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Everything posted by jenius

  1. IIRC - if i recall correctly Kitbash - someone took various model kits and "bashed" them into one new unique model.
  2. Now I believe you're likely correct but... How unencumbered do you expect a girl in her first year of junior high school to be? Also, do you think the ads for the men state they must be single and unmarried to be in the film? LOL, I'm not trying to argue anything here, I just think there's some humor in the ad.
  3. I'm not sure I'm following perfectly, but for mine I think I had to mod both the piece your showing in tape and the piece above it for lack of clearance after you add the mobility to the lower assembly. So, the intake (hip) hangs over the thigh so if you mod the thigh it still can't move because of the hip. So, after you mod the thigh you also need to mod the hip (well, that's how I remember it, hopefully I'm wrong because that's where things got awfully nasty).
  4. LOL, why does the actress need to be single? What the heck are they going to make her do to get this job??
  5. LOL, I destroyed a gun trying to make it collapsible. It's definitley "ambitious" especially since the width of the leg wouldn't really accomodate it either. I didn't even touch the hip area you're starting with. Looks like a good start. The most dreaded area I modded are the blue pegs that come up from either leg to connect to the thigh. That's the area that required my cutting and warping black pieces of plastic and the parts that eventually broke free when poor Humpty fell.
  6. I'll tell you this much, you're already off to a much better start than I was by having much better tools. Graham should also be a lot of help here, he has at least one custom VF-17.
  7. Wow, I've never been so stoked to read absolute gibberish! I mean that seriously.
  8. Yeah, could this be about Kissdum or something?
  9. can we get a new 1/48 to go with the urban camo GBP? And, as always, tell them how much we want the 2 seaters in 1/48. Also tell them they should pick up the Mospeada license.
  10. LOL, is the sculpting of a head really that much of a hang up? I mean, that's the easiest out I could ever imagine. "We don't want to spend the 4 cents it'd take us to come up with a new head." If Toynami could do it for their 5000 run YF-1R I'm pretty sure it doesn't even register as an excuse with Yamato.
  11. The 1/60 VF-1 is the epitomy of so-so. I would love for them to go back and make a 1/60 VF-1 that actually seems up to the standard of late 1/60 releases. I'm not expecting it to be as cool as a 1/48 but it could very easily be improved. Yes, the 1/60 VF-1S head should have gotten someone fired, it's that bad. Meh CD, the 1S is many people's absolute favorite, what kind of solution is it to tell them to just live with being unhappy with it? It's not a solution at all. The fact that there's room to debate whether or not the 1/60 VF-1 is a better toy than a Toynami MPC alone should be strong support for the 1/60 VF-1 being revisited.
  12. I think that was just kind of a semantics issue. Here's how I imagine it: G: "Are you going to do the 2-seaters in 1/48?" Y: "In 1/48? No." As in, "We've done the 2 seaters but they're in 1/60 scale." The way the CF went down was kind of strange. It seemed like Yamato told all potential vendors to request numbers in advance so they could determine how big the production volume would be. That made the vendors think the CF would be a limited edition. Then Yamato made a production run similar in size to what all the preorder figures were (I'm sure with some amount of slack to round the number up). This doesn't make the CF a limited edition though, Yamato can always make more CFs later, it just ensured that Yamato wouldn't make so many the market would be flooded. Since then it seems all Yamato releases have been rather limited... because they know they can just reissue later.
  13. Kensei, why did you list the LV2 as a limited edition? To my knowledge the LV1 is still the only limited version we've seen. Remember when we were being convinced the CF-1A was a limited edition also?
  14. yep, not the most user friendly but i believe this is it http://macross.anime.net/
  15. Someone could probably measure but if you know the scale and you know what size the vehicle is supposed to be you can just do the math. There might be some variances but i assume you'd get those from people just measuring also.
  16. If he cares about swapping parts the 1/60 is bad advice.
  17. You know what would make that display look really cool F4V? A Beta! Man, I seriously can't believe we're not any closer to getting those. Anyway, this thread inspired a pic I put up so I thought I'd share it here. It doesn't really relate too much but it shows the difference between a 1/55 and a 1/60 valk.
  18. I've updated the Yamato 1/60 review for the first releases on my site. I think it covers the strengths and weaknesses pretty nicely but feel free to differ. If you think I over-looked something lemme know.
  19. Whoa Valkyrie Addict, that pic is insane. It definitely peaks the curiosity... it almost looks creepy kinda human. Odd how the fins are folded on the arms instead of in it. Any idea where I can learn more about it?
  20. I would guess because much fewer were produced.
  21. If the display stand I want isn't sold by Saturday I might just be buying a few more of these... They are highly recommended.
  22. What are Hanson doing these days? They could totally replace the original music! M7 was never released because not enough people were ever going to buy it... that hasn't changed. Don't let Keith fool you, there is a small vocal minority that like M7... most people are repulsed by it. I think there have even been polls on this forum to support that.
  23. I got in a car accident shortly after picking up a toy once. I'm sure that cost me a lot of money in insurance premiums. That was quite a while ago now though. I was out running errands though, I can't really say it was the Macross toy that did it although it was certainly my most major motivator in running the errands. Oh well.
  24. I could probably find it on the site but where is the B&M store in the bay area?
  25. I'm currently doing a review of the K&M Series 002 pieces for my site and only one of the poseable pieces (the GBP) didn't break during my review. It's as Freidric has said, the joints are made of the same soft vinyl as the toy so the affix to each other, then you go to move a joint and the soft vinyl just tears right in two and an arm or a leg pops right off. Very brilliant. That said, the entire 5 pieces cost like $20 shipped so my expectations were very low (and after I rubber-cemented them back together it didn't seem like such a huge deal that certain limbs would never move again). When you pay 10x that amount it seems reasonable to have 10x the expectations.
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