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Everything posted by jenius

  1. You mean "get some sort of compensation," watch your rhetoric. He doesn't have dreams of new cars and mansions here unless he's delusional. I don't think he gets free trips to Japan, free bullet train service, free hotel rooms or free meals on his trips. I also bet he gets paid for his time as well. Even if you theoretically don't pay a dime but you invest countless man hours you're entitlted to compensation of some form. Carl is not Roger and Roger is not making a stink about anything and Carl's doing it because he sees the value in Roger's work. He's not asking you to spend money and he's only asking you to spend a few minutes of your time but even that is too much effort for you? Your entire argument hinges upon the fact you don't think Roger is entitled to anything for his hard work. You completely ignore the fact that we wouldn't be talking about any of this without that hard work. Once you recognize that it is only because of Roger that these designs can come to light you will begin to see there's value to what Roger has done. Once you recognize that value is present it shouldn't take you long to understand that compensation is not an unreasonable request.
  2. Actually the Enforcers according to RT.com are the big blue guys with heat rays instead of plasma disks. I believe (might be mistaken) the old RT RPGs though used to refer to what is known at RT.com as the Invid Soldier (and what you're referring to Breetai) as Enforcers. So there's the confusion for you.
  3. I'm getting toward the end of VOTOMs and I gotta say, it's finally starting to lose some appeal with me. I thought it was pure awesomeness up until it started getting wrapped up in Wiseman. It's not that it's getting too spiritual for me either, I don't see it that way, I think I just liked the political answer where the whole story was the meddling of men. I'm not through it yet though, maybe it redeems itself in the last several episodes. Also, someone said once in some thread that Chirico was a more empathetic character than Stig in Mospeada. I haven't seen that yet at all. He's more enigmatic but he's just as big a prick. I guess the difference is you really keep hoping Chirico will snap out of it with Fyana's help whereas Stig clearly needs something beyond love... like a good healthy dose of wrath.
  4. I agree. No one refutes that Roger did some work for this. IF (and it's a big if, but one I don't think any of us is capable of answering) he is capable of receiving compensation for his efforts, how can we possibly state he shouldn't? I'm a stingey bastard who hates paying for anything, that doesn't give me the right to start demanding things for free or asserting that people giving me things for free is the best way for them to conduct their lives. That said, I think more than anything else Danth is just arguing that these items get published at all costs, regardless of HG or any potential gains. On those grounds I agree. I hope if HG can't come through for Roger that these designs don't just fade away into obscurity but do become public viewing some how. I don't think we're at a point where that should be our fear though. Best of luck to you Roger.
  5. Theoretically this guy worked hard to dig up this information. He is under the impression that his time and effort is worth some amount of money. The Internet could facilitate this if these designs would draw enough attention/traffic to gain Roger some funds from the revenue the site would get from advertisers. He may also be under the impression that Harmony Gold has a wider reach than an unknown/named website and thus he could reach more people/receive greater profit from working with HG. Trying to wheel and deal with HG thus makes a ton of sense... more sense than saying "You should just give it away for free!" Don't get me wrong, it'd be awesome if he did that, I love Mospeada and would love to see everything, but how could I possibly fault the guy for seeking some reward for all his hard work? The legalities of the situation are something entirely different... if he can't possibly profit in anyway then hell yeah, to the free Internet dispersing method with them!
  6. I have long speculated the VFA-6H didn't see a full 15K production run but Kevin at the Valk Exchange stated last time I brought up that conspiracy that he believed all were made and sold. I'm still not 100% convinced but he'd know a heck of a lot better than I would. If Toynami were smart it'd be sand bagging a few thousand Scott MPCs for a Beta release. Starting with a Shadow Beta might also make great sense since it'd go with three MPC releases rather than just the one.
  7. Hey you, it's a brick with a long thin protrusion! I didn't say I'd buy it because I was fond of the design though, I'd just buy it for the novelty. Did you guys ever notice the "destroids" in that show? Wow... bad. I swear the Logan (RT name) was seriously designed with Gobots in mind. They were like "We'll put the shell of a jet on a robot body and just have a body flip out from underneath... it'll be the easiest toy to make ever!" Even when they finally got around to introducing a half decent mech they made it into a space helicopter that's super thin and angular giving it the look of an emaciated Legioss wannabe. For some reason I did like the Bioroid (RT name again) though. Of all the possible Southern Cross toys, I think a bioroid would be highest on my want list.
  8. With the exception of the Mospeada Ride Armors and the Tread. Um, so can we just say the "three mode variable Legioss is essentially the same idea as the three mode variable Valkyrie?" I think that's a bit more precise. I'll jump on the "wow, Southern Cross designs are terrible" band wagon. Seriously... ouch. I'll definitely give Mac7 the better mech design award faces et al.... but plot-wise the original Southern Cross (not the atrocious Robotech Masters) had a better story... albeit a dark story that would have worked much better as a movie in my opinion since it wasn't very inviting or intriguing. Still, toys for that show? Not bloody likely... but I could be convinced to buy a Sparta (hover tank) if it came out.
  9. I had a very similar experience. Wow, it was atrocious. Thundercats was a little better though, I watched the first episode of that and there was some funny/creepy/odd stuff but not as terrible as Transformers or GI Joe.
  10. Edit - impossible after 10 minutes Points - useless I do not believe you can search for posts by a particular member, you can search for the member but I think it just gives you their profile. I think you can change your password somewhere though if you're afraid you've been hijacked but I check the Stuff forum pretty frequently and haven't seen your name in there.
  11. A simpler way to think of it would be to consider the number 3. 3 is 50% bigger than 2 because 50% of 2 is 1.
  12. I wonder if Toynami ever made their Beta if someone would fab up an Aoshima connector mechanism for this Legioss... LOL, you think that's thinking way too far ahead? I wonder if Toynami's vaporware will be able to connect to this toy that may not even be in the prototype stage
  13. oreillyrel's theory sucks, there's not a single conspiracy involved with it. Can you please edit all that so we at least have some sort of bad guy. Saying the Japanese are just doing what we did during our dotcom boom is so... boring.
  14. Well, not until Tatsunoko, CMs, and HG strike a deal to sell the repackage bundle in Robotech form If you want to get real convoluted you can also say that you're putting money into Tatsunoko's hands who will then put money in HG's hands to produce more Mospeada-esque videos for potential Japanese releasing under the Mospeada name. Yes, I'm still in conspiracy mode
  15. Yeah Retracting, I had heard the same thing, but was corrected a while back. The confusion lies from Tatsunoko having a happy relationship with HG and being willing to collaborate on potential business deals unlike the Macross property where BigWest is very unhappy and makes it quite clear that HG's reach only goes so far no matter how well they get along with Tatsunoko.
  16. Jeebus, I got mine today too. Yep, no response from Yamato first just a GIANT box full of styrofoam. I seriously had to go searching through the styrofoam before I finally felt the tiny bumps at the bottom which were the new shoulders. I'm stoked!
  17. I agree, afterall, if this were 25th anniversary fever wouldn't all this merchandise be slated to come out in 2008 to really celebrate it? I think Tatsunoko is probably trying to ramp up some renewed interest in Mospeada and [conspiracy] then release Shadow Chronicles in some heavily revamped form as Mospeada II. Then again, perhaps "Mospeada II" will be the big 25th anniversary celebration event... [/conspiracy].
  18. That's like saying the new TMNT movie must be meant for adults because it's named TMNT. I don't believe that's true.
  19. did you get a reply before the box? I sent an email a while back with my address and everything and haven't heard anything back.
  20. I didn't want to spoil the show by reading and viewing the extras first. My bad.
  21. I'm loving Votoms. Did they ever make any Votoms video games or was the series too old before the advent of video game systems? (Christ we're getting old) Anyway, I can't help but think how perfectly VOTOMs lends itself to a video game. You can go with pretty much any genre and it works. I, for one, would love a huge RPG.
  22. The Wii is ridiculously popular. I moved in with a girl who doesn't play video games ever and we were deciding who would buy what furniture. I told her I would take care of everything in the entertainment center and she was like "ooh can we get a Wii??" Then, my brother calls me a bit later, "My wifey doesn't want me to get any more video game systems but she told me she'd be okay with a Wii." So apparently, chicks dig Wii. PS3 on the other hand? "Hell no, who would spend that much money on a toy??" LOL, Macross collectors should never answer that last question.
  23. No, that's CM's Mospeada offering... although they appear to also be in approximately 1/48 or 1/55 scale also.
  24. A 1/48 Aoshima will be exactly the same size as a Toynami MPC if Aoshima borrows from the Imai tradition. Does the Toynami MPC look great next to your 1/48 Yamatos? If it were 1/35 scale it'd be just a tiny bit shorter than your 1/48... as it isi it will be MUCH smaller.
  25. If it's a preassembled metal version of the Imai kit then it might prove to just be a more (or less?) rugged version of the Toynami MPC. Seems really silly to me but I'll be one of the suckers paying $100 to import a toy that is pretty much universally scorned on these boards as not being worth $50 in its Toynami incarnation. Hopefully they have an MPC and have figured out where Toynami went wrong.
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