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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Yeah, the Sterling/Jenius clan to get a lot of play. My understanding of it is that the REF and the SDF-3 were all at one spot together. Most the REF then jumps back to Earth space while the SDF-3 runs some errands (like testing the NS missile). This means that the SDF-3 hasn't been away from the REF for very long at all. In fact, the REF seems to think the SDF-3 is right behind them and that's why Vince is freaking out in the beginning before Rick even calls. I think it just seems like the SDF-3 has been missing for a long time because we remember Scott not being able to contact the expeditionary force but that's kind of another issue up until the battle at Reflex Point (where Rick honestly did go missing). I seriously hate when animated shows could solve huge problems with a simple sentence of dialogue. I agree completely with you and all it would have took was a few seconds of talking for the whole audience to be much better in the loop. If I'm not mistaken though, there is a sentence by Vince where he says something to the effect that he's not going to actually launch the missile at the Haydonites because it's their technology and he doesn't want to find out how they could turn it against him (so he has to be sneaky). My memory is a bit fuzzy but there's at least some half-arse reason he gives. Amen. My only thought there would be that they might not want to do this if this is going to be Mospeada 2 in Japan. Other than that I think it's a terrible waste.
  2. LOL, my bad. I didn't realize you were striving to be juvenile! I'm in the game again then... lord knows I can play that game with the best of 'em!
  3. See, I think you have a misunderstanding of who I am or what I'm doing. I'm not advertising Shadow Chronicles. I don't work for HG. I'm just some guy who watched it and said "it's okay. Not terrible, has some weak spots, but overall not too bad. Worth givin' it a watch if you don't already hate it from everything else you've heard." I then teased a bit for the weak spots. I'm not a professional reviewer. I'm not on these boards to get a message out, I thought I was participating in conversation and debating the good with the bad. I didn't realize you were holding me to some higher level and I was supposed to be offering up something definitive for you. Do me a favor, demote me from this "reviewer" status you've given me and just consider my comments the same as any other random board member. Here you go Exo, here's a professional review that's obviously not biased (it's only on Robotech.com's website): A Review for you
  4. So saying it's "just okay" isn't a proper review? Saying "some will like this and others won't" makes my point invalid. Saying "the best thing to do is find out for yourself" makes me a terrible utterly irrational person. Got it. Thank you for your intelligent input.
  5. That was actually me teasing how bad the animation was.. not trying to make it sound good (but still sayinig it's not the WORST ever... lol, just not good.)
  6. Well, I'm not sure you were aware of Keith's stance before hand. Not to speak for the guy but he was pretty certain he'd hate it and rank it with Space Gandam. What it all comes down to is what really matters to you. Was MacZero great because it was pretty or did it suck because the story was jumpy and lame? If you liked it because it was pretty then RT will be a huge let down to you. Do you hate RT in the first place? Well, this probably isn't going to make you change your mind. Do you only watch movies that people on forum boards tell you are great? Clearly this would not be one of them. If you can get beyond animation enough to still watch something like Orguss and enjoy the story then you may just find it enjoyable but if you need sparkling Hollywood goodness then hold out for the next scifi blockbuster. If you have a diehard stance on where you thought RT ought to go then this will only let you down because you didn't write it. Do you only want an RT show that features all the old characters? Well, this isn't that either. There are LOTS of people this won't appeal to... but anyone who reviews anything and doesn't say that is lying. How's the old M7 argument go though? How do you know something sucks until you've tested the waters yourself. There's always a torrent!
  7. Man, must be nice not to have to pay shipping. $165 for a giftset? I'd' take that. I think I'm going to be payinig closer to $185 to have mine shipped via boat.
  8. LOL, for those put off by these CG still frames you really need to see the explosions... some are just funny bad. Worst CG I've ever seen though? No, I wouldn't go that far. Beautiful in any sense? No, definitely not. I think if you think of this as the first few episodes of a TV show rather than a movie you won't be so let down by the CG. If you think of this as the first few episodes from a late 90s TV show it pretty much fits right in. Have the reviews really been that bad? From my casual surfing the reviews actually seem to be much better than I expected. Heck, Keith didn't throw up in his DVD case and then put it in the bathroom next to his copy of Space Gandam. I consider that a ringing endorsement!
  9. I'm curious, does Maia ever even say her last name? I remember when I was watching it I was wondering if anyone would ever reference her parents but it seemed to me they went out of their way not to. Also, all we know of are Maia, Dana, Max, and Miriya, that's not a whole army... my family is that size too . A lot of people here have complained about Space Station Liberty being blown up. Why? I thought it worked fine for a plot point. I agree with Arkany about how silly the whole "PROBLEM WITH THE MISSILES" was and how we never learned what it was. Seems to me that the inclination though is that they're far more destructive then anticipated and had they been used the Earth forces would have destroyed themselves with the planet. Since they are so awesomely destructive Vince is able to use one to blow up (an apparently very slow moving) Haydonite fleet. I got lots of issues with the film though but I think most mine are quasi-fanboy-related. The Betas not being as cool as they should be, the Betas not separating as Arkany pointed out, the lack of Southern Cross anything (other than Louis), the lack of the cooler Invid mechs, the re-writing of the battle at Reflex Point.
  10. I put a review up on my site. Haven't had time to put up pics yet. It's pretty wordy . Feel free to lambast!
  11. Hey guys, I'm watching it now and there is definitely one scene where to Cyclones transform on screen. It takes exactly .25 seconds and it happens mid jump from one level in space station liberty to the next.
  12. Zinjo, doesn't the new copyright mean that something more than a game is coming? That's an honest question, I thought the copyright indicators always indicated new animation judging from the other years referenced.
  13. My vote for Wave3: VF-1D AngelBirds CannonFodder
  14. 1st Border, I think they want to (myself included) see the Haydonite mechs.
  15. Well, I didn't spell it genius so you might say it's actually clever word play... or you might say it's the last name of a prominent Macross family. Honestly, I have no recollection of what you're talking about. Ah, could that be because you started by insulting every member of Robotech.com... of which I am also a member? LOL, and you know what, even though you did that, I didn't attack your review, I merely suggested ways in which you could P-off the people at RT.com more by bringing more valid arguments. I was pretty clearly talking about what HG was capable of... You picked on them for not having more money, I pointed out that it may not have been readily available... If you want to take that as a slight on yourself, be my guest. While I have found all of your subsequent posts openly hostile, I assure you my telling you that your review would have likely brought more outrage from those "humanoid-like Robotechies" if you had actually brought more to the table was not a slight on you, just advice on how to invoke more of a response. You expressed disbelief that "Robotechies" weren't hounding you for what you said, I instructed you on how to make it more a topic of conversation.
  16. Who's bashing? It's okay for you to criticize a movie but you don't like having your criticism criticized? It wasn't even harsh, I was telling you to go for the jugular.
  17. So the chicks in spandex with giant breasts alone is enough for you not to watch it. Interesting.... I'm just playin', RT chat on an MW board is fun. Me thinks you are VASTLY over-estimating Robotech's CULT following. Yes, it's larger than some cult followings, but it ain't huge. I assure you, it's financiers who are afraid of spending which makes HG unable to spend. The franchise was dead for a decade for a number of reasons (such as Matchbox, their original financier pulling out, the YEN/Dollar conversion). I remember when the RT game came out, it was reviewed by G4 and the intro was "Do you care about 20 year old cartoons? Neither do we!"
  18. LOL, I haven't seen it yet but Night Stalker, your criticisms seem a bit shallow. You don't like the character designs or outfits, that's fine. You didn't like how little Rick was there but they're obviously trying to move on from the original cast and use the original cast as bait. Being pissed because HG didn't have enough money to make some blockbuster amazing film is like making fun of poor kids for not having designer jeans. You can do, but what are you accomplishing? No Sir, if you want to write a real scathing review, and it sounds like you do, you gotta attack the bread and not the butter. The fact we don't see a Cyclone transform seems ticky tacky for those of us who haven't seen it (it might become readily apparent that they did everything to avoid it and seem more jarring for those who have actually viewed it). No... go after the WRITING to destroy a film. Make fun of nonsensical elements. Tell me about the part where the main character escaped on a flying rock. Tell me about how a pilot who was lost in space was discovered because of a new technology that found sound energy in the cosmos. That's the kind of stupidity you have to nail. Bad outfits are par for the SciFi course.
  19. Man, now I wanna dig up my pic of mine hugging a beer can. Good work, I'm sure you'll have a ton more fun with that toy now than you could ever have with a stock one.
  20. The only problem with that variation is that you can't pose that portion of the leg forward for a super aggressive GERWALK stance like the VF-1 poses in.
  21. Man, if you guys didn't watch the last episode of MacZero you missed some pretty cool action. Yeah, the ultimate ending is a bit... open to interpretation... but the action is pretty cool.
  22. isn't it crazy how easy the knee mod is and what a huge difference it makes?? It's almost like Bandai sabotaged themselves when they made the toy... it makes no sense at all. Looks much cleaner than mine!
  23. Ooh, parallel to M7 and knocks M7 into a parallel universe a la M2!
  24. Can they finally make the biege/orange Martian LV that I've been begging for? Jeesh, sometimes I think Yamato doesn't listen to me at all. Oh.. wait... I think the next time I'm bored I'm gonna photo-shop my martian LV.
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