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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Well, I'll open up my ADV discs and pop one in tonight to verify. I can't imagine the audio is any worse than the horrible HK subtitle Macross I have and the audio in that hack job was just fine. Maybe the Animeigo set is soooooooo superb it creates higher expectations and thus makes the ADV version seem worse than it actually is. Seeing as I've never heard the Animeigo set, I'll probably go into it with low expectations and report back "It sounds like the cartoons I watched on TV" which would be good enough for me. I'll let y'all know later.
  2. Seriously, I need the 0S 2nd edition or something to come out so I can make a bulk purchase . I get the feeling by the time the next Yammy toy gets released (Urban GBP, Shin 0A?) I'm going to start to want to wait for the 2nd edition of the YF-19
  3. I'll double-check next time I'm near my Taka's box but I'm pretty sure mine is the first option.
  4. Finally, someone has isolated the good thing about living in North Dakota! I'm glad I live in CA where the honies are money, the money is money, the weather is money, and I may have to occasionally worry about something being taken out of my car... but never having my car spin out on black ice into a street light! In all seriousness though, this totally sucks. I remember when I had to transport my LV from my ex's and had do run some errands all day, then stopped by a friend's house and didn't get home until the next day. The car was locked, alarm was armed, but it was in the back of my mind. Sometimes you don't have a choice but to leave something important in your car so I sympathize.
  5. I like the color more in these pics than from some others I saw. Good to see this thing can stand Your YF-19 totally poned any mildew.
  6. Agreed, I'd much rather have those then my Detolfs! I'll still probably end up going custom but some cheap alternatives in the meantime would be greatly appreciated. If anybody knows of any cheap large display cases they need to start sharing! It looks a little more cannonfodder brown to me than I'd like, I'm a fan of it looking almost white but it seems to be in line with the 1/72 release color wise so whatever. Hopefully a future paint variation is white.
  7. As do I.... as do I...
  8. If they got a YF-19 at a reasonable price and one of you wants to make a few $$ picking one up and shipping it to me, let me know!
  9. I know nothing about squad numbers, does that mean Hayao outranked Max?
  10. ADV is doing the dubs, that's probably not done yet. The subtitled version has been available for a long time through the link provided in my last post.
  11. Huh? ADV put out the ENTIRE series and it's available for $39.99. I think you'll have to wait a long time to get that from the Animeigo set. If what I'm reading here is true, here's how it sets up: ADV Pros: Available here 1) Price 2) Availability 3) Build of DVDs 4) Near perfect subtitles ADV Cons: 1) Sounds may not be remastered to the same degree as the animeigo set. Animeigo Pros 1) Near perfect subtitles (no one will ever think subs are perfect) 2) Better sound than ADV 3) Cool 3D card What it really burns down to is how much of a premium are you willing to pay for a 3D card and slightly better sound? Remember, this is in an 80s TV cartoon. It seems like your biggest issue is the clarity of the translation and these two sets are professional subtitle jobs with nearly the same precision... either choice will flow very well for you.
  12. From my updated review of jokemachines here.
  13. My sympathies. Rest assured, Super Max will be reissued some day. I hope karma gives the guy that did it some serious anal fissures for you.
  14. Robotech.com has the series on sale for $39.99 and as far as I know it's the ADV release of the Animeigo set (used to sell for $199.99). I have it but I haven't opened it up yet to watch an episode. From what I understand, it's the best subtitles you're gonna find.
  15. A new review is up on my website (Click here to see it). Here's a preview pic:
  16. jenius

    Takatoku VF1's

    If there's ever a fire at Lord Kung-Fu's secret underground warehouse/laboratory complex then half of the known 1/48s in existence will be destroyed.
  17. I too plan on getting a launch arm, actually, I think I'm going to get one of each of the ones released. That said though, I think launch arms just make way more sense when used with vehicles in their fighter modes. Don't we always see the launch arms used with fighter mode vehicles? I also am a fan of flying/leaping battroid poses but I think those look much better with the flexi-display stands so as to not be so noticeable. Honestly though, I'm really just curious as to see how poseable this toy is without something propping it up and I'm bummed I haven't gotten a taste for that yet. Edit - satirical yet flamish final sentence deleted for David.
  18. I think I'm going to do something very similar. I think I'm going to recess a display case but leave large wooden doors I can close in front of it (not exaclty sure how) so it'll look like a cabinet when not in use. I would like my rabid toy enthusiasm not to be the first thing people know about me when they come over to the house.
  19. LOL, seriously. I didn't realize my query was so venemous as to warrant that much crying. Sorry folks, I'll get back to licking the YF-19's arsehole, no more questioning or being cautious here. Hellish? You found my "Why doesn't anyone make this thing stand on its own without the stupid launch arm" comment hellish? I envy whatever coddled existence you must have.
  20. No, we never got the 1/72 series because HG put their foot down. HG put the DYRL stuff out utilitizing what they consider to be *their* license (via Toynami). Mac+ gets the BigWest stamp in Japan and BW hates HG and does not allow companies who want to do business with HG to continue using the BW stamp of approval.
  21. It sucks when ya run out of space doesn't it?
  22. Whoa, that pro-union rant sure was hostile. Macrossworld isn't a political forum. The anti-union stuff at least started on topic (the demise of UPS) but I'd say it sure snowballed from there. Let's just say that sometimes unions are great, sometimes they suck (the UFCW is worthless... I was one for many years). Often times, what constitutes greatness and sucktitude are purely subjective. I hope we can all manage to avoid getting this thread locked up by discussing that more. Now, there was some USPS bashing in this thread, and I'm sure it was warranted, but I'd like to add a note that I love using the USPS. First, for receiving packages they're local. I complained when someone stole a few packages from my doorstep last year and now they won't deliver anything to me if no one is home to sign for the package. This is truly awesome and done at no additional charge. The people at the office near my work are always great and courteous and anytime someone requests insurance I use them. All other packages are shipped FedEx 5 day ground and I haven't had a single complaint yet there either (knocking on wood). UPS I hate. They don't have a pick-up location near me and they always seem to try to drop off at the worst possible hour. I do everything I can to avoid shipping or receiving with them. One time they told me I had to pick up an item. I called and arranged a time to pick the item up. I showed up a bit earlier than my appointment only to be told they returned the item to the shipper. They acknowledged my appointment time and the best they could do was tell me "There must have been a mistake!" When I demanded some sort of reimbursement they told me I should try to get it from my vendor. I was so astonished I just let them know that my business would never be involved with their business again.
  23. Do you want me to use my Magic 8 Ball or do you want to ask another member to use their's? There is no reasonable answer to that question as Yamato doesn't even know what improvements as of now might be necessary to the toy... and in the long run we might see no improvements at all.
  24. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    Honestly, I find the Max GBP to be a waste of time. The other GBPs are all fine but the LowVis Urban Camo is cooler.
  25. jenius

    1/48 GBP

    Well, the third option is a standard GBP (just on a max valk) no? I already own it. The other two I'd probably buy... if valks were made to go with them... and I don't wanna put my Miria valk in a special GBP 'cause that'd defeat the purpose of my Miria TV Armor. The green and yellow GBP could work on just about everything but I already own a green GBP
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