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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I had some fun posing the 19... didn't get quite as crazy as some of the poses on the other pages though but I think the pics came out pretty clean.
  2. Hey guys, check out my newest review, it's of the 2nd edition YF-19 but I'd really appreciate it if any of you who have experienced problems with the 2nd edition would give it a read and see if I didn't miss the issue had. I didn't mention a bunch of things because they seemed more 1st edition specific... like the neck hinge.
  3. Oh wow, I was assuming it was the Minmay Act but seeing as only six are pictured these must all be the standard variety. I can't wait to see it, my guess is TV Max 1A, why not, that's practically what the first one was.... Edit - I love how we got a Focker VF-1S strike in the first set and now we get a Super Focker VF-1S... LOL, that's a ton of variety there! The Strike VF-1S Hikaru being followed by the Super VF-1A Hikaru isn't exactly dramatic either... but oh well.
  4. Well yeah, you definitely can't make 85 episodes into one movie but DYRL proved you can definitely condense the first chapter pretty well but changes will have to be made.
  5. yeah but zero was 5 episodes and this looks to be (or is speculated to be) much longer.
  6. Nah, you follow the REF and return like they do in Shadow Chronicles. Leave the Masters arch off screen.
  7. He's an oddly romanticized (among RT-philes) bit character from The New Generation portion. If you recall, Scott and crew find Soldier Town, a town the Invid don't seem to be attacking despite the fact it's packed with soldiers. It's discovered that the legendary Commander Wolfe is running the place and he's taking small packs of soldiers on missions to a nearby hive to steal protoculture. The truth of the matter is, he's buying the town's safety by surrendering promising soldiers to the Invid on these little missions. Rand figures out his rouse and he redeems himself by saving Scott's life but surrenders his own in the process. Scott's all thoroughly impressed by Wolfe's piloting skills in the episode despite the fact they don't seem all that spectacular but that's another issue. He's just enough of a cold badArse that fans seem to like him. Banking on this, and increasing his brand, the RT novels gave him some bigger backstory where he was knockin' boots with Dana Sterling at one point and was an expert hover tanker as well as an expert Alpha pilot.
  8. I think the fatal flaw to the idea of a Wolfe-based movie is he ends up being a traitor. Imagine if you watched Star Wars, got all excited to see more about Luke, picked up a cartoon, and found out Luke became a double-agent leading new potential Jedi into the jaws of the Sith. It'd be like Borat finding out Pamela wasn't a virgin. I can't really see that being a direction anyone would want to head down. I would agree with you that that timeframe is ripe for a story and offers plenty of fanboy candy in the form of all the cameos that could be written in. I think it's far more logical for a sequel though. First things first, I think we need a story that sets up humanity getting alien technology and their new uber-resource. One form or another huh? So you're actually going to be upset if the movie version of Robotech is based off the series longest chapter, its most popular chapter, and its starting point? C'mon, even if you hate it you know it's the most logical choice (so long as it's just loosely "based" off of Macross). Robotech Master has a point too, it seems Mospeada is HG's baby, they just milk some profits from Macross in the form of MOICHANDIZING and even that's been quiet for a while.
  9. Great point, remember when the Mass Production valk was supposedly "limited." What a crock of BS that was!
  10. From what I understand, it was like a 90% chance you'd get the chase if you bought a full box... it really wasn't much of a chase. Price wasn't bad either, i think I paid like $35 for the whole set from someone who made sets by opening the boxes so there was no worry about getting them all. There were some build issues but my entire set was good but for the price, I would kinda expect some build issues. All-in-all, they're decent enough. I will buy a series 2, and this one looks to have a VT-1 and a minmay act, that's pretty cool!
  11. It's not like HG is big on giving out credit... and "the series" is beyond BW, just the first chapter. So yeah, I'm guessing BW wouldn't have much of a claim after all the alterations that are probably going to take place.
  12. I think you can kinda see the color difference in that shot too.
  13. LOL... welcome to MacrossWorld he who layeth the smacketh down.
  14. It's a gamble of sorts, and if I get a ridiculous bonus I may just buy them at release, but the LV1 was limited and floundered for a while. Many people may have witnessed the value rise of the LV1 and be determined not to let that happen again but I think the luke warm response to the colors chosen should lead to a short-term excess of supply.
  15. Well, just look at the LV2 right now or the first edition YF-19. It's not too hard to come by those dirt cheap brand new.
  16. I'm getting both... but I won't be preordering them or buying them within a month of their release. Much like the LV1, I'll wait until they go on sale for $100 for the VF-1 and $140 for the YF-19, then I'll scoop them up.
  17. Don't forget, Hollywood is all about the trilogy and RT is a trilogy already on its own. I'm sure there will be a ton of altering to the story and designs but i wouldn't be surprised if the movie, in the hopes that it will be the first, has a similar start and end (sans the reconstruction arch) as TMS.
  18. On the BP8, a BIG factor in causing those to break is often that little triangluar antenna on the back of the vehicle. If you make sure that is collapsed you won't have to add any extra pressure on the BP8 and that should keep you safe. I learned that the hard way.
  19. Yamato's version 2s can take well over a year (Roy VF-0S) or only a few months (1/60 YF-19) or never happen at all. With the Nora scheduled for release we might see some improvements in design right away but that doesn't mean we'll see a new Ivanov right away. Scream Man, don't forget it took a while to find out the 0 had huge shoulder troubles... we might not have seen the last of the SV-51's problems just yet.
  20. Another thing to consider, black shows stress marks REALLY well.
  21. What's with the mega image quote? This would give A7 an aneurism on the spot.
  22. [vent] Okay, so I'm seeing now that the anniversary valks are up for preorder. Has it occurred to anyone else that we're getting completely friggin' ripped off by Yamato (and others) these days? How many people wanna bet the new YF-19 doesn't come with fast packs or a fold drive? Are you still going to spend $200 to get it (after shipping and all that good stuff)? Graham stated that the 1/48 was initially expected to be a very limited scale series featuring only a few extremely popular paint schemes yet the 1/48 VF-1 did not debut with a price tag of $200... it was much closer to $100 (about $130-$150 to get one to the states). So, if the 1/48 was only that much and was only expected to have three or so repaints, and it's clear we're going to get at least that many with the YF-19, why the $50 idiot tax? It doesn't stop there though, even the VF-1 has gone up in price despite the fact that mold was probably profitable five releases ago. Now I know one of my fellow economists is thinking "Dude, it's the value of the Yen to the dollar." Really? If that were true the most expensive point to buy 1/48 VF-1 toys would have been January of 05 and they'd be CHEAPER right now. In fact, our dollar was as strong as the day the first 1/48 was released in recent history (admittedly it has slumped recently... but it's still well above where it was for the majority of 05. It strikes me as terribly odd that this is a board of typically very friendly members yet we haven't been able to do a lot more to save each other money. It also saddens me that when people do go out of there way to try to save people some funds we get members like Agent GHQ trying to ruin it for everyone. I wish Amenbo didn't disappear . [/vent]
  23. Aren't all those things considered fixed as of the fast pack release?
  24. Robotech's The Macross Saga is 90% the same as Macross so you can kind of envision the Macross you know and love as being the starting point here. The biggest difference then is that the Protoculture have been replaced by a group known as The Robotech Masters and the term Protoculture now refers to a biological mega energy source. So yeah, spaceship crashes on Earth, is refurbished and attacked on launch date, folds beyond Pluto, Zents try to capture it instead of destroy it, Zents in-fight, Zents get corrupted by Minmay's singing, Dolza shows up to destroy Earth and all the corrupted Zents, corrupted Zents and SDF-1 win at a huge human cost. Those are the pretty big plot points that likely will receive some serious altering for this movie. My vote is for an unknown fighter to replace the F-14 as the valk's origin, I think it'd be too much a Starscream rip-off at this point to make it too similar to the F-22. Who thinks they opt for "direct mind control" of the mech? Seeing as Robotech already implied this in their novels, I wouldn't be surprised to see the movie go that way.
  25. Yeah, think of it this way, HG owns the right to the show itself and has the ability to sell whatever they want to support that property they own (outside Japan). They do NOT own the rights to the designs though so they can NOT use those designs for anything NEW (video games and comics being excepted, I believe because they can still be considered promotional items for that piece of animation they own).
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