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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Oh wow, I forgot I posted the link to my review here. Some comments: Absolutely, the photos are done and I'm just waiting for my stupid desk to arrive so I can get back to editing and posting at home. I've got lots of comparison pics and I'm going to do some out-sourcing to someone more knowledgable on these old toys to make sure I cover the most amount of info I can. The review for the second series is practically done, it will make it abundantly clear that the new cups are much stronger. It's also going to have a sweet photo of the cups in action Teaser pic!
  2. As it's labeled a "ground combat" version I'm gonna guess no. Maybe it's like the GBP though and it can eschew the armaments to transform.
  3. The "variations" list needs to be updated with 1/48 GBP Urban since Camo seems to refer to the GBPII.
  4. You're going to be let down by the pics... the name pretty much says it all. All black valk.
  5. I used to think Henshin Robos were what was sold in Europe but I've since been corrected on that one. Apparently Henshin Robo was Gakkens way of reaching other markets (as you've heard) and then once Excite & Matchbox got in on Robotech distribution everything US then received the Robotech branding. I think it really all just boils down to a distribution game and whoever was distributing (and whoever they were distributing for in the way of a license holder) had a hand in what the box would look like. There are several variants of the packaging to hunt down if you feel so inclined. Gakken of Singapore is easily the more prolific Gakken product, finding genuine Gakken of Japan stuff can be quite tricky.
  6. You are correct on both counts.
  7. This one's easy... Battroid is the best. Why? Because that's the only way you can pose dozens of 1/48s without having to add on another room to your house. When you start posing these things in GERWALK or setting up a bunch of fighter displays you find yourself out of room in no time flat.
  8. No, you can't, because the backpack mechanism is incorrect on the CF (ie. it lacks the slots needed to attach the boosters). Edit - Thanks Xsjado
  9. The paint jobs don't look very smooth... almost hand-painted (or maybe it's my monitor) which is what really leads me to believe they're customs... then again maybe they're mock-ups.
  10. I was packing away my Superposeable Alphas last night and it occurred to me that they actually resemble the CM's Legioss pretty closely. Honestly, that's not too bad of a thing. I still have high hopes (and fears)
  11. I think both would look better in person. The YF-19 doesn't look as bad as the VF-1J also.
  12. I still need to find a good place to buy one. Once I have it I'll be doing a gi-normous photo shoot I'm sure ... sadly that'll probably be months from now at my current rate.
  13. Assuming this is a Tatsunoko licensed product (and I would think it'd have to be) then HG may end up totally supporting the product and even go so far as releasing a Robotech branded version for US distribution. Stranger things have happened. If that's the case, I would definitely expect Toynami's Beta to be dead as a door nail.
  14. LOL, F* this buying over the Internet crap, I'm flying to Japan and doing some hand-picking next time!
  15. It's far from Totoro242 just having bad luck, I've been tracking every 1/100 auction for a while now and almost none of them have guns. Also, the pictures you find almost anywhere seem to always be gunless. It must just be like Noel said though, all the original owners didn't really have a place to put it and just discarded them and so the ones you find now-a-days are all gun-free. Strange that so many would still have their unapplied sticker sheets but not have the friggin' gun.
  16. but the toys there aren't shown with guns?
  17. I only own 1 1/100 Taka and it has no gun: 1/100 Max 1J: No Gun: 1
  18. I have a similar problem with the black stripe on my GBPII
  19. Yeah but that's actually right in line with Toynami. Toynami is projecting November of 2007 state-side. I would think they would introduce the product first in their home market and then abroad (seems to be how most companies do things). If they're not just repackaging it will make for some awesome competition! Then again, Beagle might not hit until November 2008. Also, if Toynami only has a couple prototypes it'd make sense that Beagle wouldn't be showing one... but you would probably suspect Beagle would be showing pictures of the Toynami prototype at the least.
  20. I'm always in the market for better goods. I hope all of these companies put Toynami to shame but coming from a history with a dearth of toys for this series (since the late 80s at least) I'm really just thrilled to see any companies involved, including Toynami. Oh yeah, we're going to see some neat comparisons in scale now too with other franchises. This should be very cool. You guys don't think that Beagle will just be distributing the Toynami product do you?
  21. Actually, Gakken's large Ride Armor is 1/8 scale.
  22. Yes, and Gakken wasn't a toy maker back in the day either. There's still more than ample reason to show more tha a little trepidation over a company taking on such an ambitious (and delicate) toy. Even for a dedicated, tried and true company with tons of experience, the Ride Armor is nothing to take lightly. It is very complicated with many small parts that need to move to combine in a delicate menagerie of a figure.
  23. If Tatsunoko still exists as its own entity they would be the ones doing the raking... not that this would be particularly bad for HG since it opens up some doors for them if they want to work out an import trade.
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