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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Depending on which route they go, 1/10 or 1/12, they could be just a bit smaller than twice as large as the CMs.
  2. LOL, I misunderstood. Fascinating read... but it ends by pretty much telling us "don't be concerned.... yet."
  3. Seriously, the complaining about the complaining is the only laughably Internet fanboyism I see in this thread. A new pic was revealed, it showed yet another new crappy apsect of this toy. People began complaining about the new crappy aspect of the toy. More people checked the thread to see if some of the old crappy aspects were fixed. Those crappy aspects weren't fixed so they reiterated how lame it was CMs still hadn't addressed the obvious crappiness. Then the people willing to turn a blind eye to the obvious crappiness of these aspects (because they feel some positive aspects outweigh those crappy aspects undoubtedly) took offense and started complaining about the complaining. Okay, your vote's been counted. Instead of complaining about the complaining why don't you tout the aspects of the toy that make you so comfortable thinking it's worth $250? Many have laid out why it sucks, what makes it good? Are some of the reasons it suck invalid? Make a case for why something everyone else thinks sucks is a good thing. Nothing new to add to why it's good? Then let the complainers keep complaining about the new stuff that is revealed that sucks (like the awkward additional leg missiles with a gaping hole for a landing gear).
  4. I think the issue is that people LIKE the vehicle(s) in the show and really WANT to like the CMs toy. So they feel a huge level of let-down when every time they see it there are all these flaws so prevalent. Then when one considers how easy most of the terrible design choices would have been to correct it becomes even more frustrating. I love Mospeada, I am very interested in this toy, I'm going to buy it, but I'm not going to turn a blind eye to all these laughably bad aspects of it. So I keep coming back, looking at it, hoping ot see something new or interesting, then laughing at it when it fails to impress yet again.
  5. I pulled out my SDCC exclusive 1S for my review of the Revoltech VF-1S. It'd been a long time since I handled one of these (thanks to Toynami faltering on releasing more). It definitely has all the same problems that were prevalent on Wave 1, I should probably update my review of these buggers to talk more about the negatives that show up with more experience. Yes, in fighter mode it's very easy to disconnect the shoulders and arms because that peg on the legs is just a little too far back. Since everything is so easily removeable on the toy it's not a big deal but it can be annoying (i'd say it's not as annoying as the gun handle being loose though). I should check my Wave 2 to see if that peg placement was one of the improvements.
  6. The GBP is new, the boxes are old.
  7. Aw that pic makes me sad... they have a Seven Mospeada (4th one from the left). It's a piece of crap toy but i can never find it . Kubricks = Toynami Imen Series 2
  8. I imagine what was meant to be said is that he's getting an Angelbird (which is a 2nd edition 1/48 with the fixed nosecone, flaps, and landing gear doors). Oh hey, if he got the info from my site, that's DEFINITELY what he meant to say. There's still just been one issuing of that paint scheme. There isn't a Kakizake reissue happening is there? I refuse to believe that. Where are you getting this info Ruskii? All I've seen is that some people have them on sale... and that's because they couldn't sell the first release.
  9. Groping an ugly chick won't make her pretty.
  10. Damn it Roger, none of this would have been a problem if you had just let the CMs guy see the lineart but noooooo.... apparently CMs just made them all design it from the childhood memories of watching Mospeada on TV instead.
  11. I don't have one yet but I would guess that's because of the amount of weight in the wheels. The wheels being above above the body moves the center of gravity way up. Then, when you put the wheels aft of the shoulders it doesn't take much to make the toy want to fall backward.
  12. Thanks for the handy list of names Azrael! I will reflect on this quietly and seem to be working....
  13. I forgot to mention my other huge pet peeve here since it looks all but guaranteed now it's not mistransformation. Sure, the diecast landing gears dangling is pathetic but I could see how the gears could be a problem.... what I don't understand are the missiles on top of the Tread. WTF??? How hard was it to make them settle down into the area they're supposed to sit? It's right up there with the fins that don't collapse on the Legioss arms. So strange. Toynami needs to have a Beta on preorder before I believe it will be released. Even once I preorder it, I know it will come out three months later than the initial shipping date. 2008? We will see.
  14. The dollar continued to plummet. Looks like we should be at 100 yen to $1 any day now. For a while $1 was close to 120 Yen... Yamato is going to find out first hand just how (un)important the American market is as we won't be able to afford importing their stuff anymore (with exception of the diehards). You can also imagine that any American companies that were investing in Anime are about to get all sorts of screwed (if you hate HG this is your sunny day!).
  15. Can someone recap the current names we have?
  16. Those Gnu still seem seam-tastic.
  17. IT's all there in the anime, like the MH has it, except it shrinks in size and/or the proportions shift.
  18. LOL, really folks, they debuted the fast packs at which convention? Let's say Toynami amazes us with some sweet enemy mecha at SDCC... when do you think we'd be able to buy it? 2010?
  19. I believe the only thing we know for sure is 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J and 1/48 GBP Anime colors. I've seen it hinted by some retailers that we're getting another 1/48 VF-1S reissue but i think that may have been confusion caused by the web exclusive 1/48 VF-1S Weathered.
  20. Wow... it looks like the Tread landing gears are stuck being completely exposed. WTF? I really hope they're at least detachable but seeing as they're diecast metal I'm thinking that's probably not the case. The missiles as red dots looked cheap when Toynami did it... it's funny that CMs found out a way to make it look even cheaper. That one missile bay that exposes the landing gear is pretty funny. So far this toy has only ONE thing going for it as far as I can see. It looks like it has some very nicely done tampo. It really does have that toy look to it too but at this price point that seems like a bad thing. i can only hope that when I have mine I can find ways to minimize all these horrible design decisions. PS - If it weren't for that stupid windscreen, I would be pretty happy with Ride Armor. It is quite pretty, even when blown up to Gakken 1/8 size in photos.
  21. I think we can all agree there are no skills that Toynami has that Yamato shouldn't be able to trump handily.
  22. Pet peeve: VIfam means legioss and auroran in this SIZE not this scale. A 1/100 Legioss would be TEEEEEENY.
  23. Series II are the VF-1J toys, Series I is the VF-1A Hik/Max and VF-1S Roy. The SDCC VF-1S Hikaru would also be considered a first edtion.
  24. Hey evirus, you do know all the first editions came with defective stands right? The little rubber cup that connects the stand to the attachment piece cracks if something is left on display too long. If you're not a fan now I imagine you're going to really hate this thing in a day or two when it falls down onto your desk! Series II came with improved parts and for a while Toynami would replace broken 1st edition parts with 2nd edition parts... doesn't seem like they've been doing that lately though according to some other members.
  25. Why do people act like seams prevent tampo printing? Toynami did tampo printing on the seams of their fast packs didn't they?
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