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Everything posted by jenius

  1. You may be best waiting for a used Alpha to come up on the boards. Sometimes it's better to let someone else take the initial risk. I have plenty of decent Alphas with a few so-so ones (but I sent a bunch back to Toynami).
  2. That's true. I think it's safe to assume that every legioss was meant to have a corresponding Tread to mate to (we do see three of the four in the series) but it's also true that the red Legioss has it's own paint variation so its Tread may also appear unique. Without an actual illustration though it can't be definitively labeled as incorrect. It'd be cool if Toynami still makes their Beta and chooses to go with a variant paint scheme that better matches the Alpha's. Then again, it'd still be made by Toynami.
  3. Even so, for pure means of flexibility it would make sense to have a couple. The Tread is what gets the Alpha to space, it's the bomber component, it serves some functions. What if the intent were to drop it off in orbit but the attack was so fierce you had to scramble beforehand? Wouldn't hurt to have a tread handy.
  4. Even if the Zeta is a somewhat specialized Legioss for atmospheric combat you could still think of plenty of reasons to give it a Tread. The Zeta still has to get down to Earth so fighting with a Tread on its way down like Stig did would probably be the option that makes the red Legioss just as deadly as a blue one in space and then ditches the Tread (assuming its bomber role) once entering the atmosphere.
  5. Yep, if these things go bargain bin i might pick one up.
  6. Myk gives some good points. I said 100 years though although yeah, it'd suck to wake up Blue Gender style. Think about what's happened in the last 100 years... anything more than that and you may be completely lost.
  7. I don't mean to pick on you but this is all wrong. 1) The value of paper curreny is a function of demand. It goes up, it goes down. The biggest factor there being the export/import business. The dollar is getting weaker. That means it's more expensive for people in the US to buy goods from the rest of the world so there are less US dollars floating around (less supply). This also means it's cheaper for the rest of the world to buy stuff from the US. This means that the US economy will get a boost from people buying US goods. Also, the dollar is an investment and as its value drops demand for it grows. The system self-regulates. The US trade deficit ought to decrease, the dollar will start to climb again. 2) The US economy is only very loosely regulated by the Government. The Government has been spending a TON lately which actually helps the economy just as private sector spending helps the economy. It's the monetary and fiscal policies established by the Fed and the Fed is a FORWARD looking group of economists and bankers that has the most direct effect on our economy. Constant decreases in the FedFund rates has kept the economy afloat during the subprime debacle that is shredding the world economy, not just the US (even if it is the US's shoddy lending practices that push the first domino over). 3) The economy is much bigger than the government. It takes a really inept government to crash an economy, it really takes a worldwide course of calamity (think Great Depression). The subprime credit crunch is a minor worldwide calamity and that's why we're seeing such reverberations. It's not the US' wars that are doing it, or OPEC, or any other number of crappy situations. 4) Inflation isn't any worse than deflation so long as it's kept to a reasonable amount. What inflation actually means though isn't that "things cost more" it means "your money is worth less." If everything inflates as it should you'll find yourself with like 3% more money in your wallet buying things that cost 3% more than they used to. The net is neither a gain or loss. If this is hard to stomach imagine you owe $10K to someone to be paid a year from now and inflation is 3%. A year from now you'll pay them back $10K but you'll have made 3% on the deal since your money is now worth less.
  8. If it says Toynami on it then it seems really hard for me to believe that Aoshima did friggin' anything to produce it. I still hope the Beta gets made, I bought enough Toynami MPCs to have one really good one of each and I'd love to have one really good Beta to go with each of them. Of course, if the Aoshima offering is any indication where QC is heading these days then these companies can both go directly to hell and not pass go. Well, I'll expect the worst but hope for the best.
  9. I don't really feel like anyone is being hard on me. Here you guys go, I found the comment from "Tommy" over at RT.com Does the Legioss say "Toynami" on a stamp on it anywhere or does it say "Aoshima"? Also, by the information that was available at the time, what I told Lynx was the most up-to-date information available. It's hardly like I sought out to misinform him. Sorry I didn't put a disclaimer that the information was only based on hearsay, website postings on CollectionDX (IIRC), and the Release Dates Toynami was showing on their convention circuit (which we should all know are wild optimism just short of outright lies at all times). EDIT - to put it into context, the "recent posts" Tommy is referring to was all the speculation was that the Tread/Beta had been cancelled due to the mess that is the Aoshima Legioss.
  10. I just report what I read... maybe you should read closer? <--- Mospeada bellringer I check in occasionally as the people there are the only ones I know of who have any communication with Toynami and I try to keep up-to-date on the Toynami rumors for more Mospeada products. I hardly ever join in on conversations. I've also lambasted Toynami products there so I think you were allowed to say whatever you wanted as long as you didn't swear... which isn't always easy when discussing Toynami products.
  11. On the RT boards it has been stated that Aoshima screwed up on the QC not Toynami and that the Beta is still on. Not sure how true it is but the person posted there (I think it's a mod) that they spoke with Toynami and that due to the QC debacle on the Aoshima product it has been decided that Toynami will completely handle production of the Beta and simply deliver finished products to Aoshima. That seems to imply that's not what happened with these Legioss toys but who knows how true any of it is.
  12. One of my SCott MPC Alphas has no glue applied to the upper shoulder area at all! Either that or the glue simply lost its tackiness on its own. I've had that shoulder fall apart because of this once or twice and it wasn't bad to put back together. You may want to give it a try..
  13. Whoa Eriku, a 1/18 Legioss would be nearly twice as big as the old 1/32 toy making it pretty huge! That's like what, 20" tall in Armo-Soldier?
  14. They yellow, all plastic yellows (if it's not covered with paint). I remember seeing a Max 1/48 VF-1A on these boards that was for sale below MSRP because it was a store display that yellowed.
  15. I really would love to hear what happened with Toynami and Aoshima. Who physically built these toys? Who was responsible for overseeing the product? How did toys this flawed ever make it to market? When I see a toy that makes my MPC Alphas look well-built then something is terribly wrong.
  16. That sums up my thoughts exactly for both Mac and Star Wars. No, once it appears to fantastic it goes from technologically dismissed to fantasy. Anti gravity is completely unexplained but it has a scientific name and the viewer knows their are big machines making it happen (we see them tear through the hull of the SDF-1). Flying rocks have no machines inside them, that's magic. True, and that's precisely the retcon we see happening now in the Macross series. We did see a little bit of this in the original series from the Zentraedi perspective. The problem there was the viewer had the angle of the civilized civilization. The retcon now is splashing a bunch of magic in our faces so that later (probably at the end of Mac F) we can be shown that we were simply the uncivilized civilization all along (both humans in the show and the viewer in general). The problem is that the audience went from enjoying the show for its lack of magic to now being inundated with what appears to be magic. You can't blame someone who loved Macross for not liking MacZero because of its magical elements either. MacZero does nothing to solve the problem, it leaves everything dangling as magical quirkiness (hopefully to be resolved years later by MacF). C'mon, Mao appearing to Shin wasn't way over the top? At least Mac7 did a little to give substance to its magic (although I'd argue it failed miserably).
  17. At least if this were an MPC you could return it for a different one (not always a better one). This sucks.
  18. Yeah but they were fixed pose display case pieces, not toys. I'm not much of a custom guy, i like factory stuff.
  19. Typically I don't by multiples so I wouldn't be interested in getting three of the same toy. A three pack of three different repaints I might go for at a discount. Edit - the option list should include "I'm okay with just one" instead of making me pick a pose I like best. I vary up my displays.
  20. Honestly, for the prices, the Toynami MPC is the best Legioss out there (at this moment). The big Gakken is really cool and really large but they run above $100 and you can get two Toynamis for that price. The Toynami is also better articulated with a better paint job but the trade off is it's more fragile and more prone to QC issues. The good news is Toynami is pretty good at replacing defective product... an option you wouldn't have with Gakken or CMs (in the US at least). The Aoshima may be better than the Toynami but I can't comment on it yet. Smaller Gakkens aren't in the same game as the 1/35 or the Toynami.
  21. I wonder if Tatsunoko demands a lot for their Inbit license or if it's just not worth it no matter what the cost to modern toy makers. I would love to see some of the Inbit as toys. The final battroid command unit would make for a great toy to oppose these baddies. I also like the mini ride armors, I wish we'd see more of them.
  22. Yes, but I try to keep my responses very short when I do, even when I'm fighting with a mod.
  23. I *THINK* it comes with the mini ride armor and sword also. Yes, a sword.
  24. This makes me want to design my own board game for Macross.... or Mospeada. I think it'd be easier to do one for Mospeada. Reflex point would be the goal and from their you could kinda play it like LIFE.
  25. Sqidd you missed the boat, you have to mix and match the arms for the coolest effects!
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