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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Okay, so I get home from a long night of partying and there are three girls that weren't old enough to get in the bar waiting for my friends and I to return. Apparently they were happy to see me. Apparently they were as happy to see me as I was to see them Then some a-hole went and turned the lights on. These pics won't be up for long.
  2. These remind me a lot of Toynami's superposeable line right down to the price range. I'll buy a couple to check them out but I think Yamato will find a market similar to the one Toynami did... not much of one at all.
  3. Harmony Gold doesn't have the Mospeada license in Japan, Tatsunoko does. It's possible Mega House is having problems with Tatsunoko but not Harmony Gold. In that event everywhere but Japan might get the new toy. I think the "licensing problem" is more likely not a problem at all but if Toynami is picking up the toy for distribution that means Mega House is going to have to make a lot more toys and maybe HG (through Toynami) did ask for a few tweaks... much the way Aoshima as Toynami for a few tweaks.
  4. Thank you 1st Border. It doesn't look particularly variable but it's cool to see another design. I don't suppose you have a pic handy of the regular condor?
  5. Misterryno wins for actually having a picture of himself kicking someone in the head. That's pretty cool. Sure, it'd be cooler if he was at a bar doing it but I hear that move is hard to do in jeans. I'm tempted now to throw a bunch of scandalous college pics up, I have a great one to rival Green Guy's Halloween pic (um, except imagine the blonde girl in his pic is a brunette and she's a bit lower down and facing the other direction). MWAHAHAHA!
  6. This argument would be more compelling with a few things: 1) if you told me what the Super Condor was. Is it that thing in the bottom right hand corner of that line art page? 2) if you provided a picture of what a Super Condor looks like in fighter mode 3) if you like, maybe drew some lines to show me what debris matches with which parts. 4) told me why it mattered if Tommy Yune recognized it or why Paladium, or any Mwer, should care. This is the Internet, where we all want to be spoon fed everything. I'd be interested to see what you found but I don't feel like doing any research just to get to the starting point. EDIT - I said "two" and prattled off four... oops.
  7. I think $39.99 would be a completely fair price. At $39.99 I would feel completely comfortable paying for what I got. Since the price I paid is much closer to double that I was let down but I'm still happy I have them.
  8. I believe you're talking about the "Perfect Edition" Tapes. I think the plan was to release the entire Robotech series with matching original episodes but I don't know how far along they made it. They might have completed it but some other member would have to answer that. Thank God for DVDs huh? Now we can all own the entire original series, remastered, and Robotech also if you wanted to, for a fraction of what it would have cost to get copies back in the day. Anyone remember renting the FHE tapes??? Similarly, I was a huge Transformers fan and my brother was a huge RT fan. I became a huge RT fan also and in middle school I sought out more Robotech stuff. I found the RPGs and would use them to help me draw (we were an anti-comic family). In some of the RT stuff I found, probably the RT art books or something, I found mention of the original series. My brother bougth the Animeigo set when it was released and that's when I saw Macross in its original form for the first time.
  9. I thought it might be some sort of mind control attempt. It would explain why they were suddenly let free. It might also explain why Reese was the only one to survive the slaughter at the stronghold. Afterall, if the humans are using Terminators against the machines, maybe machines could use humans against themselves? What do you guys think of the Terminator brain chip plot device? Why is Cameron holding out on that chip? I can think of two scenarios. One, she is going to reprogram it and swap it into a future Terminator or two, she's going to use it to reprogram herself (to be evil).
  10. Thank you for that! I'll go ahead and ammend my review to reference the proper show now that I know for sure it made it into the animation.
  11. LOL, now that sounds like whining to me! Just playing, duly noted, but I've always said I'm not a stickler or a purist. I didn't want to say that you should be able to attach it like Stick does in the show because, for the life of me, I can't remember that actually happening in the original series. It's around in the line art to be sure though and it only makes sense, that doesn't look like the kind of thing you'd want to tote around while trying to maneuver a motorcycle at high speeds. Honestly though, what point exactly sounds like whining to you, the whole paragraph? If you can be more precise maybe I can reword it a bit. I think my criticisms are valid, nearly identical packaging, crappy stand, gun stuck to hand, no comparable Ley gun, no helmetless heads. Maybe I should just present it like that in kind of bulleted fashion?
  12. No, I don't believe it was.
  13. Thanks for the compliments guys. Shun, I hear you, it's just sometimes a name seems like it should be obvious and "Ray" is one of those times. Then again, when the main character's name is "Stick" or "Stig" I guess "Ley" might make sense.
  14. Welp, I finally got my review up. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT.
  15. I enjoyed last night's episode... I think mostly because it didn't involve Cromarti or whatever his name is. That whole plot line is LAME. Also, why did Reese lie about killing Andy?
  16. I like the woodland also but only in fighter mode.
  17. Yen to dollar fluctuates but pretty much any 1/48 was about $135-$150 shipped via EMS to the USA upon release. GBPs were a bit cheaper but not much.
  18. I think it'd be a little too easy for Toynami just to take a few parts and repaint the toys so I wouldn't put too much stock yet into the upper thigh piece. I would be surprised if the Aoshima improvements to the thighs weren't present on the next MPC Alpha toy (especially considering the Aoshima toys inexplicably feature a slot for carrying the destablizer gun none of them come with).
  19. I can't tell from the pictures but originally Toynami felt they had pulled an end-around on this complaint by applying a different paint job to Wave 3 1/100. Both the Wave 3 1S toys originally were going to come weathered which they thought was enough of a differentiation between them and the clean SDCC Exclusive and Wave 1 toys.
  20. I think the worse sign here is that Toynami hasn't put a single thing to market since their last show unless you want to count the Aoshima product. The implied announcement that they'll be importing Mega House product isn't something I would read to bode poorly. Makes you wonder why they didn't strike a deal with CMs? If they struck a deal with CMs they could be bringing over the Legioss/Tread also but maybe that thing is even too hideous for Toynami to touch. The MPC Cyclone no longer being shown could mean anything. I suspect the idea is that the Mega House is a cheaper toy which is a market they seem to be finding more appealing since they don't compete well in the high end arena. They also would seem to have their hands busy if that Beta actually is going to hit stores this year as well as all those Macross 1/100 products and the SC Alphas. Thank God Yamato is going to keep us (me) so busy I won't feel like I'm sitting around waiting for a company like Toynami, who may never deliver, to get new toys out.
  21. BLU-Ray, or HD DVD for that matter, just isn't seen as a phenomenal enough jump forward for the average person to go out and buy them. I think what you're going to see is a very gradual adoption of BLU-Ray as standard DVD players fail and BLU-Ray becomes cheap enough to be a replacement. For me, I can do PPV in HD, that works for now. Eventually, when the PS3 is in bargain bins everywhere I'll probably pick one up.
  22. It's really hard to say. The prototype at NY Toy Fair is NOT the same as the last prototype we saw. You can tell because their last prototype had the cockpit from the fighter mode Beta simply lean down in front of the chest in battloid mode. This new one has the more correct white finish piece shown at the chest. Here's the issue I'm having though, the "new" one being shown at Toy Fair looks suspiciously like the very first painted prototype they showed... the one where they hadn't figured out at all what to do with the cockpit so it simply didn't have one yet. That said, the combined Alpha Beta clearly has something going on above the arm that you can see if you zoom way in. My guess? They weren't happy with having the cockpit fold straight down in battloid mode so they're working on a cost effective solution to make it appear more like their first prototype.
  23. You can see better in the Figures.com picture that the combined fighter also has a loop of fish wire holding it around the mid section which may be bolstering the effect of the plastic arm extending from the Beta... or, if you're less into conspiracies, that would also be an intelligent place to put a loop simply to support all that weight.
  24. Figures.com has their pics up. I'm not a huge fan of their picture quality this year but they have some different angles than the ASM coverage.
  25. Replacement locks for the swing arms... I guess they expect them to break eventually.
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