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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Yours is $208 because of the preferable exchange rate right? If anyone finds a good deal on these let me know. I may not be a huge fan but the completist in me guarantees I'll be buying it. If I score it for a reasonable price I might not hate my completists instincts as much.
  2. I don't really mind them double-dipping on one of the 1Ss but to double dip on both in one wave? That's kinda lame. It should have been either a new Focker or a new Hikaru and then they could have given us a 1D or even a Jenius 1S.
  3. SDCC Exclusive: Hikaru 1S with black box Wave 3: Weathered Hikaru 1S with Strike Parts Wave 1: Focker 1S Wave 3: Weathered Focker 1S with Strike Parts Seems a bit sad to me that Toynami is double dipping twice already. I guess they added the weathering (if these toys ever come out) and chances are the Wave 3 will be built better than the SDCC exclusive and the Wave 1 toy.
  4. Why'd they put those missiles under the intakes like the Aoshima version? How many friggin' missiles does this little plane need?
  5. You just effectively said "What's shown in Macross isn't Magic, it's Magic!" Telekinesis, telepathy, and "paranormal empathy" don't really exist. Just because these fictional forms of magic have cool sounding names doesn't make them scientific of factual. They're all the stuff of legend. I think you're splitting hairs in a big way. There is no telekinesis, telepathy, or "paranormal empathy" in the original Macross series. Anything that seems beyond the realm of modern man is given an explanation (sometimes as vague as "over-tech"). There were no Maos appearing in cockpits just like there were no witches casting ice spells. While I do disagree with you as to what the theme of the show was, I do agree that there's plenty of room to explore things. When humans are wielding magic though then something has gone wrong. Leave inexplicable powers to unknown aliens.
  6. The first chase was Max's VF-1A. The text you quoted makes me think the next chase will be Kakizake's VF-1A although that completes Vermilion not Skull Squadron.
  7. Questionable certainly doesn't make for a good toy. That's stuff like crooked landing gears, really crooked heads, paint flaws, chips, etc. I'm a pretty relaxed collector, I'm sure there are many people that would have returned some toys I held on to. Of course, there are also people who wouldn't be bothered with that stuff. The problem with saying though that either half or 75% of the toys I own are in good shape is that they are only that way because I am scared to handle them. The hands fall apart, the front landing gear door can fall apart, and if you move the arms more than three times you'll never be able to get it to keep an out-stretched arm pose again. Let's not even get into how scary the arms are during transformation. I love the look of my MPC Alphas, and I appreciate what Toynami tried to do, but I'd never consider it a toy. I like it enough to have bought 12 of them so I could have 4 I considered excellent (and some extras). With CMs at least I think I can buy these toys and not have to freak out about how hard it will be to return if I get a lemon. That was always a concern with my Toynamis.
  8. I've owned about a dozen Alphas, three were so bad they had to be returned to Toynami and at least another three were questionable. 50% pass/fail rate? I'm confident CMs will improve upon that ratio... I'm just sad that those few real quality Toynami MPC Alphas I have will probably still be preferred to this CMs piece.
  9. Guys, the 0A giftset has the craptastic shoulders, not the good ones. THe only VF-0 toys with good shoulders are the VF-0S 2nd edition and the VF-0S Ghost set. No 0A has been made with good shoulders yet. Since no 0A has been made with good shoulders it's probably a safe bet that any people ordering 0A colored arms are still getting crappy breakable ones.
  10. I'm pretty sure it'll just be a repaint of the VF-1... making it a completely different toy wouldn't make a lot of sense I'm afraid.
  11. It's been said before but since all this design talk is coming up again, the Toynami design is too sophisticated for the scale... which means you can easily argue it's poorly designed. If it were a much bigger toy it might be perfect. It might even be a perfect design if Toynami had a beautiful manufacturing process that kept all toys to be built within precise tolerances. As it is, with Toynami being only capable fo constructing shoddy products, they needed to make their design much simpler than they did. I think I described the Toynami MPC Alpha in my review as being "overly ambitious" and I'd stick with that description. They tried for a lot... and screwed up a lot in the process. CMs seems to be going pretty far in the opposite direction but questionably so. They kept a bunch of gratuitous gimmicks (missile doors), surrendered some necessary features (fins collapsing into the arms), and made some very odd decisions (leg transformation). In the end I think it's a lot easier and more durable to have a toy that doesn't have collapsing bits, there tends to be way more pressure involved with telescoping parts. Sadly, I don't think you can eschew collapsing bits with the Legioss design so I wish CMs wouldn't have gone this way. There are so many WTF areas on this toy. I'll always look at my Toynamis and think "If only you were made of better materials to exact tolerances" and I get the feeling I'll look over at my CMs and think "If only they had tried to be more true to the design."
  12. Still no word on the chase? I liked the first set chase... especially since it was in almost every box.
  13. The initial review on MSNBC said this is a must see. I'm surprised. I hope it lives up to the hype!
  14. You can get cheap display cases on craigslist occasionally. I almost bought a few several times from stores that were closing.
  15. I'm confused, are you saying you don't think the MPC Alpha looks just like the old model kit? They're practically identical with the exception that Toynami, for whatever reason, felt the front winglets should be rounded. Looks-wise I think Toynami did a stellar job... as they should, they actually bought the molds from the kit to design their toy. IIRC, they later resold the molds to Aoshima who then reissued the kit.
  16. Of all the toys to pick the Morpher Alpha has got to be their most original to date. The little Gakken Legioss really has only that in common with the morpher that any legioss toy would have. Otherwise the Toynami is much more sophisticated. Aoshima and Toynami do have a business relationship together. That much is clear. Toynami's MPC Alpha is essentially a model made into a toy.
  17. I believe there is one mass-produced (although certainly in limited quality) Mospeada toy I do not own (including paint variants). It's not a very good toy but I do anticipate I will own it some day. CMs has just introduced a toy I will never have any hope of owning. That kinda bums me out .
  18. Even if you stuck with the Gakken trap-door mentality, you could always put the array on a swivel joint. It's not like these toy companies don't know how to make something spin around. I see no way the shoulder flap should ever be considered a hinderance in the head's ability to turn. CMs just got it all completely wrong with the head being below the shoulders. Look, if Toynami's MPC can do it, so can CMs. Yeah, Toynami made the piece removeable but have you ever looked at how close they are to not even needing to make it transformable? If that one back plate flipped out instead of only being able to push in it would nearly fit. And if CMs absolutely wanted huge arm fins why not add a slot in the shoulder where the fin could collapse into when the arms were collapsed? There are just a lot of really questionable engineering calls that went into this toy.
  19. I'm not quite as put-off by LE pieces... but I like them to at least be accessible to the people who know about them and want them. When pieces are so limited you can't possibly get them without winning some sort of lottery or something? That blows. If CMs made these exclusives to their website, I'd be cool with that. Chase pieces seem to take the toy hobby and marry it to the card collecting hobby. I collected cards a very long time ago and have no interest in going back down that route again. I'm really hoping the MH weapons set ends up being like the 1/48 clear parts set where we have some member who can hook us up with them.
  20. jenius

    Every single 1/48

    There are a couple on the bay right now... for like $400+
  21. I'm still bummed you can't turn the head!
  22. Wow, a limited edition of 100? That sucks, I'd love to get one. If anyone is going to Wonderfest I'll gladly buy that guy off you!
  23. I will take a $15 bet on a Toynami 1/100 any day of the week over a $160 bet on a VF-0S first edition, VF-0A, or VF-0A Shin. At this point though, even if Toynami did create some super cool super durable toy, I think they've burned so many bridges on these forums that they still wouldn't be accepted. Biased against Toynami? Hell yes MW is. That's because too many of us have been left with rubble after spending good money. That doesn't mean the forum doesn't have a few sour grapes for the other toy manufacturers either though.
  24. jenius

    Every single 1/48

    Man, I like the Urban, but I'd pass on the LVII GBP. So bland and it hides the LVII which should be prominently displayed in fighter mode.
  25. Seconded in a huge way. I think Sega should just sell a super Sega system that plays all the games of the old systems. I'd buy that for like $99.
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