a Transformers nerd!" That's usually followed by "I don't recognize these guys, why do they all look the same and where's Optimus?" It would be interesting to see what one of them says after viewing Do You Remember Love since none of those friends seem to have any knowledge of Robotech or Macross. I wish I knew video editing because I totally want to modify the scene from A Clockwork Orange now and show the guy strapped into his chair being forced to watch & listen to Mac7 instead of man's atrocities or whatever it was he was being subjected to.
  9. I'm waiting, but not for any particular reason. It's mostly 'cause I'm cheap. I'll probably hold off until I can buy three valks at once and save on shipping. I'll probably wait and buy a Shin 0A, YF-19, and 2nd Edition VF-0S. Of course, any one of those might get bumped for a Ghost or a FastPack/Fold drive set. In the meantime, I'll benefit from everyone else's experiences
  10. jenius

    Takatoku VF1's

    I never knew Captain got grief for his conversion kit, that's too bad! Well, maybe it gives me hope we will see an official 1/48 VF-1D. You know, I think the Elint and Ostrich 1/55s will always be worth something more unless Bandai actually reissues them. Yamato's 1/60 version didn't seem to hurt their resale (they were going for $500-$600 both before and after the 1/60) and I don't think the 1/48 would either since they're such unusual ducks. The other valks, like the Strike or the Takas are so standardized that they compete with themselves (as simple paint variations) as well as other makes and models. The Elint & Ostrich have fallen from $1000 each to $500 each but they seem pretty stuck there just because they themselves are so rare. Even if we had Yamato 1/48 Elintseekers people might still see a Bandai version and say "Wow, that's really hard to come by!" Now, if Bandai reissues? Yeah, the ol' Elints and Ostrich values will collapse quick. That's just my take, time may prove me wrong. I totally agree... except when I either need to buy or sell toys, then I find idealism doesn't help that much. There's no harm in observing a market place.
  11. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    I never heard about that meteor buster and I don't read Japanese Is it possible that that thing just won a magazine contest as a fan-made custom? It definitley looks like a custom to me, it's hard to imagine they made a bunch of them and gave them out as prizes. I understand the black CC Valk, 'cause it was just molded and assembled all black... this thing looks like quite a bit of work.
  12. The color and the schemes are all wrong. I don't particularly care... and maybe people are me are the reason Yamato is doing it. They must have felt that the schemes in the show weren't attractive so now they're selling attractive schemes instead.
  13. Maybe it's just the subject matter. The whole quasi-rape thing isn't a very appealing arch. I end up learning that three characters I don't really connect with don't get along because of a subject I feel kind of uncomfortable with. Basically it seems like Guld should be beyond redemption, Isamu should feel no loyalty to him, and Myung should get as far as she can away from both of them anyway (from my narrow perspective).
  14. Out of curiosity, I have two questions: 1) Is it actually cheaper these days (or equivalent in price) to do average (insert your own adjective there for whatever you'd call RT's) 3D animation than excellent quality 2D hand drawn (or in the hand drawn style as I doubt anything is hand drawn any more) animation? 2) If it's still cheaper to do animation 2D style, would you have preferred RT to go that route and shirk 3D entirely?
  15. Well let's not judge too quickly. They might have just thrown a cheap light in it for the purpose of the display and to say "This thing will light up" but that might not really represent exactly how it will light up.
  16. If it also vibrates I think I can convince my girl to help fund this...
  17. "This picture was taken right before security beat us and dragged us out of the building for attempting to steal the prototype."
  18. Man, if they kill Macross then Robotech will be my last bit of anime I continue to follow Please God, don't let them kill Macross.
  19. Glad I could help but you should definitely fish for more input from the model guys around here. If one of them has actually built one and they found it to be easy and well-done that'd be worth a lot more than my 2 cents.
  20. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    Therein lies the incentive to sell your standard Hikaru 1J (should you have one) and buy the super combo when it gets reissued. There was a guy selling three Super 1J Hikarus on eBay for $169.99 not too long ago. I'm sure you could have bought one and sold the box and valk to someone on here for like $110 or something. Anyway, that's what it's going to take... a little creativity and, as always, CASH!
  21. Well, ya gotta figure the box for a Yamato toy would also be made by Yamato and "ugly as sin" seems pretty much par for the course. I think they were on the right path with the early 1/48s (black with some text). That said, I think the Super Hikaru TV VF-1J has a nice post-apocalytpic feel to it.
  22. jenius

    Takatoku VF1's

    Kinda, you can still get $200 for an absolutely pristine Max Takatoku. I think I even saw them hit $250 still occasionally. Sometimes they go for less. If it ain't absolutely pristine you're looking at a $100 worst-case scenario and somewhere around $150 best case (if it has its box and gun and what not). No box, no gun, no inserts, damage, yellowing.... who knows.... Don't just blame Bandai though, it was also the market flooding from the likes of Toynami and Yamato they really helped crush the secondary market values.
  23. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    When was that thing made? It looks cool, I'll take one!
  24. Yep, well summarized. It's totally that subjective "eh, they just didn't really grab me" thing so I definitely can see where people would disagree.
  25. Why are we assuming that 19 is modified in any way? I kinda doubt it. I think that's the original YF-19 and it had room for Neumann all along. Graham... am I wrong?
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