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Everything posted by jenius

  1. The dropping of Aisha has to be one of the silliest aspects of the Mospeada plot line. In Robotech she is "planted" using the same animation that shows her being carelessly dropped. The offending idiot who does the dropping goes on to become Batra (AKA Corg). In both series it should be immediately obvious to the viewer that Aisha is an Inbit (they show an egg dropping and then a woman emerging from yolk). In Mospeada though it seems like much of the crew starts to realize she's an Inbit and they just choose not to talk about it (especially to Stick). In Robotech the crew seems to honestly believe she's just a human survivor of a horrific battle up until the point she bleeds green.
  2. I think Robotech handled Yellow Dancer's voice better than Mospeada did Yellow Belmont. The switch from guy voice to girl voice is just too extreme in Mospeada and it's obvious it's not the same person's voice. Also, Yellow Dancer sings songs of rebellion where in Mospeada the music (like it or hate it) is just music for the sake of having music in the show. As to Ray, isn't he an Argentinian or South American of some sort? Yes, he's definitely a hillbilly and in Mospeada, unlike RT, he's somewhat special (he's more in tune to the world due to some side-effect of Inbit occupation but I can't really remember the details... ). There are all sorts of problems trying to get the names from the show right so don't bother fighting it. Stig sounds better than Stick, Houquet makes more sense than Fuke, and Ray makes more sense than Ley. It definitely has some silly episodes. I don't really see the dinosaur episode as all that silly as it's pretty well explained but the people who worship a dam? That's a silly one. The flashdance episode is just horribly dated and I think RT handled it better when it was another attempt at Yellow trying to inspire people while simultaneously make a big display of things. It does have a tendency of getting very serious (everyone trapped and unravelling in the subway of that one city, Houquet's probable gang rape, the dude who sends people to their death on the mountain pass, the town mob out to kill all soldiers, etc.) and it seemed to attempt to circumvent any criticism that it was too dystopian with some silly episodes.
  3. I finally got my MHs yesterday. I'm going to play around with them for a bit before doing a review (probably sometime next week). It seems to get minuses everywhere the CMs got pluses and and pluses everywhere the CMs got minuses.
  4. Stealth 1/48 VF-1 hands? Those would look pretty clowny (too big) on a Legioss.
  5. I thought it was the people who were negative about Mac7 that always did the flaming? This is an interesting change of pace.
  6. Okay, I'm listening to the Podcast now, and after having heard "I don't care what you think, I love this!" enough times I understand why my comment before listening to the podcast was met the way it was. I'd add something more but there's clearly no point.
  7. I imagine the poseable hands would work but you'd have to make them removeable and just pop them off when transforming into fighter mode.
  8. I insult Mac7, you insult me? There's something ironic to such a childish response to a complaint the show was aimed at children.
  9. I'm going to have to listen to this just so I can find out what it was I was supposed to like about that steaming pile... I seem to remember cringing and raising an eyebrow a whole lot more than smilling and chuckling. Hopefully that's just brushed away by some comment about how this was clearly a show aimed at a very young audience or something.
  10. If it doesn't seem like it opens, it probably doesn't. Until you can post pics I definitely wouldn't apply more than a miniscule amount of pressure. If you're talking about the area that the destabilizer gun attaches to in fighter mode then that definitely does not open backward (interestingly enough, it does open backward on the Aoshima versions undoubtedly because so many people broke their Toynami ones). That area just pushes inward so the canopy from fighter mode can sink into the butt a little bit and make for a more flush soldier appearance. On the non shadow fighters you can't fit the shoulder-mounted sensor array in so don't even try. Also, fitting the arms 100% closed is almost always impossible for a couple reasons. Even if everything is 100% where it should be the fit is normally off just enough where the arms don't lock closed all the way and spring open a millimeter or so... you just have to kinda live with the gap.
  11. What would be funny for no real reason is if Yamato distributes it within Japan and Toynami distributes it abroad. That could be a very real possibility.
  12. I believe there's a chronology on their website.
  13. To my knowledge, there is no fix. Replacement might be an option since the first three all have the same hands. The Aoshima's also may have hands made out of better materials since I haven't heard many complaints on that front. The bad news there is they didn't seem sturdier to me. I'm so deathly afraid of Alpha hands I didn't put the Aoshima versions through the ringer. They do seem to be a bit stiffer than the MPC version and I HAVE to suspect even Toynami realized they had to change the hands. That said, I didn't see any difference as far as engineering went. The Aoshimas seem to be even more spastic QC-wise than the Toynamis. In the Aoshima thread three of us found that the neck bar on our blue Legioss was installed backward which screws up fighter mode. My green Legioss is missing a finger (I just noticed) and has a broken crotch vent. All of my Aoshimas seem to have slightly warped front winglets. They're so slightly warped I can't tell they're warped at all in fighter mode but when tucked behind in soldier mode they don't sit flush like the MPCs do.
  14. I believe this was the film Owen Wilson was supposed to be in but was pulled from after the suicide attempt. It's a shame, I could see him being good in this film (although I realize a lot of people don't like his schtick).
  15. The hands are made of a very fragile, soft, rubber-like material. There's a pin that runs through the palm portion that all the fingers attach to. This pin is seated on either side by about a millimeter of the rubbery material. If you open and close the fist, sometimes just once, the pressure on the pin will cause it to push through that millimeter of material that seats it and all the fingers will fall right off.
  16. Honestly, I think they all have the same failure rate but the bluest got destroyed the most often because word of mouth hadn't spread around that the hands should never be touched and that it couldn't be treated as a toy. By the time Rook was released most people knew they had to be awfully gentle with it but otherwise it's exactly the same as the previous edition.
  17. DD also had a number that were sold with reversed hinges in one of the wings. Overall though yes, nothing as bad as their VF-0 releases or the ancient VF-11B and YF-19 in 1/72 scale.
  18. That much has been painfully obvious for a long time now. 1) The Aoshima Legioss colors are different from the Toynami MPC colors. 2) Aoshima appears to want nothing to do with Toynami at the moment so the chances of seeing Toynami Betas in Aoshima Legioss colors seems thin.
  19. You're right, I shouldn't say "definitely confirmed" but rather "strongly implied." I heard it reported in a few different places that Aoshima was done with Toynami and then you said the above. Granted, that doesn't say Toynami *definitely* won't make a brighter blue Beta that goes with the Aoshima Legioss but it certainly doesn't sound promising. You also seemed to imply it was silly of me to think Toynami had a working relationship with Aoshima later when you told Joel he was wrong about his preorder price.
  20. I wouldn't panic too much, lots of Macross fans in Japan are going to know to order one of these for every address they know of. It will definitely carry a heavy premium but where there is a will (and extra cash) there will be a way.
  21. I thought it was definitely confirmed that Toynami would not be making Betas in the Aoshima colors because Aoshima was so let down by the Legioss productions. If the Toynami Beta that's supposed to match the Scott MPC looks good with the Aoshima Stig Legioss then Toynami got its paints horribly wrong. Aoshima colors are much brighter than Toynami's MPC colors.
  22. Last one
  23. Crap, I did this big post about retarded but I feel like I'm inviting a fight. So let me simplify it, regardless of whether or not retarded is offensive (and I understand it is to most even if it's not to me) it doesn't affect a thing I wrote. Hobo sounds retarded even if that word hurts your feelings. Sorry. I say it's 50/50 with the model vs. the toy. Some of what Toynami did I like, some of what they did I don't like, and in the end I really like the look of both. Hey, you know what might be a brilliant idea? I'm guessing the Toynami Alpha/Beta connection will have some major issues due to the gratuitous weight of the diecast in the Alpha. You could probably get a rerelease of the Imai kit and use that as your Alpha. You could also then customize that model to make the connection with the Beta practically seamless. Ooh, I like the potential there... You might even be able to do something similar with the CMs Tread although I'd guess more customization would be involved and I swear that tread is more like 1/60 scale than 1/48...
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