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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Over compensating much with those guns? They look huge! The metalic paint on that build totally gives me 70s/80s metal toy vibes.
  2. Yep, I'm still really hoping a PF announcement will come also... I already repaired the hip joint on my 0A long ago and it seems to have held so a PF would be much more exciting for me. I don't use the website formerly known as Twitter, is Mr. K still active there? Maybe he'll share some insights.
  3. KC started shipping the battlepod in July, and it sounds like Cyrus is saying he told bbts back then that the listing should change. If so, then only orders before some July date sounds include the pilot figure... But this gets back to it being better for bbts to simply state there is no pilot figure and it's up to you if you still want the pre-order so they don't have to deal with the headache. It definitely sucks and is a good way for KC to ruin their relationship with toy shops. They need to stick to promises they can deliver on.
  4. jenius

    DX VF-27 Revival

    Not quite worldwide according to that listing.
  5. jenius

    DX VF-27 Revival

    Not quite worldwide according to that listing.
  6. jenius

    DX VF-27 Revival

    Not quite worldwide according to that listing.
  7. I'm really hoping a PF will be announced.
  8. No, that was resolved long ago, though they're still not metal so they can be broken.
  9. Great news!
  10. Some auctions specify no proxy services, seems lame that auction didn't specify and created the role after the fact.
  11. Uh... "no reason"? I can list lots of reasons but if you're good with a model, that's good for you. For KC, the Gluu Ger was a preorder bonus. Any current listing on the KC site won't have a Gluu Ger because it's not a preorder any more. They took down the "with Gluu Ger" listing around the time they started shipping the Battlepod. I noticed it when I did my review because I couldn't find any listing at all at that time to confirm they didn't jack up the price. I 100% think this is it. KC can't even say when the Gluu Ger is going to ship so BBTS is in a very uncomfortable position. What if KC NEVER ships a pilot? BBTS would have angry customers hounding them. So, as much as I would have hoped they would have added a "Gluu Ger preorder" to everyone's private warehouse, it is much simpler for them to update the listing and give people the chance to bail. If KC was already shipping a Gluu Ger, things could easily be different. On the plus side, a single generic pilot will scale very well with Hi-Metal R toys.
  12. Lol, Kawamori is feeling mighty safe from AI threats right now! Those mecha were dreadful! The characters were fun though some felt realistic while others felt like realistic animation if that makes sense (like eyes were too big to be real).
  13. Makes sense to me. I am tainted by Robotech but I thought the mecha were designed based on inference of the height of the beings that would have occupied the ship. So the VF-1 is larger than the tallest a zentran seemed like it would be while still small enough to navigate their corridors.
  14. Maybe that depicts the real world sizes and, for purposes of the dramatized TV retelling of events, they made everything alien bigger for dramatic purposes.
  15. If you believe the official specs, they are 1/60 scale in the Macross universe and scale perfectly with a Yamato. Of course, they were often depicted as being much larger in the show. You would have to backward engineer a proper height from the most consistent sizes represented in the show to figure out which VF-1 scales best 'to your memory'.
  16. Exactly! Even when BigWest and HG were at their most contentious, it was never difficult to order from a toy from Japan and have them ship it internationally. Very strange what is happening here and I can only assume it's driven by Sentinel. If I had to guess, they received a strongly worded letter from HG saying they need a license to sell internationally and they have WAY over-reacted to that. Of course, then they go and tweet about Robotech so... that seems to dispute my guess.
  17. The normal Japanese stores aren't listing it and say it's only available in Japan. In the meantime, some international stores have listed it like bbts. It's a mess that sentinel should figure out. If I could order it on HLJ today, I would.
  18. And that's the small box! The later release with the YF-21 and YF-19 super parts was even bigger.
  19. If only they would make it widely available!
  20. Ooh I missed this... now I'm afraid to take my old Yamatos out of storage!
  21. The "Movie Edition" WHAM SDF-1 is painted with alternating grays while the non-movie version has more of metallic blue hue. These are obviously very old pics but the movie version is the left and the normal version to the right:
  22. I wonder if the arm armors on super Parts will need to be low profile given how much the arms stick out underneath.
  23. Still have the goofy elbows.
  24. Wow, good for KitzConcept! It looks like they're ready to produce their pilot figures already so that target shouldn't be terrible to meet. I saw that they're planning on Q1 reissues of a few of their more popular VF-1 schemes so that should help them produce a run of those arcade VF-1A toys finally. After that... well, I wish 'em the best! Once I get my GBPs I'll be happy to start preordering some items from them again.
  25. The weathered battlepod would be an instabuy for me. Hope it goes on the store after the Kickstarter.
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