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Everything posted by jenius

  1. LOL, Yamato is always thinking one step ahead of what I expect. I was probably going to pass on that release but now...
  2. jenius

    Macross Revoltech

    I love Yamato's choice for sturdier plastic but I also love extreme pose-ability. I guess I"ll have to get both.
  3. Oh Graham, don't be coy, we know you're already playing with these on your desk.
  4. It would seem Arthurius might be right. If you watch the video the head gets man-handled and the helmet visor never budges. Maybe they skipped the visor function all together since the heads swap.
  5. I got a box of 10 en route and if i don't get a complete set I'll definitely be looking to trade with people any of my extras. I think the Low Vis as we know it (Yammy LV1) is kind of a proprietary Yamato paint scheme so we couldn't see it here. The 25th Anni scheme would be the Hasegawa version possibly since, if I'm not mistaken, the Minmay Guard is a Hasegawa scheme. Here's my guess: 1) VF-1A Max DYRL 2) VE-1 3) VF-1D 4) VF-1S Roy DYRL (no fast/super) 5) VF-1A Max DYRL Super 6) VF-1J Miria TV Super Special: VF-1A Hayao TV
  6. It appears as BlowSuperior and Blowsperior alternately. The more common is BlowSuperior so that is probably what should be considered "correct." I'm still hoping these companies do what Yamato did with the Millia name by converting it to Miria and fix the reference all together. Then again, that might cause some sort of licensing issue so maybe the seeming mistake is actually intentional. I could just picture these guys asking for permission to use the name "BroughSuperior" and being told "no" so they had a little fun and named it "BlowSuperior" instead. EDIT - I should credit Cyclone for most of this knowledge if he's still around. I was a late comer to the awesomeness of the ride armor.
  7. "Ought" does not claim to be "is" hence why I chose my words the way I did.
  8. If you want to get REAL nitpicky it OUGHT to be Broughsuperior after the English motorcycle.
  9. Isn't that just a pair of sunglasses (the ones that come with the decals) applied to a Stig figure? Yellow Belmont IIRC.
  10. I love how you're finding some statement here that drips positivity toward Toynami... I got an idea, why don't you try making a valid argument next time instead of letting me form one for you? What crap did I bring up that doesn't matter? What market analysis did I make up? Your contributions consist of bitching and moaning in the form of insults. Bring something to the table next time and maybe something will come from the conversation instead of circles.
  11. No problem, I could tell you needed the help. If it makes you feel better, had you started with the sentences I eventually figured out you were trying to say, I might have actually agreed with you. It's not like Toynami has some great track record of sticking to anything they tell people in interviews. As it is though, having seen MH be so close to release without any Toynami involvement thus far (that anyone knew about), I'm going to be aiming all my praise or hatred at MH. EDIT - There is a delay though, maybe all your fears will prove very well founded and we'll learn the delay was due to requests by Toynami!
  12. Okay, me: This is a Mega House product, blame Mega House if it sucks You: Toynami is touching it, it will suck. You like butt sex. Me: How? They're just putting Mega House's toy in a box and shipping it. You like to flame people. You: Toynami sucks and you're saying that this toy is a Mega House toy means you support Toynami and want everyone here to do the same. You're claiming that this Ride Armor will still be made by Mega House and only distributed by Toynami is some fiction you've made up because you're a fan boy. Your website sucks. Me: Uh, this is a Mega House toy... Toynami is just shipping it to the US. You: Toynami sucks and their shipping it here will turn the toy to crap. You're making this all up. So, your contribution is to say 'Toynami sucks' in response to my statement that this is a Mega House toy and any blame or praise rests with them. You seem to also be under the impression that I gave the interview to collectiondx instead of George Sohn. You haven't really contradicted anything I've said, you've just kept repeating 'Toynami sucks.' HOW will Toynami's shipping this product to the US make it suck? Also, where in this is my made up market analysis? If I had to guess, I would say I think what you mean to say is: "I don't trust Toynami or George Sohn. I think they'll have more involvement with the Mega House toy than just shipping it to the US. Whatever that involvement is, I believe will make this toy suck."
  13. Your argument still makes no sense. Not once in the scope of our current conversation did I say "give Toynami a chance." I have said, and still say, give Mega House a chance. You're acting as if Toynami's agreeing to ship a toy to the US means they also get to send someone into the manufacturing plant to take craps in the boxes and nothing anywhere has implied anything more than distribution for these particular toys. Your ire when it comes to Beagle makes sense but here you're seemingly absolving Mega House of any ability to sin simply because they're allowing Toynami to ship the product to the states for them. If this toy sucks it's Mega House's fault. If this toy rocks it has nothing to do with Toynami suddenly developing a quality product. Think of them as SAL. I'm kind of surprised Toynami didn't break the windshield on your CMs ride armors while you were sleeping by the way you carry on.
  14. So you're more inclined to give Mega House carte blanch priviledge despite their own questionable reputation to blame Toynami for a toy they'll be shipping? Where exactly will Toynami's "imprint" be on this toy? on the box? If the box sucks you will have a very good point but, as I think we all know, the one thing toynami does exceedingly well is make boxes. I guess some people just love to flame bait with their last sentences.
  15. It's shown with the anniversary valks and they're available everywhere so I can only hope the weathered one will be also.
  16. Anybody remember the UHF nob back when TVs had dials instead of buttons? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
  17. jeeez guys, why bash Mega House? Toynami is just shipping their toy to the US and putting it in a different box. If it sucks it won't be Toynami's fault, it will be Mega House's. I can already imagine all the anti-Toynami hate blaming all of MH's failings on Toynami. That's not to say some Toynami hate isn't always warranted, fun, and appreciated, it just might be misguided in this instance. As to what will happen with Beagle... well that might be something to have some Toynami hatred ready for.
  18. Yep, I agree with Eriku. A word on that Japanese blogger though, some (mind you, not all) is stuff he is making worse than it is. One picture in particular shows a bent door for a missile bay. I've seen this before on MPCs and it happens simply when you unseat the pin for the door (the plastic is thin so it arches). Nothing is broken, you just have to set the plastic nub correctly and the door won't look wonky. It also looks like he takes it apart to try to repair it but I think some people might just take that to mean it completely fell apart on him. If it DID fall apart on him, he just got the worst toy ever and I feel thrilled mine came out pretty decent. Even though I got "decent" ones I'm still with Eriku on this... it's a sad gamble.
  19. See, that's cool and it makes sense. Thank you for that spot of info.
  20. LOL, 5 minutes was a heck of a tease. Sorry guys, anonymity and plausible deniability are the keys to surviving the Internet .
  21. I gotta imagine since we all already love the weathered 1/48 VF-1S it won't be limited. They seem to be acknowledging it's the best-selling 1/48 they have... why not make as much as possible on it?
  22. I think I'm going to keep my Stig preorder for the MH and cancel my Ley and just pick him up domestically. I imagine I'll save $10 on shipping.
  23. Is that a release of a 1/48 VF-1S with weathering???
  24. I read it differently. There are only two Cyclone toys on the horizon. There's the definite Mega House toy and then EITHER Toynami's or Beagle's. The two companies are now in cahoots. Hopefully they develop a hybrid by learning from each other's designs.
  25. And just like that, the pics are gone! Sorry, I'm not single any more and don't want that sort of thing being out on the Internet somewhere. I'll have to post a good pic of me and my newest when one is available.
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