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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Okay, I'm home and can see the pics and am STILL very suspicious that every single photo of this toy in Battloid mode is always taken on a Yamato Launch arm. If this thing can bust a cool standing pose then why haven't there been any photos of it doing so?? This isn't really so much a question about the YF-19 (although I still wonder) but more a question about the people who do the displays. I think any battloid looks dumb on a launch arm... show me the thing frickin' standing. PS - If Skywarp is a custom it is frickin' sweet.
  2. I would soooo buy that... (provided the price weren't too crazy). I would then attack my pets with it.
  3. jenius

    Takatoku VF1's

    Yes, I totally agree. Everyone should sell their toys now at a loss to me to save yourself from the hassle of selling them at a loss later to people not as cool as me. Edit- redundant "later"
  4. I'm at work, can't see the pics. Do any of them show a Yen cost for the toy? I'm really curious to see what people are paying over there. I would guess these are pics from a high end toy store so whatever they're charging should give us an idea of what the MOST we should possibly pay before shipping would be.
  5. Oops, I've lost count, did we just watch the third season or the second season? I thought it was the second season but I watch everything on Tivo so I lose track of when a season starts or ends. Either way, the most recent season was definitely "meh".
  6. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    Looks to me that there's funny lighting in all these different pics! I would say that the picture that looks really green is an exagerration of the colors, the picture from the show mutes the colors, and the latest advertisement is probably the best representation we have so far. I still want to know why this GBP reflects BOTH ARMD-1 and Prometheus (chest vs. knee). The original concept was entirely from Prometheus, I don't know why Yamato felt the need to change it.
  7. You might notice that it appears not a single comment was made regarding the show's second season here... that's pretty remarkable. I wonder if a lot of people stopped following it or if the mystery just didn't seem to really go anywhere in this season recently passed... I for one, still watched every episode (Tivo) but just didn't feel like there was much to say about it.
  8. Yeah, I could probably just come up with something work-related that I'd rather do at home to get the program though It probably is about time I got photoshop with all the pictures I take anyway...
  9. if the tiny spots really are diecast then it shouldn't be too much of a concern. Still, I'd rather wait and buy another valk.
  10. Grebo, are you using a particular drawing software? Every now and then I get the urge to jot down doodles on the computer and would like to know if you have any recommendations. Obviously I'm not looking to do ultra cool valks are anything, just something that doesn't look straight MSPaint.
  11. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    That thing is gray. Look, that back missile boom isn't even the same color gray as the stuff that is now green off to the side. MAYBE the side of the valk was green and it was just the light, that back boom was definitely gray.
  12. This thread needs, nay, DEMANDS pics. Lots of pics. I wanna see VF-4 goodness splattered all over this baby blue pages. Then we can dissect the pics and find out why Kawarmori either loves or hate the design.
  13. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    I have a gi-normous and relatively expensive monitor that has the colors set a bit on the bright side... you can definitely make out clear differences from Version 1 to Version 2. It's possible that Version 1 does have a touch of green we just can't see because of the lighting but Version 2 definitely has a much more pronounced use of green... especially on that back missile/booster boom I mentioned earlier. It is clearly gray in Version 1 and green in Version 2. I see that too but I don't think we have good enough shots to judge. Ya know, if this were a new product I'd say it was the differences of going from resin to plastic... but I imagine both of these are purely plastic.
  14. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    No no, the back boom has on the valk's left, our right, has definitely gone from gray to green unless there is some real funky lighting there.
  15. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    You can tell from the back booms that this is definitely different from the one shown.
  16. Wow, even the Regis has been boobie-fied.
  17. I believe Graham confirmed this.
  18. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    So which picture is right? The one with or without the green? GRAHAM, inquiring minds want to know... and want to hear NO Green. Honestly though, after getting the GBPII I thought it was entirely too plain looking and that the Lime green everyone complained about in pictures (including myself) actually might have helped.
  19. I'll elaborate here on a post of mine at RT.com Now, if you wanted a 1/100 Alpha it would be about 3.5" tall in battloid
  20. That article just makes it sound to me like the guy who founded HG is a very intelligent, if not unscrupulous, business man. He bought stuff low and sold high... that's the dream isn't it? Either way, doesn't sound like anything that would involve HG (does this guy even have a hand in HG anymore?).
  21. Sagat didn't have the scar! Other than that, great stuff. I really liked the lack of depth perception bit. E Honda was on the napkin, did anyone else catch the other name?
  22. The only way to do an Alpha justice would be to make it in 1/35 scale like Gakken did. The MPC just took a small scale and refused to make any compromises... compromises that really needed to be made. Making it smaller could work but you'd have to give-up on making it poseable. I'd be okay with that, I'd buy a few, but what I want to see is for someone to take the lessons learned from the MPC and make a bigger toy, without diecast, with multiple adjustments to finally make an Alpha that really dominates. If they wanted to follow it up with a 16" tall Beta, yeah, I'd spend some money on that also.
  23. I think we have a pretty decent general atmosphere. Sketch just mastered English via communication with some real arseholes so his take on civility is not berating your mother and race. When you look at things from that point of view, he really was quite gentle in his assessment. - just messin' with ya Sketch.
  24. Graham also has a the only nice and tight VF-0S in existence... Just playin.
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