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Everything posted by jenius

  1. it costs half a cent and saves big headaches... why not seal them?
  2. I love the scheme and it photographs well. LV2 doesn't photograph well and isn't GUARANTEED to be limited the way the LV1 seemingly is (with the word "limited" appearing on the LV1 box but not on the LV2). LV1 also strikes you as a real world fighter whereas the LV2, while based off a real world paint scheme, doesn't really hit me that way.
  3. I wonder if this means we'll be able to purchase either a standalone YF-21 or a YF-21 Giftset with Fastpacks and Fold Booster right from the get-go. I'm not a betting man but it seems like a reasonable guess to me.
  4. Nobody knows. It doesn't seem possible Sara had any control at that part, I'm just gonna guess she's not up enough on her space navigation to actually pick a coordinate. I also wonder how she would even know that a fold would contain the reflex warheads and save the islands. So yeah, I think the Birdman was pretty much just reading Sara's general vibe and then doing everything for her. So when she's like "Kill everyone violent" it does and then when she's like "save everyone I love" it does.
  5. Does the site say those toys are going to cost $150 or am I missing something about converting Yen to dollars?
  6. That can't be entirely true seeing as they sold the rights and BW is still powerless to move product outside of Japan. Still, there's an entire thread dedicated to bickering about the legal issues none of us will ever fully understand and none of this helps Carl track down his chrome Mach 5. Carl, did you ask Roger? Maybe in his hunt for all those Mospeada production items he got in contact with someone at Tats.
  7. Toynami seems to be a very small company all things considered. It would appear they completely shut down their upcoming operations once they finalized their deal with Aoshima. This must have been necessary because Aoshima apparently wanted all Legioss variants to be available simultaneously. We've seen with every MPC release that it really does take Toynami a long time to do something as simple as a paint alteration (which hasn't really killed them since that makes sense from a marketing stand point). My guess is they put Shadow Chronicles toys on hold while they reworked the Alpha MPC ever so slightly and then spent one month creating the blue Legioss in sufficient numbers, another for the red, and another for the green. Somehow it seems to have taken them a full six months just to satisfy that agreement and have enough on hand for Aoshima to start selling them all. Since they do have such limited production abilities this must keep their costs tiny and enables them to stay afloat despite selling such mediocre product. It's a real shame, they're the kid in college with the "c's get degrees!" mentality that wonders why a huge company doesn't throw a fat salary at them when they're done.
  8. I'm glad it's more of a reimagining than an attempt to be faithful to the cartoon.
  9. Just a little clarification. There are "metallic" morphers and there are "chrome" morphers. The one Eriku is refering to would be considered the "chrome" LE version. The "metallic" ones are the ones with a slightly different paint hue from the one you have that came with the DVD releases. Crap, you're making me wish I had the second part of my review up that went over all the variants. Oh well, hopefully in a couple weeks.
  10. Sweetners? Toynami? Toynami said "We can produce this toy for next to nothing." Aoshima being like any greed-based company (it's the best way for a company to be) said "Eh, what's the worst that can happen." Then Aoshima go the worst that could happen and realized they'd made a mistake.
  11. Maybe this will open the door to Toynami simply importing CMs' effort?
  12. Well, at least of the two purely Tread/Beta toys I kinda preferred the CMs version. Too bad I don't like that Legioss but I guess I'll live with it. I suspect there will be much anger for RT fans when Toynami once again ditches the Beta. Man, it's almost hard to believe that any company can mess up as bad as Toynami does and stay afloat.
  13. Just go to lots of Holiday parties, you can crash 'em easy enough, everyone is in a good mood. then free food and booze! No free Yamato though
  14. jenius

    New here

    click on the link in my sig and look around, you should find pics of almost everything you need.
  15. I vaguely recall a thread about ugliest toys where Totoro posted pics of a hideous takatoku gold plated valk toy. I think I'm gonna have to do some thread hunting after work and find that and the pic you're talking about.
  16. WTE? Oh that sounds like a challenge to find one worse. If I had more motivation I think we should create a thread dedicated to the worst anime toys ever created.
  17. Eugimon, don't forget that the first release 1/48 had some issues too. It had the nosecone that fell off too easily and the wing flaps that were an issue. We also got crooked skulls, hip joints that cracked, and the BP8. Granted, the 1/48 overall is still Yamato's best release (by far) but we mustn't remember it as being sublime right from the gate. Still, the point is valid enough, I had a first edition 1/48 and loved it whereas I was afraid to friggin' touch my VF-0. What a shame.
  18. I think Bandai reissued the gray VF-1S also. For both companies, if the valk comes with super armor it's a completely white valk. If the valk was sold without armor it was a gray valk.
  19. The 1990 Bandai Super Valk isn't really a reissue of the Takatoku, it's more of an overhaul. The 2000+ Bandai Super Valk is an honest to God reissue of the original Takatoku. The 1990 Bandai though is the same color as the original Takatoku Super Valk (both are white, the Bandai might be slightly more of a bleached white). Takatoku made a non-super VF-1S also that is gray but that doesn't really figure into this equation (I'm selling an original Takatoku Super VF-1S, check out the color... not gray at all). Bandai changed all the landing gears, the head sculpt, and some of the detail work, added a clip on heatshield, and changed the color of the fast packs from olive green/gray to off-blue.
  20. I hope you totally bagged on the scene where Karen's aerodynamics get screwed up in space and she has to create extra drag so she doesn't get burned up in the atmosphere or float away or whatever. I haven't seen this show in forever but I remember thinking that was hilarious. I'll have to give this a download later.
  21. If you go the non-super route you can get all seven for easily less than $20 including shipping.
  22. They're essentially the same as the toys I reviewed HERE. I'm gonna do a separate post later for all the special Morphers Toynami made (Chrome, Clear, Metallic, and Super) but really the only thing that changed were their appearance.
  23. I *Think* I paid $55 for Milia and I received Max as a gift but I think it was like $80 at the time.
  24. What if Yamato did it's first giftset including BOTH Kakizake and Max in their TV paint schemes and priced it about the same as a Super Valk? EDIT - Hey xsjado, thanks for the kudos!
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