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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Something wicked this way comes....
  2. Maybe in a few months there'll be Macross banners on MacrossWorld instead of Bubblegum Crisis or Megazone ones....
  3. This could mean GREAT things in a LOT of ways.
  4. Holy crap, I don't even understand what's happening in some of those Ride Armor pics but I'm thrilled. Whoa. The exhaust pipe work alone is super impressive. What's going on with the gauntlets and the front part of the bike? Wow... just wow.
  5. jenius


    I think it's just the Miria figure whose size is 1/72, the Q-Rau itself is 1/60.
  6. Ah, didn't realize those were custom stickers, I thought they were just the MH stickers or something.
  7. Why are there UN Spacy logos on that Ride Armor decal sheet?
  8. Yes, they have several threads about it.
  9. Pretty sure I heard the molds for this were dusted long ago with the chunky GBP. The good news is I got an absolutely MIB Taka 1/3000 for $500 and I've heard of people finding them even cheaper. Keep an eye out, deals do pop up occasionally.
  10. not scifi, not toys, not macross, not anime, somewhat political... yeah, I'm surprised it's not locked already.
  11. Do you have other Yamatos? Did you check the usual hiding spot behind the tray?
  12. I honestly really doubt that. First, they'd retail for retail price, not some collector's price so the profit margin wouldn't be huge per unit. Second, they're a recon and trainer unit (not including the strike) so most people don't like them (why the first two didn't sale huge). Third, these chunkies are the same toy from the wee 80s which no doubt has some charm for the sentimental but the likelihood of them competing well against the new Yamato 1/60 offerings seems REALLY slim. We're about to have all sorts of original Macross saturation again. If I'm Bandai I do a limited chunky reissue with some new repaints but focus my energies on Mac:F and just let Yamato win this round.
  13. w00t! Yeah, the points are just the barcode right?
  14. On the Zents, are they part of NUNS? The captain of the ship bets on them as "his" guys right? It sounds like Michael explains to Ozma that the girls are part of SMS and used for dangerous recon jobs when NUNS is busy squabbling. This confuses me (not enough to detract while watching the show though).
  15. Watched it, thought it was better than the third episode although I would have liked Altoh to be a little less of a bad anus from the onset. Hubris is supposed to get you killed so I hope he doesn't become all Basara with his arrogance. I would also like to see some play off the NUNS vs SMS. I think SMS has done enough to establish why they're needed, now it'd be nice to see NUNS show why the regular military is in business as well. Besides that, it could be a fun place for the story to go, another point to build drama around. A strong NUNS pilot could be a fun character also. KK looked like a Shadow Chronicles reject in Macron mode but she didn't bother me too much in micron but I stomached Mint from Mospeada. On a personal taste note, I also thought the missile trails in Shadow Chronicles looked goofy so I'm not too thrilled to see mech trails that draw hearts in M:F but that is the most minor of complaints ever. Really, I think it's just the bright color of the trails that turns me off.
  16. Quoted pics on the same page = excessive! I got my green and red guys in... but I also got a Nintendo Wii for my birthday and some games and have out of town plans for almost every weekend through the rest of the summer. I will get pics up when my free time allows.
  17. Nice! I hope some of this stuff gets released in June so I can just pick it up while I'm over there
  18. Curse my old video tapes drowning out the black treads in the blackness of space! Thanks for the screen caps of the unmanned treads.
  19. That's a Shadow Chronicles Beta isn't it? Looks like it has a Synchro Cannon on top of it. It's too bad to hear they don't have new pics in Battloid mode since I'm super curious to know if they've corrected what happens with the cockpit.
  20. Using Robotech talk, because I forget the Mospeada talk, there's a manned black tread in the Synchro cannon episode (the one with Sue Graham). The group gets to the scene of the battle just as it ends and you see a combined dark legioss tread for a split second and then it explodes. IIRC, there are no Betas at the battle for Reflex Point other than Scott's.
  21. Last I heard they were still just considering it so they did a mock up, I wouldn't get my hopes up until you see something that isn't just a modded greenie. Also, I doubt they'd eschew the Tread for it, it wouldn't make sense. The tread is just a simple repaint... that's why there'd be no mock up.
  22. I was basing my view more on the Gakken toys than anything done by Toynami although what happened with Toynami seemed to indicate it still holds true. The red legioss/alpha is never a brisk seller. Obviously the blue one is the real hero mecha. Some manufacturers have been savvy in the past with certain lines (GoJ Zeta)and made many fewer of the red than the blue. Time will tell but almost everything gets reduced from the initial price eventually before selling out.
  23. I'm kind of hoping the Greenie comes with both Yellow and Ley as a way around the debate of who should be considered the greenie's natural pilot... both!
  24. Maybe the protoculture eventually became sexless?
  25. I just got the notice from Overdrive that my greenie and red are shipping tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm out of town from Thurs - Monday so I guess I'll have something to look forward to when I get back. If I were on a budget I'd only own one version of the Toynami MPC. Seeing as the blue one is the hardest to get, that'd be the one I'd keep just in case I had regret later on (you can always buy another red one if you regret selling it). That said, I still think the 10K-15K of the blue one are sitting in a Toynami warehouse. Anyway, I'd hold onto my Toynami Scott and then buy either the green or the red in the CMs. That way there you have the best of both worlds. Also, I suspect a few months from now you'll be able to find them on sale... I wouldn't bank on them staying there for long though and then once they sell out you'll be hurting worse. Is anyone familiar with other high-end CMs toys? Do they usually make it to the bargain bin before selling out?
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