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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Remember when the GBPII was due out in May... that was the latest May of my entire life.
  2. Looks like it's just the reflection of the lighting for the photo shoot on the gold paint to me.
  3. I'm still holding out hope. The 1D seems like an easy bet. If there's one thing I've seen on MW it's that if there's enough interest for fans to actually make the item (be it a custom paint-job or actual parts) then it's likely some company will actually make the product. The 1D benefits from the fast pack parts fitting it, the ability to make a Virgin Road scheme (complete with M&M in wedding attire ), the fact it's the first valk in the show to actually transform, and the fact it can be either a fighter or trainer so alternative non-trainer paint schemes could be made. The Elint and Ostrich I see more as long shots (that I really really want).
  4. Okay folks, looks like $170 is the listed price on these bad boys which would put them at just about $50 more than the standard VF-0. Now all the pricing speculation can die. Looks like one more item I'll wait on until the prices drop a bit.... that thing looks hideous, it'll be easier to wait on it than the YF-19
  5. If you've seen one 1/48 transform, you've seen 'em all. Why would each release need its own separate review. "The 1S Hikaru is just like the 1S Focker... except the yellow has been replaced with red." The end. I mean, I felt guilty when I put a separate AngelBirds gallery up on my site just because it seems I was giving way too much attention the 1/48 line.
  6. I'd be really curious to see your light set up... I find that to be one of my biggest problems.
  7. Wow, I had given up hope, I was hoping they'd come out early enough for me to ask for them as an Xmas gift... now it's too late
  8. So who has a linky to a well-priced box set? I saw one on eBay but I figured it'd probably have horribly butchered English and be some HK hack job.
  9. LOL, ya know, re-reading my post, I'm only a tiny bit of rhetoric and some semantics away from calling the seller the enemy myself... I think it's all a matter of how vitriol the description of a free market is. The great thing to understand though is that anyone who purchases something and later feels like they got screwed only has themselves to blame... the seller just offered the goods, it's the buyer who makes the determination to act (purely from a pricing standpoint, sellers can certainly screw people in many other ways). I think there's a healthy amount of frustration on these boards though as this hobby is getting increasingly more expensive and the middle man is playing no small part in that (as very clearly evidenced by the 19). Here's the good news relating to this GBP though, we all know what a good price for a GBP is. This isn't like the YF-19 where no one knew what a good price was so they all were susceptible to being taken advantage of. So, now when this GBP is up for preorder we all know whether or not the "special" price is just a ploy. Edit - have I mentioned I really wish Yamato would start upping their production #s? By keeping supply low they're keeping middle man margins HIGH which makes my wallet sad.
  10. jenius

    1/60 VF-11

    I think, if they did it right, the VF-11 also has the potential to be the most poseable Valk toy ever. I would love that... super cool bayonet thrusting poses. NICE!
  11. I think Kurt did a last stand VF-1S that appears to be missing....
  12. Do you have the fast pack version? I think I left a transformation of that version once bleeding... but I did find out how to do it as to remove that friggin' gap that appears behind the cockpit... It just takes a long time, some sweat, maybe a couple tears and some blood. In the fast pack version you have to pay extra attention to where the chest intakes sit in relation to the back of the fighter. The first edition hasn't been a problem for me though.
  13. Elaborate!
  14. A good price will not be available for quite some time... From what I've seen and heard now these things cost the same as a VF-0 but are accumulating massive mark-ups on their transition to the states.
  15. I don't think anyone was ever going to confuse Regult or Reguld with "battlepod"
  16. No one is suggesting the seller is the enemy. The seller is a greedy bastid trying to make as much money as possible. I'm a stingy bastid trying to save as much as possible. We do a little dance called capitalism. The simple fact of the matter is that saving money now is just like it was in the old days. You don't hop on something and buy it the second it comes out if you want a good price. You wait until half a season later and buy it when it's on sale. At the same time, I'm happy there are people who do rush in and buy things instantly, it encourages the vendor to continue carrying the item and ordering more inventory. Wise men say... only fools rush in....
  17. It seems all the GBPs are limited releases.... and they still don't sell out. That means prices will have to stay high (until some middle man hacks the price down just to get rid of the giant box in his warehouse). Also note that valks are getting more expensive too...
  18. This is the original Animeigo set. So is this just a reissue in new packaging? The item you shown on the right is not being discussed here at all, that's the ADV dub, this was a sub only conversation. It was my understanding that the $39.99 Animeigo set is what we're all calling the ADV subtitle although I just looked on it and I don't see ADV anywhere and I do see Animeigo all over it. So, quick way to tell, did Animeigo also call Regults "Regulds"?
  19. um....the set on the left is the one i've been calling the ADV release...
  20. Put it on Youtube... you never know, people might learn about MW through Youtube if you do that. I know nothing about Youtube but it seems everyone is doing it and I've seen some big clips so I can't imagine it's too much of a hassle. I was thinking about putting the old Gakken Mospeada commercials up there myself... if they're not already there.
  21. I just watched the first three episodes. It's the first time I've been able to see Animeigo's work and Wow... i'm impressed. I just wanted to watch one episode but I couldn't stop myself. Animeigo's name is all over this stuff so I find it hard to believe these aren't EXACTLY the same thing (with new art splashed on the boxes and DVDs). The audio was perfectly fine. Again, I might not be spoiled by having heard the original Animeigo copy but nothing sounded fuzzy or tinny. Edit - For the most part the subs seem superb... with one glowing exception. Why the heck did they go with the Reguld spelling instead of Regult?
  22. Well, the Prometheus and ARMD stuff are just stickers, maybe you can make it either one and that's what Yamato is showing by mixing the stickers.
  23. I think you should fill back in the black on the circles (I have no idea what they're called but they're on the thigh pieces and the side of the chest). I also think the shoulder missiles are very necessary. This thing screams out for custom decals too! PS - I think they're also might be a little too much white going on. The Valk actually has a fair amount of color as far as valk paint jobs go. I like the idea of it though and you get major props for modifying such an expensive product!
  24. Do my eyes deceive me or is there a school bus floating 30' in the air?
  25. Green, tan, and dark brown? You sure you aren't describing the GBPII?
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