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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Just a little note here, I have ordered all three though BBTS and, while I imagine I too will be following in Eriku's footsteps and returning these at some point, I will be posting a full reveiw on my website with detailed comparison pics to Toynami's MPCs and close-ups of all the various flaws I locate. Sorry it took me this long to do it but I had to sell some toys off to make room for new ones.
  2. That's misleading. Graham was saying that the CAD shown in the GNU thread was not CAD for a 1/60 Yamato toy. Obviously, we would learn, it was the CAD for the GNU line. So, Graham has never said anything to nay-say a perfect transforming 1/60 VF-11. In fact, he echoed the common sense that since Yamato appears to be repeating it's 1/72 strategy it seems a forgone conclusion we will most certainly be seeing a 1/60 VF-11.
  3. ET - it's what's on Mint/Annie's hat
  4. Thanks! That only shows instructions though... wish I had one handy so i could check if there were decals in there but I do seem to recall them being there.
  5. Aren't they provided all Yammy style behind the toy box or something? You sure you guys aren't just missing them because you're not sliding out an inner tray or something? I think there's a picture of them, or where they should be, on my site.
  6. It was posted a while back but the search gizmo can find it: To go directly to this review, CLICK HERE.
  7. Sorry, no collection pics per se. I tackle one toy at a time. One of the toys I tackled was the Urban GBP though so I put it on almost every 1/48 and took pictures front and back. Thanks for props Misterryno!
  8. I'm sorry folks, I said Hawk, what I meant to say was Rob (I guess, I can't remember any of their names at this point). The guy and the girl that were seeking shelter, in the very end, after all the credits, you hear . You do not hear "Still alive" although the fact you're hearing anything certainly implies that.
  9. There are pics of this on my website. Click the link in my sig and do a little looking around. I'm at work but if I have time later I'll insert the photos here.
  10. Doesn't the monster sit in the spot light for a good bit after the chopper scene? I remember looking at its little breathing pouches on its head and thinking "not sure I like those." It also seemed like the monster was a lot smaller in that scene but I guess that's just because there isn't really a point of reference.
  11. my guess is that these were made after Takatoku closed by Matsuhiro or another company.
  12. Yeah, I think my following the Internet stuff made the film more fun for me as opposed to the other people I've heard opinions from. Hopefully a DVD release will somehow have a bonus that lets you get into all that Internet stuff, I think that will make the DVD be better received. I'm definitely *trying* to base my comments on the film though to what the film gives us. I have a similar gripe with Macross. A lot of the supplementary information for Macross is what helps glue it all together and I wish more of that glue was present in the shows itself. I think an artist gets greedy when you make your audience search out supplementary information even though it can very easily be argued that that supplementary information is part of the art.
  13. There's at least one party goer that asks "Oh my God, are we under attack again??" or something similar so that might be it. I've heard people say that it plays on post 9/11 emotions but any disaster film in a major city is going to do that at this point. What if you're looking for anything subtle? How about an allusion or two to something beyond what we're shown? You'll also be disappointed. Really it's just a 75 minute chase scene. I did like how they hold back on showing the monster for a while and I do think they did everything right with the timing of the reveals and such. See, this is it, I didn't get that feeling at all. What was there to look for or piece together?? For me it was all just "Crap, Monster... RUNNNNN!!!!" "Phew, we're safe, but we gotta find the girl." "Crap, MONSTER! RUN!!!!!!" "Phew, we're safe, but we gotta find the girl." "Crap, MONSTER!!!!! RUNNNNNNNNN!!!!" "Get to the choppah' GOOO!!!" "I love you" "Well, I did love you, but then you were a douche bag but I guess you've redeemed yourself..." Squish. I will also agree this is the best monster film I've seen in a very long time. In fact, I can't remember the last monster movie I saw, good or bad, so that praise doesn't mean as much as it should. Very fun, but it feels a lot like porn to me. I enjoyed watching it but I didn't really take anything from it and I can't imagine myself watching it again soon. The idea that they're going to revisit the topic in a sequel or a manga is pretty exciting to me. I'd love for this to be lumped into something larger that really does lend it some substance.
  14. Ever since Amenbo went away I have no place to shop that I like . Doesn't help I'm such a cheap bastlid. Oh well.
  15. I was just talking to a friend of mine and I told her I saw Cloverfield last night. She said "A bunch of the girls at the office saw it together. They all hated it and told me not to bother. Apparently you don't learn anything about the monster and everyone just dies. Sounds like the movie forgot to have a point." I told her that, as a guy, I thought it was fun the whole way through but I couldn't really disagree with anything her girl friends told her. I get the feeling this one might have big divides amongst the sexes as far as who likes it.
  16. He grew up in Australia, do they have GI Joe there? Could GI Joe have saved a life here? We will never know. My ex is going to be so sad, she was in love with him. She used to drag me to anything he was in.
  17. Let's not forget that one of the standard Alpha/Legioss colors is bright red.
  18. One little qualm I had about shaky cam, no one ever sprints and holds a camera facing forward. If you're running for your life your arms flail while you run. So I wasn't nauseated but there were a couple times where I did the whole "yeah, this shot would happen" sarcastic smirk. Thank God they didn't do realistic running though, that would have been the most annoying movie ever. EDIT - Spoiler ratified.
  19. Has anyone ever purchased from them before? Do these guys have a good reputation? Do you know if they normally ship quickly after release?
  20. I just didn't want people to think I felt they were morons when I voiced my different opinion. Tell ya what, make an argument about how Cloverfield is cinema verite instead of just throwing out a phrase. When I think cinema verite, and admittedly it's been a long time since i had a class on film, I think about a movement that was almost obssessed with de-glossing life. In the simplest sense it would be like the camera following someone into the lieu during a movie instead of pretending like people never pooped. So, maybe I have some screwed up memory but I'm at work and don't have the time to Google up a refresher. I have always said the movie was fun. It succeeds in creating tension and keeping the action going. When I say it's "completely stupid" I simply mean that at no point will it ever make you think. Did it set out to make a person think? No. Is it a failure? No. I didn't say any of those things, I said: I think that argument allows plenty of wiggle room for me to talk about scenes I thought were really fun and obviously I had fun watching it. I give the movie creators credit where it was due. I'm just saying, on paper, there ain't a whole lot there. Because we know better than to see those films?
  21. First of all, I just want to set the record straight that we're talking about movies which aren't terribly important in my world so please forgive me for doing a little bashing and know that I mean nothing personal by it. LOL, yes, Cloverfield is an excellent example of cenema verite. Truth in cinema = Cloverfield. Yes, I see it now! There is absolutely no depth to Cloverfield. This reminds me of when people were arguing that Mac7 had all these deep underlying meanings and issues. People standing above a puddle and seeing an abyss. There's nothing there folks, nothing. Christ you're using the cliched "i gotta save my girlfriend" as a means of granting this film depth? It's okay to love a completely stupid film because it's filmed well and is really fun. This is that movie. It was a lot like porn in a lot of ways. I will say there were a few times it surprised me. The way they developed tension in the underground scene was done pretty darn well. You kept thinking something was going to happen and nothing did and then when you were starting to think things were slowing down it got all crazy fast again.
  22. I saw it, I enjoyed it. It's the most vacuous and empty-handed movie I've ever seen though and that kinda scares me. Moral? No. Plot? Run from monster. Backstory? No. Writing more sophisticated than "Oh God run?" No. It really is possibly the worst movie ever made except it was done in a way to be a real fun ride... and it was a fun ride. Most movies of this genre tuck a moral in with the question of "where did this monster come from?" but Cloverfield almost fails entirely to even ask that question except for Hud's ponderings in the stairwell. I'm interested to see where they take it from here but in the meantime I'm definitely only recommending it to my adrenaline junky buddies.
  23. Seeing as they're already going LE on the red and green Legioss toys, I doubt we'll see the dark one.
  24. Did you mod the knees??? If we could combine the super poseable VF-17 (I think Fly4Victory did that one) with a red Milia that'd be sweet. Love your paint work, very nice.
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