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Everything posted by jenius

  1. It's a knock off of the Matchbox version. You can tell because there aren't any factory-applied stickers.
  2. I don't have time to look but i'm pretty sure there's a picture of exactly what's in the box from the various galleries and there's been complaints about the fact the stand is a plastic twig. This would lead me to believe that the black stands don't come. IIRC someone also said that the hole for the stand conveniently fits some sort of Bandai stand. It would be my guess that that Bandai stand is the stand you are now asking about.
  3. Oh no Hiriyu, you are wrong. You can do perfect transformation... you just have to use strings to hold all the pieces together. Uh, that'd be perfect right?
  4. It doesn't look that way to me and it's attached to a mechanism with a lot going on. I think Saverobotech said it was fixable though you might want to wade through this entire section to find out what he had to say on the matter... and let me know where you find it! I'll be busy editing photos.
  5. Okay, it looks like the Legioss will probably be going first. Here's a very quick skinny after a few hundred pictures and one completed transformation of each toy to soldier mode I can say that I was pretty fortunate to get no real lemons with the possible exception of my Stick. Stick has that same backward neck piece that Eriku and Saverobotech had which hurts the toy in a bunch of ways because it throws fighter mode out of whack and makes the head sit wrong in soldier mode. I also have one unglued piece on my green legioss. Tons more observations coming in full review... I have a dozen or so more pics to take and then lots of editing to do.
  6. Wow Eriku... uh that's a hell of an argument. "You can't say that the easily seen design overhauls are definitely there, you haven't handled the toy." followed by "I like it 'cause it looks durable!" WTF?
  7. Mine are here. I won't be able to look at them in detail until later though. I shook the green one's box though and no jingling so I'm hoping for the best. Now the only thing I'm worried about is what I'll do if my CMs Ride Armors show up while I've got these toys out for pictures... which review to publish first???
  8. WTF, no tampo printing? When was there a transluscent amber valk in the show? These are terrible. I won't possibly buy them unless they get much, much better!
  9. There were side-by-side pics already posted on MW somewhere. They looked like press pics by some magazine to show how different the new paint job is. Good luck hunting them down though.
  10. Man, reading this thread has me looking forward to getting mine so bad. I'm getting three in one shot... I'm afraid.
  11. I kinda see Danth's point. There are a few level-headed scenarios and the only one that seems ridiculous are the people who say they're going to pass because the toy isn't at all faithful to what we see in the show. At the very least the person who was getting all three should have been painted in a similarly ridiculous light but in the opposite direction. Really, just about everyone should seem a moron who wrote anything other than "i'll wait for reviews" because what kind of customer makes an uniformed decision???
  12. A mortgage payment in my parts is about $4K...
  13. I'm buying all... such is the life of a Mospeada completist. This is gonna be an expensive year! Fortunately I have a huge Macross collection I can shrink substantially to afford it. EDIT - This doesn't mean I'm only slightly above the OMFG CMS IS TEH SUXORZ!!1!! I'll try to get at least one of them right after release so I can do a quick and dirty pre-review for everyone.
  14. Mine comes in on Monday according to the tracking info... it'll probably take me until Friday-ish to have a review up. February looks to be a busy month for my site...
  15. From left to right (as we look at them) 1) Toynami MPC (not Aoshima) 2) Imai Model (reissued by Aoshima) 3) Toynami Metallic Superposeable.
  16. You can tell which is the model by the front winglets. The Toynami version has rounded winglets. I still haven't gotten my Aoshima version in yet but word seems to be so far that they have even worse build quality than Toynami does. So, if you're averse to the CMs version, it seems your best bet is Toynami. Robotech.com has all of the Toynami Alphas except Scott's if you're looking to avoid eBay. I'm not sure what they go for on eBay though, I think they're $59.99 on RT.com. I did receive some Toynamis that were crappy before I even touched them but i'd say the majority are decent enough so long as you don't move the hands at all. 2nd Edition Scotts cost a lot on eBay and that's a scary purchase.
  17. LOL, i love the ebay sellers selling these already and they don't even know what the secret valk is. I remember one ad "ALL 6 + SEACRET" but of course, only a pic of the six.
  18. I said it before and I'll reiterate. This film was a lot like porn. You watch it once, it's visually fun, but there's absolutely no depth to it to warrant seeing it again (at least, not until it comes out on DVD so it won't be so fresh in the mind). All the elements that make it cool the first time through will be lost upon a second recent viewing. You're not going to have that same "RUN RUN RUN!!!" feeling. So you get all these people coming out of the theater and telling their friends it's a thrill ride with no substance and people hear that and think they're not going to carry anything from it so they'll just wait for DVD and watch something like There will be Blood or No Country for Old Men now. Still, I think a Cloverfield 2 could recapture that initial excitement if done well and have that same big opening crowd. EDIT - There/This
  19. Doesn't LOS get his stuff shipped to him by boat though and then ship it out to you guys? I didn't feel like waiting another month so I paid a premium. I'll probably do the same thing with the MH toys. Thank God it's tax return time... The dollar continued to plummet against the Yen. We were at 105 for a while today before climing into the 106s again. I believe it was 123 back in June or July. That's what, like 14%?
  20. Well, I just paid for mine, practically $75 a pop!!!! Ouch. Oh well, hopefully the service is speedy. I can't wait to review these bad boys.
  21. If these still sold at the original price ($95ish) they'd be a whole heck of a lot more tempting. As it is they seem to go for like $150ish and I'm just not a big enough Megazone fan to plunk down that kind of scrill.
  22. They definitely look cheap... but they are cheap so that's forgiveable. They strike me as an attempt to head-off Revoltechs.
  23. I'll give you "it looks BUILT better than the Toynami/Aoshima" but otherwise the looks are about the only thing Toynami has going for its Beta right now (if it hasn't slipped back into the realm of vaporware). Too bad Toynami never figured out how to have the cockpit retract into the chest on their Beta 'cause I thought it looked fantastic otherwise.
  24. No bloody way, the YF-19 in beige will be reissued whenever demand warrants it. The LV1 won't be because it was specifically labeled as a 'limited version' and the Stealth probably won't be sold again as a gift set but I'd reckon we will see a reissue of the strike parts and even the VF as stand alone components if the demand is ever there. Now that the VF-1 1/60 PT is coming though the 1/48 might slowly fade into obscurity entirely as demand will undoubtedly sharply decline.
  25. See Graham's post on pg 20
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