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Everything posted by jenius

  1. The trailer is probably a few pages back. Just search this thread and you'll find links. I'd just go back from here one page at a time looking for it. It's not out on DVD, the release will be early in February. No mention has been made yet of HD or "Bru"Ray
  2. Yep, that's a lotta toys.
  3. jenius

    VF-0A poll

    I would recommend doing a search in one of the VF-0A threads as I believe someone provided screencaps of the proper CF there. I'm at the office right now so I can't spend time digging it up.
  4. Well, that depends on what you think "uber" is. In this particular instance, Yamato may be partially responsible. If the retailors normally mark something up 30% and Yamato increased the base price the retailors will still want their 30% (that percentage is just an example, I have no idea what a regular toy mark-up is). Of course, it seems to me that some retailors took this toy as a golden reason to bump the profit margin up ($200???) so in those cases the seller is partially responsible. Then again, the moment you blame the seller, if you already own the toy, you have to start blaming the buyer as well.
  5. Here is my understanding of it, everyone feel free to correct me where I'm wrong: The important thing to remember is that DYRL is just a movie "based on a true story" made several years after the war, it is not a documentary but a Hollywood-style production. The TV series is far closer to a "documentary." There were many ARMDs (at least 7 right?) and the SDF-1 presumably can dock with any of them. Since DYRL would have begun filming after the reconstruction the SDF-1, the SDF-1 would be mated to ARMDs having been repaired subsequent to Quamzin's final attack. That's why, in the beginning of the film, the SDF-1 has ARMDs and the "Daedalus" and "Prometheus" are just normal aircraft carriers (the real Daedalus and Prometheus now probably being nothing more than scrap). Hikaru, Hayao, and Max are all pilots at the beginning of the film to speed plot progression, not re-write history. The movie would have had to have been too long to show them all coming together as a group, its better to have them just start that way. I believe the valks in DYRL are also considered upgraded versions of the actual valks used in the war because technology had progressed by the shooting of the movie and the filming used actual service valks at the time of filming.
  6. jenius

    VF-0A poll

    I'm sure they think the drone Ghost will sale more VF-0s, I'm pretty sure the head is removable and it can be made into a support Ghost which people will buy a 2nd Edition VF-0S (whenever it gets released) to go with it. The Reactive Armor would have a similar effect. I too hope we will one day see a Reactive Armor release (and a proper CF release).
  7. jenius

    VF-0A poll

    Actually, I believe that's according to Yamato by way of Graham... in the same conversation they said "There will be no Shin because according to Kawamori Shin flew a CF like the VF-0A we're making" I think it's now safe to say all that was bunk.
  8. Why do I get the feeling that some members will be rather upset with this idea? I asked if anyone could point me to good lineart once and got lectured on copyright stuff...
  9. jenius

    VF-0A poll

    Ya know, if there actually are two different shades of gray used for the main plastic I may actually end up getting both. If they're both exactly the same toy except Shin has a couple splotches of white paint then I'll probably just get Shin's and call it a day. I'm not a huge fan of the Ghost but I'd still buy the giftset for that once in a blue moon where I see someone else's Ghost and feel like playing with my own. Now that we have a Shin VF-0A coming out, would it be safe to assume we'll see a proper CF at some point? Will that totally relegate the current CF release to "nobody's Vf-0A"? If that becomes the case maybe we'll never see a reissue of that particular valk which might make it a collector's item. Then again, if it is just a stripped version of Shin's, anyone who wants one can just buy a Shin version and strip it.
  10. Done, I am currently buying it.
  11. jenius

    VF-0A poll

    Hey mr. e, nice pick up on that 1A Hik today! I kinda forgot about that auction, d'oh! The side-by-side pic begs the question, is the Shin version a tiny bit bluer than the CF or is that just a lighting effect?
  12. There's an entire thread dedicated to the 1/100... you might try looking there. That was your 50th post so you're not a CF anymore.
  13. Which YF-21? If you're looking for 1/60 info you won't find any because there's no proof one actually is being made (yet), if you're looking for 1/72 then you should click the linky in my sig.
  14. If I had to bet money i'd say the improved socket is probably what caused the big delay in their release. If that's the case I actually would have to say KUDOS! to Toynami for finally reacting to fan sentiment. Maybe there's hope afterall....
  15. jenius

    VF-0A poll

    Shin's, it'll probably have everything the others have (that''s the way the Super 1J 1/48 VF-1 releases worked), it'll be the hero valk, and it may have any additional improvements Yamato may have decided to make since the release of the CF.
  16. Yeah, if we're gonna see a big price drop... and we are... now would be the time it'd be worst. The first 1/60 Mac+ toy is here, the others are all anticipated. It won't be until a couple years after the 1/60 line are old news before anyone cares about the 1/72 again. Still, those prices seem even lower than I'd have thought... too bad.
  17. Admit it though, you still love the dog dragon from Never Ending Story though. FALCOR!!!!!
  18. Yeah, now that I think about it more, I think chunky modding probably really is dying. Seems like a lot of hard work just to have people still prefer a Yamato to it. Still, we do see plenty of threads on this forum where people are working on them or have obvious "white" valks in the background of their pics waiting for customization. What people really need to do is focus their attention on the 1/65 VF-17... No sight of a Yamato version on the horizon and the Bandai one is super easy to disassemble and play with. It's still the only custom I've ever done and seriously... how bad arse is this pose??? Here's another... I loved my hack job...
  19. One area I think Yamato kills the custom market is their propensity for repaints. Remember when making a 1A Hayao was a quick and easy custom? After that people decided it was high time to get a CF 1A. Soon enough Yamato released both a 1A CF and Hayao. A fan made a sweet gray LV and Yamato made it a production item. I'm sure several fans made Camo valks and then Yamato made a camo valk. Angelbirds? You know that was someone's super sweet custom and then Yamato released an Angelbirds. The very fact an Angelbirds paint job can exist pretty much means that Yamato is capable of anything. I would also think that the all black super easy custom was something fans liked and Yamato has even done that. Seriously, a TV version Hayao and Max are easy and cool customs but I wouldn't bother making them because it seems like they're both the next most obvious repaints for Yamato to release. Minmei Guard? I wouldn't put it past them. VF-1D? The Cap's conversion kit looks great and Graham seems to be hinting it's not in the foreseeable future but I certainly wouldn't past Yamato to release it at some point. Basically, customizing now has become a matter of impatience (as far as paint jobs go) rather than an exhibition of inspiration. Customizing chunkies on the other hand, I imagine that's still going strong.
  20. I was thinking precisely the same thing.
  21. Wow, in the 1/60 vs 1/65 it sure makes Yamato's effort look SUPER bow-legged. Seriously, it looks like the new toy spent its entire life riding a horse. The cod-piece also looks ginormous. Maybe it's so bow-legged because of the tremendous unit it must be packing Obviously it trumps the hell out of the Bandai in every other respect. Edit - I just increased my browser size and the bow-legged effect looks more like it's caused by the A stance and not the toy. I'll leave the post because I found it funny when I wrote it.
  22. Has this site ever had a recommended reading forum? I think it'd be interesting if not for the flame potential.
  23. Wow, Aemnbo does have some pretty insane shipping charges... I was just fooling around on the site and the prices are very nice... but basically because they're all shifted onto the back end. The GBPIII for example is $95 ($10 cheaper than most places) but SURFACE shipping is $25, EMS is $40. Back up to $135 for the new product which is definitely a pretty standard price.
  24. Let's not forget that patents, by their very nature, are anti-competitive as an incentive for innovation.
  25. jenius


    Anyone have a pic of a cracked one? I'm tryin' to get a better idea for what's happening... I'm a pretty visual guy.
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