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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Uh, guys, the Gnu line is Yamato's smaller scale line of non-transformable toys.
  2. Seriously, you have never heard someone mock Internet trolls? C'mon, seriously? It's just never enough. I'm neither "exquisitely sensitive" (very odd adjective choice) nor very fragile. I just tend to recognize that when someone uses overblown rhetoric they really have far less to say then they'd have you believe... You're using the fact I said I'm jealous of lottery winners and people who make a ton of money from inheritance as some HUGE issue. You're not jealous of those people? What's the big deal? Again, if you want to get into an argument over entitlement, intellectual property law, etc why not just send me a PM?? I gave you a big "Meh, he didn't earn anything, who cares?" and you got all butt-hurt about it (like how I did that?). I also said that if the writer himself were being screwed I would care and tempered that with the acknowledgement we're all responsible for our own bad business deals. Where is the argument here that I'm getting so obtuse on? What is your point? You think it's a shame, I don't. These are opinions. I'm not even sure I follow that all. I'm not really sure you've even pegged me wrong. I disagree with you. Sure, we can talk for days about why we disagree but why would we? Honestly though, I am completely lost on the meaning of those sentences so if it seems that this response is intellectually dishonest (?) then um, I'm sorry? Point after point? This discussion has been tiny, how many friggin' points have I dodged? For a man who is so in the right all the time thou doth protest entirely too much. If you honestly think you have some sort of valid argument that is going completely unaddressed and I am just totally skirting you and giving crazy answers then send me a PM, take as many lines as you need, and let's discuss the virtues of all of your points I seem to have missed here. I'm not unreasonable and honestly, maybe I did miss the direction you were heading in some reply. I'm not trying to be a jack@ss here, I'm just sticking to my opinion that I don't friggin' care about Chris Tolkien making money. That should be what we're talking about right? I'm not trying to convince you that you need to NOT care. If we just edited every post from you to say "I care about the Tolkien's not making money" and mine to say "I don't care" I'd be fine with that because somehow from that childish bickering we've managed to spill far too many words. Is that intellectually dishonest to say because so many of those words have been spilled by me? Is that ironic? I dunno. I stick by my argument though, I still don't care. Please, I don't want to engage a mod in the derailing of an entire thread about a potentially really cool subject. If this absolutely needs to be fought more just send me a PM.
  3. I feel a solitary tear forming above my cheek... NOOOOoooooo!!!! Ugh, I don't want Gnu, I want 1/60! Hopefully Yamato will build a ton of new cool products and hit a point where they have some downtime and give the Regult some love.
  4. Jesus Hurin, you are just unabashedly contrarian aren't you? Can't let someone simply disagree with you without dragging it out for a few pages huh? Well sure, I'll play along. By the way, if you read our discussion thusfar aloud with a mock speech impediment (the kind the stereotypical Internet troll has) it is f'ing hilarious and I highly recommend you try it... might lighten your mood a bit. Care to elaborate? Saying someone is "hell bent" after non-chantly disagreeing with you, and responding to your retorts, that smacks of over-blown rhetoric to me. If it seems like simply rational and realistic word-choice to you then I suggest perhaps opening a window and getting some sunlight. Oooh nah-uh, you did it first! Really, did you bring it to that level. Sigh, I thought you'd do better. I coulda sworn you said: Now, here's my paraphrase of that "You're just disagreeing with me because really something other than my opinion is what's bothering you." Thus sparking my retort: It's nice... that you can dismiss opinions contrary to yours as being symptomatic of an argument that can't possibly be about the topic at hand... it's a neat trick." Hopefully when it's laid out in that context you can get a better vibe for where I was heading. I say "This whole thing with Tolkien's family doesn't matter." You say, "Yes it does, you just hate inheritance laws and that's the only reason you're disagreeing." I say, "Nah, I just don't think it matters." Beyond that I thought, and think, the conversation is kind of done. This is a thread on The Hobbit, which will likely be a fantastic movie I'm sure we're all looking forward to. It's not a thread for Hurin and Jenius to debate inheritance, intellectual property law, or what have you. Hurin feels for Chris Tolkien, Jenius says too bad but them's the breaks. My intent was never to PROVE to you that you must be wrong, I was just voicing my opinion that it doesn't matter (to me). I'll gladly give whoever is making money off the Hobbit my dime and never think twice about how Chris Tolkien isn't getting a quarter of one percent of it.
  5. I'm not sure why you insist on using over-blown rhetoric like "hell bent" and "butt-hurt" but hey, to each their own. It's nice though that you can dismiss opinions contrary to yours as being symptomatic of an argument that can't possibly be about the topic at hand... it's a neat trick. You think it's a shame, I don't. I'm sure Tolkien, being dead, doesn't care much about what happened to the money... that's the nature of being dead. He'd probably be thrilled, could he be capable, of how many people have access to his stories though... so that'd be cool. Had his family held the rights it's possible the movies might have never been made. Circling around, meh. Yes, we can move on.
  6. It's not that I have an axe to grind with inherited wealth entirely, I kind of think of it like winning the lotto. You've done absolutely nothing to earn this money but here, it has been heaped upon you. I'm certainly a bit jealous of that. When people adopt an attitude that someone DESERVES to win the lotto I just kind of have to shrug. The Bill Gates thing is relevant in that he's a guy who has done a lot (I'll try to avoid arguments to his merits/demerits) for an industry but has stated he doesn't want his children essentially winning this tremendous lottery much the way Tolkien's child(ren?) didn't win the lotto. I don't view either as a travesty. Nobody is winning the lotto here... they get to join the ranks of the other 1,999,999,999 of 2,000,000,000 who have to earn their keep. That said, if someone were to suddenly give the Tolkien estate their lottery winnings I still would just shrug. The guy who did the work is dead, any sins committed against him aren't about to be fixed now. You're definitely going to need to explain to me how five or six sentences represent "hell bent." I've added some more for you to help you gain some credibility on that statement. Also, take note that I'm saying I don't care about Tolkien's kids receiving money but I do care to defend my reasons as for why and I am interested in both Tolkien's works (to a much lesser degree than yourself) and the topic of inherited wealth.
  7. Yeah, I still just don't have any sympathy here. If I make a crappy business move, my bad. Bill Gates told his kids they're going to be comfortable but they're going to have to earn their own. Do you feel terrible for them? No, you say good for them, I hope they aren't spoiled poops and will be driven to be as successful as their father was.
  8. I don't get paid for my dad's work, I have no sympathy for Chris Tolkien. If you were to tell me the original writer were being screwed my heart would bleed but otherwise who cares?
  9. Uh...VFTF1, your point is self defeating. I'm glad they don't make bad guys, just the good guys, 'cause there are no bad guys.
  10. AWESOME idea sh002
  11. They were going to photograph you for a news article and you didn't represent with a Macross sweater??
  12. Finally got around to posting my critique of the morpher variants, here's a teaser pic Click right here for more info.
  13. Sweet... now we just need to convince Sqidd to build the bike....
  14. jenius

    Vintage Prices Falling

    Prices are way down from way back when... but I haven't noticed a continued plunge in recent days.
  15. That's probably a dig at WAVE but IIRC Matchbox and Bandai reissued their 1/144 Destroids in "Civilian Defense" paint schemes also to milk a bit more money out of the molds. So yeah, plenty of opportunity.
  16. There are 4 Regults, Standard, Close-range Missiles, Long Range Missiles, and Scout. You also have the Glaug as a possible pack-in with a destroid so yeah, you could do an enemy Regult/Destroid combo pack pretty easily but my fear is that that might get pricey. A Regult on its own might cost like $60 and I'd want it bad. If it were $100 and came with a destroid I wouldn't want it as much... I don't have much love for destroids.
  17. Ugh, I listened to one of the morning shows pan this movie as being a rip off of 28 days later. I hate how wrong that is. I haven't seen the movie yet but at least I'm well aware that it's based on a book that has inspired two previous attempts at a movie.
  18. You're insane if you think the cheapest the YF-21 will ever be is in the week it's released. I guarantee I'll get it six months later for 25% less.
  19. Somebody on RT.com also says that the MPC Beta is still on so you might want to get one of those too...
  20. There's actually an old thread like this in existence already. I can't for the life of me remember what it's called though.
  21. I wonder if its been two people who sell Yamato toys who voted no...
  22. I thought I remembered reading tha the LV1 was around 5000. DND is right though, there's no definitive answer out there, just speculation. EDIT - Some day we'll learn if you count all the "L"s and all the "V"s in every signature Graham has had since the LV1 was released you'll get the exact quantity that have been produced...
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