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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I think Gakken's 1/8 did a pretty darn impressive job on the bike, I'd love to see someone best it (and it doesn't appear Mega House will be... but Mega House's certainly has many substantial other improvements):
  2. I'd have to rewatch the scene but i thought Hikaru shrugs off (kinda jealously) Max's maneuvers but then immediately finds himself in another fight... I didn't get the impression he was actually trying to do anything Max had done. Hikaru then, of course, smokes some bad guys and comes out unscathed (even if barely so).
  3. Let's not forget Max & Milia's VF-1D flight of only disabling enemies... that's pretty impressive! Also, Hikaru says "I could do that!" when Max shows off in DYRL so I think some members may also be dismissing Hikaru more than they ought (easy to do since he seemed so awkward out of a mech). The story is also intentionally written as to have Hikaru removed when Miria comes looking for the ace as to leave it open to speculation whether Hikaru could be just as good as Max. I always got the feeling much of Max's genius has to do with flash but in the end Hik was smoldering and Max didn't have scratched paint. I certainly would put Hik ahead of Isamu. Ya know, the more I think about it, the more I think they did everything they could to leave this question as open as possible... except for Gamlin, clearly he sucks.
  4. I think Roy is getting dismissed too easily because he died. He was around quite a while before that. I also would give him credit as one of the pilots that made the jump from non variable crafts and Hikaru should get that same nod. Max started variable and ran with it in a big way. Also, Max was entirely too sober. I suppose I give it to Max in the end but a Roy in his prime vs. Max fight to the death would have been something to behold!
  5. is it me or does that look like Wolfe (RT name) taking off his helmet to the right? EDIT - Looks like they've added a shoulder guidance system like Toynami had shown.
  6. So get this, my TV's native res is 1080P so there's no reason I should have to display at 1024. I'm told I need to download Powerstrip and tweak all my settings because NVidia's software doesn't allow for the custom settings that will be necessary. Problem is, Powerstrip is described as being unfriendly to novices. Any Powerstrip pros here? I get the feeling I'm about to have to go join a new forum group... Any one have suggestions for which forum group would be the most help for PC to TV chat?
  7. Assuming you're talking about the subtitled versions, you're talking about exactly the same thing in two different packages. Also, this thread has happened before. I'm at work so I can't search for it but it's out there somewhere and includes links to the various DVDs at stores and tells you which are the same and which are slightly different.
  8. Alrighty, so I'm feelin' kinda proud of myself for doing something as routine as plumbing my entertainment stuff into my computer. It's actually really cool, my computer's remote controls the cable box and I now have a free DVR... w00t. Well, that's what I was thinking until I ran the DVI to HDMI cable back from my computer (I got that 8600GTS card that was recommended) into TV. I was able to get the card to recognize the TV as an output but man... things are not going very well from there. At first I couldn't get an image at all so I downloaded the latest driver which gave me some options to try to tweak the display. I dropped the refresh rate on the output to 30MHZ and told it to display at 1080i and while I can see the computer screen on the TV it is constantly blinking yellow around the inside imagery and blue around the frame. The blue looks to be coming in where the Monitor's image (just cloning) isn't quite filling the TV. Holy crap, this is annoying, I'm teetering on the edge of success and failure simultaneously. Any one here have there TV hooked up to their computer? Any similar experiences? Any suggestions? Do these symptoms have an obvious cause? I'm using a 25' DVI to HDMI cable, could that be a problem (I really don't want to go through the hassle of testing a 6' version of the cable... and neither my TV nor receiver have a DVI in. EDIT - EW, had to drop resolution way down to 1024 x 768 to get it to work. My bad. EDIT 2.0 - Okay, so I have now set the resolution on my monitor to nifty highness and my HDTV to 1024 but now my HDTV just shows my desktop background. I take it I need to buy some software that will let me use two monitors as one long desktop? EDIT 3.0 - Turns out that I just had to give everything a moment to catch up with me. It all works. I'd edit this all out but I'll leave it as a lasting tribute to my lack of intelligence to all things computers. Sorry for anyone who has read this.
  9. jenius

    Damn Columbus Day!

    I'm waiting on an articulated arm to mount my TV. I was hoping I'd have it last week but it still hasn't shipped. I was hoping it'd at least ship today... but NO... stupid bankers holidays.
  10. Yeah, there are a lot of shops with good reps here in CA and I always find myself deciding not to buy from them because the tax is too much to cope with (same 8.25%). For that reason, and for time and typically better prices, I usually just import directly. I try to wait until there are like 4 things I want at a store to save a tiny bit on shipping.
  11. I can't find my old collection pictures any more and now everything is in storage I wanted to show some chunky love too!
  12. If memory serves: VF-1D with Minmay then straight into his VF-1J with red accents. He only has a VF-1A in the movie DYRL.
  13. The big difference in the fast packs are the arm armors, the color difference is minor: Here's a blurry pic of what you'll see when you open the lid: and since Hikaru didn't ever pilot a super 1J you may find yourself doing what I did... that is giving his fast packs to one of your Roys to make a quasi TV Super Hikaru (in VF-1S)
  14. I bought a loose Max 1J and sold the valk itself and just kept the fast packs. One of the members in Hong Kong used to do a store for us and he'd part them out when they were new also. He stopped doing that so long ago i can't remember his name anymore.
  15. The Yamato stands work great with 1/48s... I think Ivanov is the only thing they don't work with. I actually took a bunch of pics to do a full review... might take me quite some time to get it up and by then you'll already be playing with yours. As a matter of fact, I think I said I'd have the Launch Arm stand review up about this time last year! Blame Yamato for all the new releases!
  16. I voted that I can't decide... it depends entirely upon the pose. If the pose is aggressive then usually the laser gets forward, if it's an escape type pose or casual then usually pointing backward, if they're standing at attention then usually the laser is pretty erect.
  17. I liked the angel in blue so much I bought an extra set of blue Max fast packs to have with it at all times... Sorry I never got so crazy with Hikaru's 1j... maybe next time I update my fast pack review... but that's not gonna be for a long time.
  18. Man, I hadn't even thought about that angle. I could just see it now.. Well, i guess the good news is that we could always call things buy their Japanese production names.
  19. I suppose I am giving HG the benefit of the doubt in thinking they packaged the rights legally when delivering them to WB. If they didn't then heck, anything could happen.
  20. Keith, no offense but I think you're kinda way off on this. First of all, HG is set to make money. 1) They make a little money and nothing ever becomes of this, WB just locks the rights up and doesn't use them. 2) They make a ton of money and WB actually uses the product and does it well. A third option lies in the middle, product gets made, it's a turd, HG makes money but not a ton of it... probably uses that money to continue their animated efforts and disowns the live-action as alternate universe BS. HG isn't set to be pissed off in anyway, they're probably thrilled to have gotten this far along. Lots of problems with that. First, we're talking about WB and how they're going to use whatever rights they have. Second, we're talking about WB being in a legal battle with a company they may very well be able to buy (hell if I know on that one). You don't get stuck in a long protracted battle with a company you can either bankrupt or purchase... you either bankrupt or purchase them. Imagining that HG would catch collateral damage from whatever that would be seems to be... overly optimistic. If BW can't be purchased, bankrupted, or dealt with, I think we can all agree that WB would just avoid the legal matter entirely. C'mon now, you're gonna flame everyone on the RT boards and not even give me some credit for dropping that knowledge on the folks in error? Besides, you could easily level that same angst against Trainsformers before it came out and look where we'd be? God helped with some company walking away with millions of dollars and a sequel almost immediately put into development. Don't go telling me there aren't a million poorly informed Transformers fans out there... I don't mean to come off as an RT sympathizer here... I view this project with more than a bit of trepidation, but it seems like we've reached that twiddle-our-thumbs-and-wait-to-see-what-happens-next phase and some people are killing that time by descending into needless negativity based on pure speculation, rumor, and misconception.
  21. Those are taken from my review of the super releases HERE. As to getting them... they run a pretty price now. Not quite 1/48 prices yet... but they're getting increasingly harder to get. The 1/60 is definitely an inferior product to the 1/48 so the days of thinking you got what you paid for are also long gone.
  22. That's a pic of the exploded detail from a 1/60 kit. Here's a closer pic:
  23. Sweet guys, thanks for the input!
  24. Hey guys, I need some help trying to integrate my computer into my home entertainment center. Here's my deal, I bought an HP Mediacenter computer (M7760N) and I currently have it hooked up in my office... not really serving my media needs. I'm moving into a new place with a lay out more conducive to including the computer and I'm really liking the idea of playing some video games on the 46". I think what I need to do is buy a new video card (the one I have sucks anyway) that has two HD video outs. I'm not a super avid gamer... I only buy about one game a year, so I'm looking for something only in the $100-$200 range. I saw Azrael a page or so back recommended the following Video card to someone: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130084, would that same video card solve my problem?
  25. Not more detailed... it's an optical illusion because you can see more of the detail due to the lighter color. It looks like they may have added some "splotchiness" to the paint job though to simulate different panels... I guess that could be considered more detail. Looks good, can't wait to see it in person.
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