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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I feel exactly the same way. I've got lots of worries at current but it's a given I'm going to buy this thing and review it ASAP (just like the new ride armor toys being produced). I've been a huge Mospeada forever. I'm having new worries about the knees... the wonky shape has me really afraid about articulation. I wish someone would just make a 1/35 Legioss again.
  2. oh right... it's a feature!!
  3. You don't mind the fact it can't turn its head???
  4. Wow, Zinjo, you're arguing the conclusions you've drawn off episode one a little too vehemently (still). You're just kind of spouting your own suppositions. Sure, you can defend them, they may not be baseless suppositions, but you're never going to prove anything. In the quote above though, "They" is not a very non-descript word, at least in it's common English usage. "They" denotes that you have some understanding. If it was just "something" then the word used would have been "something." This could be a translation issue though, maybe in Japanese there is no such pretense. Here's an example though. If someone were to pound on my door and I was expecting guests I would jump up and say "Oh, they're here." and go to the door. If I was not expecting guests I would say "Oh, someone is at the door." and then go to the door.
  5. If something canon is no longer convenient, it is no longer canon but a blurb will be written somewhere to explain it all away.
  6. When I watched it without subs I thought "Oh Jesus, here we go again." Now that I've seen it with subs his reactions seem more understandable. Still, he's far from likeable at this point. Aloof and obsessed but not to the extreme of my immediately hating him. All the princess jokes and saying he looks like a woman are... well... odd. There's definitely hope for him though and I don't think I ever felt that way for Basara.
  7. I still love how it looks like the Legioss can't turn its head.
  8. That scene of the red bug fighting the valk above has a Godzilla vibe all over it.
  9. Sqidd, have you checked my site lately? I just did a review on it that had some comparisons to the original version of the toy and has some info I think you might find helpful. Average price of that toy tends to be in the $150 mark. The Taiwanese bootleg that has similar packaging includes a knock-off Takatoku toy, not this odd Bandai bird. EDIT - A mod might want to change the title of the thread to Bandai VF-S SUPER high Metal... there's no strike gun involved in any of the toys being discussed here.
  10. That was a rumor being kicked around for a while as a reason why the Beta wasn't going to be made. It's a terrible bit of managerial accounting that came up with that price and should have never been considered realistic. Then Toynami struck the deal with Aoshima (which some RT guy says is still in place despite the terrible Legioss offering) giving them three new repaints they could sell and reducing the price to more standard Toynami MPC pricing (although it still may exceed $79.99). I completely agree with that. I bought upward of a dozen Toynami MPCs and got three or four that were really good looking in all modes (although even the best of them weren't perfect). If you got one with flush seams, a nose that pointed straight out, and it didn't sit on the chest section when on the table it actually is an excellent representation of the Legioss/Alpha. It's too bad so few of them fit those requirements. The CMs on the other hand will probably all be up to snuff... unfortunately, from the look of things now, that snuff is pretty bad aesthetically.
  11. You're right! That's kinda annoying... it's suffering from MPCism!!!
  12. I said heroes first. I want the line to be successful so it's best to start with the sure fire winners.
  13. Yeah but it looks really bad when put together! Granted, I'd rather have it not look so hot then fall apart on me but what I'd really rather have it do is look friggin' great and hold together just as well. Looks like I'm going to have to settle for not looking so good but holding together well.
  14. You're not alone... it seemed awfully busy for me. The beautiful valk was getting lost under all that armor.
  15. They have a manufacturer's stamp that would make it pretty easy to discern. You would need to see a picture of the inside portion of the back (in battroid mode).
  16. I got a Doyusha 1/144 YF-21 from my buddy's exgirlfriend (uh... no... that's not awkward). Still, that's a sweet gift!
  17. I don't really see the logic in your assumed motive. Rewriting the timeline will not have an effect on the legal quagmire. Hikaru and Roy make an appearance in the first episode. If they were looking to avoid international legal issues that was a horrible start.
  18. Big spaceships with big guns are pretty much an industry standard. I'm not really sure to go with a response to your rant but isn't the obvious continuation of The Shadow Chronicles to have the Ark Angel cruising the galaxy on a two year (or was it one year) mission to find Rick Hunter and restore humanity to a super power? A big armed spaceship cruising the galaxy looking for something... you can't say it's not a tried and true plot but originality was never Robotech's strong point.
  19. Pros - 1) Death and Mayhem (although I think they actually went too far with that guy getting squeezed) 2) Obviously some sweet action 3) Ending with a new version of the DYRL song 4) The music seemed good and not forced 5) The whole episode was familiar with little homages to the original Macross series (like how it ends with Hikaru killing the Zent that stumbled out of his battlepod). 6) The bugs seem more mechanical than biological. Cons - 1) For some reason no one is speaking english (j/k) 2) I can't understand him but that one guy with the ponytail seems to have a lot of angst and I can't figure out why 3) Tanks in the city. Hey, I got an idea, how about a friggin' destroid??? 4) Don't crucify me here but I felt like some of the action was a bit frantic and too close up (kind of like the Transformers live action movie). EDIT - holy crap, I'm the only one who said "I need to see more." Isn't anyone worried that the show is going to be brought by Mr Angsty Pants? Still, no sign of a Basara figure so I'm totally optimistic but I'll let it remain a cautious optimism.
  20. I f'ing hate Yamato so much right now.
  21. You have no idea how bad you're going to have it.... Check out the link in my sig to see some of what you're getting yourself into.
  22. I saw the Starz documentary, it was pretty good stuff all things considered. It seemed it was more for the unitiated as it didn't much touch on how much things were being changed as it was brought over to the US and why.
  23. I said two things, 1) If the man himself were affected my heart would bleed for him but I think we can both agree that's completely irrelevant when discussing how little I care about the state of Chris Tolkien's wealth. 2) I said we're all responsible for our own bad business decisions. My point was that Chris Tolkien did nothing to earn any money, it was his father who did it. Furthermore, you knew I felt this way from my saying my heart would go out to the actual writer but that's pretty much it. I was simply pointing out that there are kids all over the world not getting rich off their parents work, even kids you would swear ought to, so why be upset about Chris Tolkien? There is no grave injustice here, a bad business decision was made. No one stole anything. Perhaps this wasn't the best argument to bring up though. Obviously you full-heartedly disagree. That's cool. I am okay with you not liking the analogy and disagreeing with it. I'll accept it's imperfect. This was addressed by my cursory "he doesn't care, he's dead." Besides that, he made the deal didn't he? I also said he'd be thrilled to see how wide an audience his works have reached so who knows how much he'd be kicking himself over what went to his child. There's no way he imagined all this wealth being generated by his story when he died. I'm jealous of people who win the lottery or are otherwised gifted or bequeathed huge sums of moolah. I'm sorry if this exposes my deep character flaw of enjoying money and the things it can buy. Okay, so now we can both say we're done right? I asked you to send the PM because you were finding more issues with my statement of "I don't care" then I find with your statement that you do. My PM to you would still just consist of "Meh, I don't care" and I imagine at this point you'd take that as goading. So again, if you see everything above, and still think we need to discuss it further, please PM me about it. I'm not trying to egg you on in anyway, I'm just trying to clear the air and I think other MWers would appreciate us moving the discussion (if it requires to be discussed further). PS - one of the South Park characters has an older sister whose speech impediment is almost the typical Internet troll speech impediment. If you haven't heard it you should look it up because it makes reading forum posts sometimes out loud just way too damn funny.
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