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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I'm in there I'm a bit confused though, I just did one survey but from the looks of your thread, am I supposed to do several?
  2. Holy crap, Graham might be a Zentraedi? What about Shawn?
  3. Man, seems like a lot has happened in this thread. When the survey is completely ready for answering can we give it its own thread? That'll help draw some attention to it.
  4. LOL, let me paraphrase: Mac7 would be quite good with different characters, different character design, and an altered and condensed plot! Well, I guess it's a compliment... but not very high praise. Perhaps if they added a subplot for the adults to follow, gave Max his testicles back, let Gamlin die when he should have, deleted mechs' faces and boobs... (no, seriously, I'll stop)
  5. Photo Lesson 1: Before taking pics of display cases, open the door! I only collect Macross and Mospeada so I have no idea what any of that stuff is but it looks pretty cool.
  6. It doesn't look like it's ready to ride a pony nearly as much as the 1/60 version does. Nice work!
  7. Good God, if you owned 4 of every Yammy toy you'd have spent a LOT of cash. Where'd I say I was? I think I'm at $3,300ish and that's only owning 1 of MOST of them (2 LV1s and 0 DYRL Valks other than Focker). So was this question: Aimed more at people who have spent $10K plus or for the people who have spent $2K plus? As for me, I have four Detolfs housing most of my collection (although one Detolf is entirely Mospeada and a second one is Mac7, Mospeada, Elint/Ostrich, and Mac +). Some day I very much hope to have a giant "everything Macross" display case. In the meantime I have quite a few toys in storage.
  8. Meh, I don't see any reason to believe the 1/72 looks better in Drifand's pics than the 1/60 does in Kicker's. Yeah, clearly Drifand has the better picture-taking environment and maybe lined up his shots a bit better but I still see metal painted in a way that doesn't perfectly match the plastic, giant exposed knees, and thick seams that are clearly not apparent in the more poseable 1/60. I look forward to the day I'll have a 1/60 to bash around with in a photo shoot
  9. Ugh, I'm really not liking the necks on these. Thanks for the pics!
  10. Crap... my days may be numbered also!
  11. If only that pic were bigger so I could see the detail...
  12. So they stuck Miria in the ultimate trainer VF-1J
  13. NEVER!! I don't own a single duplicate, I buy one of each and move on. I also don't collect DYRL-only paint schemes. Those two rules keep me from buying a lot of valks. The only problem I have now is that I'm out of room for anything new in my display cases or storage spaces (garage/closets). I did get photoshop for xmas though so I think I might just clean up a lot of the pictures on my website and then sell a bunch of toys off and just have the pictures as my permanent keepsakes
  14. Oh man, I feel totally guilty for dropping his name and that joke in the first place now. Sorry everybody... I had assumed there would never be a resurrection.
  15. My "at-work-wife" (best female friend at work that everyone thinks I'm schtooping) just bought herself a USED bag for $1,700. I laughed at her. Her response, "Yeah, well I'm only getting one of these this year (LIES!), how many $100 toys will you be buying?" My answer? "Not 17!" I may have lied too
  16. LOL, I just totally had an image of a woman looking at the toys "Let's see, you have 12 of these 1/48s... yep, that's a new bag when I need one." C'mon guys, we're crazy for having a bunch of toys but when you convert them into the kind of things girls "collect" (they'd never actually call it that) we're cheap dates!
  17. Wow, glad I got it when I could! Still hasn't arrived yet but that's fine... although when buying stuff online there's still a feeling of relief I get when it's actually in my possession.
  18. LOL, so BBTS charged $200 for their YF-19 and then had them shipped via BOAT to the US? That's like prison sex for the toy world. You guys sure are die hard fans of great customer service... although I tend to think service begins with getting me my item promptly. Safe to say I'll never preorder anything from BBTS.
  19. Mospeada? (from the updated Alpha reviews on anymoon.com)
  20. I am absolutely lost as to the point of this discussion anymore... The VT-1 is a trainer, we all agree right? Maybe it doesn't make the most sense that it is a dedicated trainer but that doesn't stop it from being what it is. I mean seriously, if you want to pick a bird that makes the least amount of sense then you should really stab at the VE-1. Why make that thing transformable at all?
  21. LOL, I haven't even applied a single factory decal to any of my Yammies. I can't say my total would change at all. I like the look of the done-up Yamatos but I don't trust my own ability in any of it to risk touching such an expensive toy... besides, there's something to be said of the clean and pure look too.
  22. Kensei and Godzilla can take heart knowing that they still have only spent a fraction of what Lord Kung-Fu had. I mean, that guy even needs to calculate in the overhead from his climate-controlled warehouses buried deep within the sands of California's deserts. (How long does Lord Kung-Fu have to have not posted here before I should stop making fun of him?)
  23. To be fair, I calculated that into my price, and anyone coming up with their own price could do the same. I get the feeling when someone is done calculating just the stuff in the sig, they'll be satisfied knowing that Godzilla has spent a LOT of money.
  24. Well, his sig lets you know, just add a price
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