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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I always thought that's what made the VF-1 cool. It looked almost plausible. The crazier and crazier the transformations get the less I like them (and the more flimsy the toys get). I'm already dreading VF-25 toys.
  2. It's true, I'm afraid I don't have any comparison pics with the Mac + toys (YET). They're definitely on my to-do list though. For now the only thing you'll get are comparison pics of the 1/72 YF-19 next to the 1/60 YF-19. Sorry!
  3. I don't get it. Why would you do a DYRL Hayao over a Max TV 1A? Surely Max TV 1A would be way more demanded than DYRL Hayao. I can't be the only one out there who completely ignores all DYRL paint schemes. I would have definitely bought a Max TV 1A but I didn't even consider purchasing a DYRL Hayao.
  4. I may be in the minority here but I think it'd be cool if Yamato repeated their non-canon schemes they did with the VF-1 with other toys. The display possibilities are pretty awesome. Sadly the non-canon schemes were on 1/48 toys and everything else is 1/60 so it's not the true awesomenitude (I have a degree in English, I'm allowed to invent words) it could be. EDIT - took out some racial humor at my own expense (kinda)
  5. I'll do a little game of echo here: 1) I don't care much about finished product pics. I own almost every variant of all their toys and I gladly share pics and there are several other people like me so between all our sharing and the number of people who own their own examples finished product pics are a dime a dozen. 2) Prototype pics are COOL. If the focus of the book was to start with the very rough ideas and show all the failed attempts and explain the reasoning behind certain changes that would be really cool. I wanna hear juicy stuff like "Toynami announced they were doing a 1/65 MPC so we decided to go a 1/60 route over our initially planned 1/72 offering. Toynami then changed to 1/55 but we were happy we stuck to the 1/60 scale, it has turned out well for us." Then I wanna see pics of 1/72 scale prototypes. 3) I would want lots of pictures and sketches of toys that were ultimately left on the drawing board and more explanations on why they never made it. Show me the 1/60 MACII and any drawings of a potential Macross that got shot down. 4) Describe the motivation behind non-canon schemes. Give the original artists props. Segue that into a customs Gallery (although that would take lots of people making their handy work public domain and voluntarily not profiting from it).
  6. There's a Kaiyodo Series II Gashapon.
  7. The unresolved love triangle didn't bother me so much. I don't really believe a love triangle even existed. It was just a bunch of unreturned love going on. Gamlin loved Mylene, Mylene loved Basara, Basara loved... his music. Mylene honestly has more familial love for Gamlin and she's torn because she knows Gamlin and some others want her to do more with it. At least with Minmay we knew she honestly wanted Hikaru in a romantic way. The original SDF Macross definitely tied up many more loose ends than M7 and in fewer episodes but wasn't much of that due to tacking on the reconstruction episodes? If it ended at the rain of death I'd feel they were both equal.
  8. I just checked out Slusho.jp for the first time. How is that thing related to Cloverfield again? Edit, I googled it, more JJ Abrams BS. I'll save myself the headache and just wait patiently.
  9. jenius

    1/60 VE1 question

    Oh oops, guess i shoulda read more... I would have to look at the leg hooks... hmm
  10. jenius

    1/60 VE1 question

    I believe he's talking about the big friggin' post that sticks out from the backpack. No, that isn't removeable. Ironically enough I just updated my review on my website to make this more clear: Click HERE to go to the full review.
  11. Well at this point anything is possible but I'm thinking it will have no consistent scale because: 1) No scale has been mentioned, just an average size 2) The line will include mechs of various shows, not just Macross. So if you're building 100' tall super robots and 10' power armors then you can either throw scale out the window or make lines for particular shows in scale. Also, scale inhibits and it sounds like these toys are meant to be cheap (and thus extremely cheap for Yamato to produce).
  12. So this is going to be a line of smaller toys not in any consistent scale right? Like a VF-11B in battroid will probably stand about the same size as a YF-19 in Battroid? That could be kinda cool, it might mean we'll get some tougher to make toys because of their size.
  13. Same as any 1/48. They actually sold poorly initially and could be had pretty cheap at one point. I think $130-$150 shipped to the US would be what the average consumer paid but I know some companies slapped a premium on them since they were limited so some people might have scooped them up when they were fresh on the market for closer to $200 shipped.
  14. He's just going to tell you that the helicopter was never in helicopter mode in space. The Auroran is a three mode, Battroid, Helicopter, and Fighter. In space it's in Fighter mode... which I believe is the same as helicopter mode but without the blades extended. I'm not making any arguments but I know that's the typical "All Southern Cross mecha suck, tanks with exposed drivers and helicopters in space" defense.
  15. I wonder why the woman explodes though?
  16. Well they could be fudging scales again like they did with the "1/72" version of the toy.
  17. I'm a little afraid the CMs figures can't look up. In bike mode they both appear to be checking out their front tires.
  18. Looks to have too much internal detail to be a toy schematic though. Am I wrong? What would be going on in the legs?
  19. I couldn't disagree more. The BP8 is just a hinge, it's not supporting the weight of anything (except in Battroid). The only time it should be at risk of breaking is when you are removing or adding the boosters or when you are trying to lock the back pack into place in Battroid.
  20. I'm certainly hoping they make the other two but I suppose sales of the first two will determine that.
  21. A 1/48 Tread stands about the same height as a 1/55 valk. I wouldn't go so far as to call it "huge". The 1/48 Legioss is the same height as the Toynami MPC Alpha so the CMs Tread should stand the same height as the Toynami Beta.
  22. The 25 still just looks like a VF-11 with an updated aesthetic and wonkier chest transformation to me.
  23. That'd be awesome if we got a shot of two military guys arguing over which weapons to use and one of them busted out "Did you ever see Godzilla? What'd they use in that?"
  24. Do you think that maybe the price is for both Rei and Stig?
  25. Wow, I just noticed, look how low the nosecone dangles in armo-soldier mode. I guess that's a compromise for a better fighter mode.
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