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Everything posted by jenius

  1. While not as cool as being hints toward a new Mospeada project it's still really cool to see some new Mospeada art highlighting other ways the story could have gone. This part seems backward to me though: The new art we saw of the Inbit definitely looked to be more in-line with giant insect creatures whereas what we saw in the show definitely seemed to be more in line with creatures using powered-suits. Personally, I prefer how it played out in the show but I do really dig the idea of the Inbit being less evolved the further they were away from the main hive. I'm glad they didn't do 16 different versions... that would have been overkill unless several were more cameo type Inbit that were only seen in hives. Oh well, it's a shame there's not more Mospeada on the way.
  2. LOL Pfunk, going for the hard one first eh? TLEAD has been defined, TREAD was TRans Earth Deployment IIRC. Dread is probably just a scarier name.... BOO! Edit - it's more likely TLEAD became TREAD because TLEAD isn't really pronouncable and it was probably assumed by many that the 'L' was just a romanization error made by early translators.
  3. When comparing non-canon to canon, you gotta admit that the DYRL valks are just visually boring in comparison to the Stealth, LV, or LVII. I only own one DYRL valk, Roy's, but I own all the non-canon valks. I also own all the TV Valks but I can see where some might consider Hikaru's 1J to be not as exciting as one of the non-canonical efforts.
  4. The original Legioss was a bit of the antithesis to the VF-1 stylistically. Rather than looking elegant it looked like a bruiser (obviously, all IMHO). The new design eschews that aesthetic for a sleeker and frailer look which isn't something I prefer. I think it could also benefit from some tail fins and a canopy but maybe I'm just old fashion. Like the others, I'm digging the new Tread. It actually looks like something that could fly within the atmosphere now.
  5. See also: Low Vis 1 and Low Vis II which are both non-canon paint schemes as well.
  6. It seems to be either a prequel or a re-imagining... either way things are looking fun.
  7. You missed the comments early, apparently the sword is from Ray/Rey/Ley/Rand's dream episode.
  8. Another observation (maybe most of you noticed this already) that picture doesn't actually show the Legioss connected to the Tread, it shows the Legioss backed up against the Tread. If they were connected the fins would have to be down and the feet would be tucked inside rather than splayed outward. I imagine that picture is just there to let you know they will be able to connect but that's maybe something they're not comfortable doing right now with their prototypes. Does the Tread look to be slightly smaller than it ought to be? It definitely will sit better since CMs feature a recessed chest in battloid mode. Apparently the CMs version will also over correct on the arched back feature by angling steeply downard which will also help it gain some clearance.
  9. this is supah sweet. Those Inbit (or Inbit-like creatures) are pretty nasty representations of the infamous baddies. It kinda looks like they got blue-genderized to up the creepy level.
  10. I was under the same impression as JsArclight. Man, I'm really stoked with the CMs extras but I'm still really apprehensive about the toys themselves. The Legioss just looks odd in every mode. In soldier the chest area is all wrong and God forbid it should ever want to turn its head in either direction. In diver mode it is standing way too erect. Fighter mode is kind of a neat compromise between how the Legioss looks in some episodes and how it looks in the lineart. There also definitely does appear to be some transformation issues still in effect so I'm still waiting to see more. The mini ride armor is SICK and the other ride armor shown there, regardless of who makes it, looks pretty decent.
  11. I agree, these pics all look extremely familiar to me. I think Toynami probably just supplied Aoshima with some publicity shots.
  12. It reads differently when you're drunk. Honest, try it.
  13. NIN is pop? Then why the hell isn't there a NIN night on American Idol?? Now that would be entertaining! I agree with Space Pirate on the Ministry comment, I have to stretch my memory long and hard to remember a moment when they were relevant. If I had to label NIN it would be "sanitized industrial emo rock." I would definitely stop short of pop though. While NIN has become quite popular I never got the feeling it was crafted purely with the intent to sale to nearly as wide an audience as it has.
  14. As someone who owns Macross toys crossing pretty much every spectrum I feel I can safely ask WTF?? You're entitled to your opinion but if you feel Macross toys have gotten worse since 1983 let me be the first to disagree with you. You're also in a thread dedicated to a particular, maybe a few, Yamato items and you're bashing the manufacturer on such a broad sweep that it exceeds the expected limitaitons here. As someone who has already been criticized within the context of this very thread for being overly negative I'd like to thank you for taking my comments to the next level... and far beyond. I hate Yamato's 1/60... BOB hates YOU for buying one! EDIT - I was drunk when I wrote this so I don't think it really ties to the quote but what the heck, I'll leave it. I like toys... toys, toys, toys, and wine!
  15. Whenever you're not sure... just do the math Beta stands: 13.7 Meters VF-1 stands: 12.7 Meters Beta length fighter: 9.7 Meters VF-1 length fighter: 14.2 Meters
  16. Let's not get too carried away, I think the Beta would stand the same size as a VF-1 toy. It's HUGE in comparison to the Alpha, and it has a significant amount of girth, but it's not just HUGE in general. I imagine the Koenig is more imposing.
  17. Well, I never did end up pre-ordering my multiple sets... and with what happened to Amenbo I've never been more happy to be such a procrastinator. Still, I think I'll have to venture out and buy a set of these.
  18. The Alpha is definitely somewhere between 1/48 and 1/55 scale. They may have adjusted the pilot itself to be closer to 1/55 but I doubt it. The MPC Alpha is exactly the same height as the 1/48 Imai kit. The fact that the Imai kit is a bit smaller than a true 1/48 allows Nami Toi to label it a 1/55. You can bust out your tape measure to prove it.
  19. As a rule, I avoid anime. I do own some good 80s stuff though so I'd say I own like 80% of what I watch and that number will continue to drop with whatever Cartoon Network anime show I happen to catch.
  20. Wow, I'm beginning to think Yamato raped Beware of Blast's sister or something. You guys thought I was agro with my constant criticism of the 1/60... that guy sounds like he's only access to a fertilizer plant away from turning Yamato into a crater. Toys toys toys, I like toys.... and beer. Onto other things, the 1/48 is sturdy as an ox, except for the backpack, the little frilly bits behind the head that hold the back pack down or poke out like a fin, and the hips... but as soon as your aware of any of that the thing is fine. I don't think my car should be indestructible, seems silly I should expect that from my toys.
  21. That's Neova but I think he's out of business. Used to be a member here though with plenty of successful transactions.
  22. Here's another something to consider. I remember hearing before the MPC Alpha was released that Toynami had purchased the molds of the Imai variable 1/12 Ride Armor and the variable 1/48 Legioss. Now, if Toynami had truly purchased those molds you would have to wonder how Aoshima later then re-released both of those models. It would seem to me that Toynami and Aoshima must already have an existing business relationship. Also, Tatsunoko wouldn't have much to gain from playing a licensing game with HG so I can't see anything too surreptitious happening here. I still can't imagine a company busting existing toys and remaking them better... especially the Alphas... but I have a feeling whatever deal has been inked here is mutually beneficial to Nami Toi and Aoshima.
  23. Well.... unless you have the Reflex missiles which do a terrible job of staying attached. In general, I think Yamato is still learning when it comes to making missiles that affix to wings properly but I will say the 1/48 is an improvement over the 1/60. I like posing my 1/60s but they have some problems. 1) The hips don't have anything keeping them in the nosecone so if you're getting too dynamic the leg will just plop out and crash to the floor (this is especially true with the GBP attached). 2) The balance is a bit off, it's not hard to get the toy into a position where it wants to topple. 3) There's a limitation on shoulder movement if you don't employ a mod. 4) the position of the swivel joint at the knee renders it useless with super armor attached.
  24. Original Equipment Manufacturer generally. It's really common in car talk where a mechanic has three options, sell you a piece of crap no name part to get your car running, sell you the OEM part, or sell you an "enhanced" part (like an after-market mod piece). EDIT - just read that Toybox DX article. I'm still really confused as to whether or not these are just part of the 15K run or not. The fact that there's going to be any change at all makes me feel better about the whole limited edition aspect anyway though. If Aoshima got, let's say 5K of each Alpha though, this might be a really cool way for Toynami's product to suddenly be more collectible (MPCs are now limited to 10K) and Aoshima's product to be more collectible (the 5K) and better (different weapons and strengthened joints). Makes you curious though, are they just taking MPCs, breaking them, and then repairing them with better parts??? That seems like more work than just building all new ones.
  25. Do share, am I yamato's batty, a spammer, or an EXO fan? Interesting that in a conversation pitting two Yammy products against each other people would prefer one over the other because they're blind Yamato fans. Rest assured, when that product stops sucking I'll start supporting it.
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