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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I think I paid $75 each for my supers and $85 for my strike (and it came in a beat-up box after the post office got done their apparent game of soccer with it... d'oh!). Speaking of my site, I'm pretty sure I'll be updating many of these 1/60 reviews now that I have launch arms and am busting out the 1/60s for my launch arm review anyway. My first reviews didn't do the subtle differences between them justice. My advice? Eh, if Yamato weren't doing everything else in 1/60 I'd say steer clear of 'em. There really isn't a single aspect to them I find very endearing other than their size and level of detail considering the size. That's not to say they're terrible in anyway, I could just think of better ways of spending $75-$85 (for supers). Since Yamato is making everything in 1/60 scale though it's pretty easy to get the completist bug.
  2. Count me in for a set.
  3. a 1/60 scale hovertank really would be about 4". I did the math on it at 1/55 over at RT.com in their threads and it was far too small at 1/55.
  4. go to the link in my sig Luke... search the content Luke.
  5. jenius

    Please Read

    at the time his avatar was the broken shoulder.
  6. jenius

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    No no Dafunguy, he wanted a pic of the broken shoulder so he could show Yamato.
  7. Keith, fresh from a trip to Macross7 fansites has determined that many people actually like Macross7. Nobody is saying that everyone hates Macross7 but I can honestly say that everyone I have actually met in person who is familiar with anime and has watched Mac7 has passionately disliked it. Before I ever saw it I was warned to avoid it like the plague because it might kill my passion for Macross. I've seen a few people on message boards defend it but have never run into one at a video store or anywhere I might be (although honestly, I don't know many people into anime at all). That said, those same people that hated Mac7 have always known MacII and just like DestroidDefender says, the typical reaction is either indifference or a "that one scene was cool" refering to something in particular they liked.
  8. NOT MY AUCTION - Super Stealth Saw that on eBay and thought of you. I'm completely unrelated but thought I'd point it out in case no one has been able to help ya. EDIT- if you care you might want to double-check that it's the Special Edition double-pack and that this guy isn't just selling the two individual sets as one item.
  9. Good point, remember that one website (i have no idea which it was) that actually showed a Yamato Voltron for pre-order at like $350??? (but they showed a Toynami Voltron for the pic)
  10. Well I think I'm done with the MPC forever now. I have completely revised all three of my posts on my blogsite about the VF-1 MPC to include better pictures and info so unless something dramatic happens in the future with them I think they're DUN. This last post was just a little blurb on the Archer MPC.
  11. You sure it ain't just the rubber ring in the hip socket? That's a pretty common issue.
  12. There's a noob thread dedicated to basically all of those questions (although I think it's answered more from the other angle of people having seen Robotech and wondering how Macross is different).
  13. Just a little defense for a mech i don't care for, when the hovertank receives a makeover at some point in the show going from the early rendition open-cockpit version to a space-capable closed cockpit version that does look a bit cooler. Graham, just to kill the speculation, have you sensed anything from Yamato in regards to abandoning the 1/48 line? I need a new VF-1 to go with my GBPIII.
  14. I thought Tatsunoko doesn't even exist anymore. I'm pretty sure HG's Mospeada rights are global either way. Then again, I haven't ever been to Japan so I have no idea whether or not MPC Alphas exist there. It might be an issue where Toynami has no inroads with Japanese retailers (heck, Toynami has no inroads with American retailers). Ignoring the Toycom thing for a moment, assuming HG does have Japanese Mospeada rights (if they don't, I imagine no one does... and if no one does I imagine HG would get them...). You possess the rights to the likeness of characters from a cartoon... that's not worth anything unless people are making merchandise for it. Now, one company says "hey, we'll give you 5 cents for every toy we sell from that cartoon you got." You say, "GREAT, deal." Now, another company says "We'll also give you 5 cents for every toy we make." Do you say "No, we already made a deal with someone" or do you say "GREAT, deal." Since Toynami's license doesn't appear to be exclusive (also somewhat of an assumption but it's what an HG person apparently said at one of dem SC talkabouts) then it really behooves HG to make a deal with any company willing to produce toys that won't tarnish the license. The only reason HG would care about the new company competing with Toynami is if they had a deal where they received smaller royalties from another company and there was evidence that other company's products would dampen sales of the first company. Since Toynami is apparently dead in the water it really makes perfect sense to give another company a chance to run with it. What's key to remember is that Toynami is not HG. Now, whether or not HG is heavily invested in Toynami is another question (i've tried to find out to no avail but got rumors that the answer was "not heavily invested.") So, if HG's only interest in Toynami is a revenue stream from toy royalties and HG develops an opportunity to create a second revenue stream (even if isolated to Japan depending on licensing issues) it makes sense for them to go with it. A good example is BigWest with Yamato, Banpresto, Bandai, Kaiyodo and whatever other companies make Macross toys. BigWest didn't shut people down because one company was licensed already. Except that HG does sell the Garland and reportedly try to ink a deal to sell Valks before Bandai and BW ixnayed it (man, am I just the rumor man today or what??). EDIT - No, i don't think Yamato is working on Mospeada products... I just think it's possible that someday something could be worked out... but I'm sure Yamato has plenty of other things they could focus on.
  15. Yeah, I know what I think it is... but that doesn't stop me from wanting something else.
  16. Why would HG having the rights be a problem? HG simply licenses companies. HG cannot license Yamato to make Macross Saga toys because of BW but since HG has universal rights to Mospeada they can license whoever they want. BW won't care about a Mospeada product... they have no right to. HG doesn't care about Macross products in Japan so they have no animosity toward Yamato.
  17. No, you're confusing size with scale. The 1/60 VF-1 (much smaller in size) is in SCALE because if you saw the two in real life the VF-1 would be much smaller in size. If you pose a 1/60 VF-0 next to a 1/48 VF-1 they will appear to be in unison from a size perspective. You're not emulating how they would look in real life though (again, the VF-1 is much smaller as it would sit on an air field next to a VF-0)
  18. jenius

    Please Read

    That was the rumor. It might have just been wishful thinking though by sellers who had sold out of the VF-0S after being short-supplied by Yamato. It will be reissued eventually... maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day
  19. 2 problems with the Motoslave, isn't Bubblegum crisis a product of 1990? Also, wikipedia indicates it's life was truncated due to legal problems and its lackluster performance (ie. not popular).
  20. Here's the deal, HG does hold the rights to Mospeada inside and outside of Japan. For all intents in purposes though they're just a rights holder. Yamato is NOT competition to HG, they're competition to Toynami. Toynami does NOT hold any exclusive licensing deals with HG meaning that HG is free to also grant Mospeada production rights to any other toy company as they see fit (kind of like BW does with Macross).
  21. Mospeada, from my understanding, was neither a real hit nor a failure. It came and went and developed a decent enough fan base. This was at a time though when toy companies were over-extending themselves and hoping to make fortunes on every show and Mospeada did not warrant that kind of investment so many people consider that a failure. Gakken certainly didn't get rich off Mospeada... in fact it may have chased them back to the book industry! Unfortunately, my knowledge of 80s Japanese shows outside of Robotech's original series is pretty limited so I'll keep pulling for Mospeada.
  22. Rightstuf.com is sucking my testicles. First, their site instructs you to ship to your work so you'll be sure to get your item. They do warn you that doing this though may mean they'll have to verify your identity. So, I chose to have Votoms shipped to my work. 2 weeks later I get an email telling me they have to verify my identity. I figured an email back, a telephone call, maybe a faxed signature would get the job done. No, they basically need you to send them a vile of blood for DNA sequencing. So I tell them, okay, screw that, just ship it to my home. I get an email back thanking me and letting me know that my item will ship shortly. Another week goes by and I get an email "The item you've ordered is out of stock." Wow, rock on website, best.store.ever. I can only imagine how long I'll be waiting for this product now...
  23. You do realize the MPC was originally billed a 1/48 Legioss when it was still a model right? 1/48 is still too small for a Legioss. Basically Yamato would be making it's very own version of the MPC and I would much rather them build a bigger toy.
  24. jenius

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    I would vote no 0 until the Shin on the slightest hope that it will be better. If mine does one transformation and shows a nice clean stress line I can only imagine how bad things are going to get..
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