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Everything posted by jenius
Wait, it's not in HD? It's certainly widescreen and says "HD presented by DirectTV" during the intro. Am I missing something? I do believe that when Sarah shot the BFG it blew up the bank, or the vault at the very least.
Yeah, the body makes even less sense than the head flying through time. When they materialized in 2007 there should of been a ton of debris everywhere if that stuff could make it through time and maybe there was and that's why we saw the garbage crews there. I'm guessing the idea behind it in the show is that the body would have been picked up by the garbage crew (a truck) at the construction site (don't ask me how) while the head was taken for a souvenir. Still, I coulda sworn the rule was you can't take anything with you and bits and pieces of a Terminator would definitely count as something as would other wreckage from the bank "heist." As to the Terminator leveling the vault, I believe (again, making excuses for crappy writing) the idea was the Police had assumed a position where they were going to attempt to negotiate and then stood back in awe. Just so there's no confusion here, this is all crappy, I'm just trying to fill in the truck-sized holes. So far, I do find it a bit entertaining. I wonder if they're going to try to play up a love angle between John and Summer eventually. John sent his cyborg lover back in time to teach his lonely self a thing or two? Nice! Summer grabs him "Come here, you like it like this, let me show you."
I just watched part 2 and I'm inclined to disagree. First, when Summer says she's different she steals a potato chip from John and eats it. What the heck is a Terminator doing eating anything? I think the implication is that she's more advanced. Also, when the Terminator scanned her in this episode she came up as "Unknown cyborg - evade" which seems to indicate she's a hybrid. Also, when Summer is heading toward the freedom fighters' apartment she's asked if she knows them and her response is "They've seen me." My guess, admittedly just a horrible guess at this point, is that she's a captured (or rebuilt) Terminator by the humans with human-added improvements. Question, I thought you couldn't take metal through time. How the heck did that Terminator make it through without its flesh?? Also, the whole angle where it went and reclaimed its head was just terrible. Thank God it was a small fraction of the show but c'mon, that whole bit sucked. At least it tells you why pieces of it weren't found in 1999 though.
EDIT - actually, with the pic, I would say it really is 1/60ish. My bad.
LOL, I love the pic with them barely moving their arms "EXO ARTICULATION FOR REALISTIC BATTLE POSES" or whatever, funny.
The Shadow has hands that don't break (or at least, not nearly as easily) and it doesn't grip the gun so there's even less pressure on the claws. Otherwise it's the same toy in a different shade.
1/60 perfect transforming vf-1 from yamato?
jenius replied to Shaggydog's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
reddsun, just read the quote in kyp's sig. -
I think it's a bit of an unfair poll, too absolute. I think SDF Macross and DYRL are easily vastly superior to anything with the Macross name that has come out since. Each attempted sequel/prequel has had some merit to it though. So I guess I'm happy that they kept trying and bringing new fans in even if I feel much of what's been attempted has failed.
I love white girls.
I think more what I'm arguing against is the fact that Macross has been doing such a horrible job of de-magic-fying things. I'm okay if something shows up on screen that seems magical only to be explained three episodes later as scientific. That's fine, it keeps the audience on their toes. What we're seeing in Macross though isn't that. We're seeing really random stuff and never offered the slightest hint as to how it's happening. There's also a lot of subjectivity here too. I was okay with the AFOS lifting all the ships out of the water and dealing out all sorts of death and destruction because it's an alien craft with alien technologies. I was not okay with Mao appearing to Shin in a vision and communicating with him that way. Mao may have had a rare blood type or whatever but, as a viewer, I have a hard time swallowing that her and Sarah are magic-wielders and that's okay because a gabillion years ago the Proto-Culture swung by and played with some island residents. I also hated Mao's blood being a match with the AFOS' but that's probably just a personal qualm. It can have lots of stuff in it but it can't take existing de-mystified stuff, like a rock, and mystify it and then fail to write in a reason for having done so. A lot of the stuff you're talking about is fine but why have it in a show called Macross? The original Macross didn't have a bunch of crazy mystic crap in it so if you want to make a sci fi mystical show shouldn't you just start with something new rather than adapting something existing? There was lots of dialogue in the original series but we never heard the Zents talking about anything scarier than miclones. That's not to say the stuff isn't out there it's just to say that the original series did nothing to associate itself with all these half-baked "sequels" it has sprung (although obvioulsy plenty of contextual/chronological ties exist). YES, Macross mustn't because it doesn't introduce any of these elements. I like my sequels to expand upon the existing... not reinvent it. The other big difference is the Mayan are humans who we're supposed to be okay with having alien abilities after eons of breeding and kickin' it on Earth. What in Macross prepares me for superhumans on Earth pre SW1? Nothing. On the same token, if a prequel to Mospeada showed a human doing what Sara or Mao do it still would seem completely inappropriate. It's the aliens that are capable of crazy stuff, not humans.
I've never watched a single episode of Gundam. Um, birds have wings they move to fly. I think it's perfectly logical to accept anything flying that has a means of flying, even if said means are explained away by scientific babble like antigravity would be. A rock, on the other hand, has no means in any way of elevating from the ground. Therefore, if it were to elevate there would need to be an unseen force acting against it (ie. magic). To then require a girl singing to said rock or otherwise controlling it... No, the writers got too lazy to even attempt to explain any of this. If they were going for a mystical feel (as it seems they were) then the audience has gone from the non-mystical original series to a mystical sequel... that will irritate some, as evidenced here. Again, there's NOTHING EVER AT ANY TIME in the original series that sets us up for this kind of hocus pocus. We're going from a series that strived to have a bit of a realistic feel (difficult when dealing with transforming jets, giants, etc) to one that mocks itself by embracing magic (or, if it makes you feel better, a technology the series has thusfar been entirely unable to describe). Also remember that that scene was not followed by Minmay singing to the SDF-1 and thus lifting it off the ground and pushing it into space. The problem was solved by using thrusters. Again, a precedent was set that was later abolished. You accept all the freaks in Xmen because they've been there since the beginning and backstories are given to them. It's the same in pretty much every show you've hinted at. It's not the same in Macross. It's non-sensical to argue Macross must go this route to stay interesting. It's establisehd logically in the first series and movie that there was a MUCH more advanced civilization out there and that all humans can do is reverse engineer from this Easter egg they've received. That provides a huge variety of avenues for the story to go in. You don't NEED to have telepathy, happy music rays, telekinesis, or any other form of magic to keep it fresh.
Yes but when? Certainly not in the original Macross or DYRL. Exactly my point... the Macross universe currently has a completely crappy version of Magic being explained by "spiritia" (in Mac7, they don't even bother attempting an excuse in MacZero). I believe that, through the use of spiritia, any possible thing beneficial to pushing a plot forward can magically be accomplished... WHOA, look at that, it works! Rocks fly to help the protagonist escape, people can communicate telepathically at just the right moment, and naked chicks can levitate and grow flowers when the plot needs a twist. It's like the epitome of the laziest writing ever and it has almost ZERO connection to the original series. Mac7 at least makes a (crappy) attempt of providing some sort of scientific basis for "sound energy" but just when the viewer is about to have to puke from having digested that crock MacZero comes along and steps it up to an even more ridiculous level (and the whole time I watched Firebomber dance their way out of a conflict I never would have imagined things were about to get more ridiculous). The Star Wars reference is valid because in the very first Star Wars movie we were given The Force and told it was the shiz so we accept it every time we encounter it hence forth. There ain't crap in the original Macross that has me ready to accept floating rocks, floating chicks, or the ability to sing to flowers and make them brow. Your theory about Mayan being ruins of a protoculture city is cool and all but aren't you just really filling in giant holes the writers of MacZero couldn't be bothered with? "Um, you think we should explain what any of this means?" "No, if we explain things now it makes retcon harder later."
The Banprestos are modern toys. If it's an old Macross toy you were playing with it was almost certainly made by Takatoku or maybe Bandai. You can just click on the manufacturer names to see what those companies made (although, admittedly, I don't have every single offering up... but I'm working on it very slowly). You mean to ask what were the three best Valkyrie toys made? There are a lot of things to take into consideration. By far the best modern toy is Yamato's 1/48 offerings. The easy best for vintage was pretty much the only show in town, the Takatoku 1/55 (very similar to the Transformer Jetfire). If you're looking for a smaller scale toy the best is Toynami's 1/100 series (or at least that's the best I can think of at the moment). The best Macross toy (aka SDF-1) was Takatoku's 1/3000 and there's not much competition so the best modern SDF-1 toy is the WAVE WHAM 1/5000 piece. PS - If you're looking for an old classic in decent shape I have a few Takatoku 1/55s for sale on this board at what I think most would consider pretty low prices.
It really depends on how much you're willing to pay for nostalgia. Anything above $100 should be absolutely pristine at that kind of money. You can get these at less than perfect condition for less.
OOh it does make an appearance in the show. Nifty.
I would guess a Takatoku 1/100 scale? Did it look like this? Go to the site in my signature and search around if that's not it. If it is it, and you want to see more then click here. Bandai released a 1/100 VF-1A in Hikaru's colors, it's essentially the same toy as the brown 1/100 Takatoku released but with a slightly different head mold.
Not exactly. Granted, you'd like to see jobs tacked to the inflation rate but people who have jobs that aren't tacked typically carry a good amount of debt. They won't make up the entire 3% but they'll make up a portion of it there (as the money they repay isn't worth as much as the money the borrowed). When runaway inflation happens all bets are off.
To be fair, GERWALK combined fighter (I think) was never seen in the show either, it's just really cool line art at this point. For my part, I seriously doubt the CMs can pull this off. We can all see the Legioss sits WAY too low when linked with its feet way splayed apart (because it is sitting so low the feet run smack dab into the Tread's hips). If you have a flexi-display stand I bet anything is possible but it's probably going to take some tweaking and be a "display case only" type of pose.
Then I expect to be able to throw it through a building with no damage!!!! What? Too literal? Sorry.
Southern Cross & Genesis Climber Mospeada
jenius replied to msterling21's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I love Mospeada still. Don't listen to Cyde, he's insane.... isane I tell yoU!!!!! -
Well Kicker, knowing that, if I ever find the ones that were supposed to go with that Valk I sold you I'll shoot you a PM.
Isn't that from the relatively obscure alternate ending to Army of Darkness? That ending definitely sucked in comparison to the regular one.
Toynami is the best company ever, don't believe the hype! <---- Jenius, never one to not live up to the way people paint him. SHAMELESS PLUG - Click on the link in my sig to learn the whole truth and nothing but the truth (as completely tainted by my opinions)
Oh I'm gettin' one... just haven't decided which one yet. The blue one would be my normal choice but making the others LEs is a bit appealing. OOOOh, you think we'll see a super LE Dark Legioss version?? Does CMs ever do super LE stuff?