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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Uh, it wasn't in SC because this is a fan-made creation, not a canon design. There's a dialogue error in the Robotech version of the show where the fighter is referred to as a 'veritech fighter' and 1st Border took that idea and ran with it. The real problem with it is the Sylphide is a terrible looking fighter so kudos to the artist for making it more attractive in the other modes. You could also say the concept Gamma fighter is unique uncontested transformable fighter design but HG didn't like that one enough to keep it in Shadow Chronicles apparently. When it comes right down to it, as with just about anything that goes live action, we should expect completely new designs that have only the slightest resemblance in form or function to the original. The studio will hire someone and they will give us their take on what these mechs should look like with disregard for the originals.
  2. If you look at the pic of the VF-1J leaning back you can see a thin gray area between the blue of the armor and the white back of the Valk.
  3. I swear by Overdrive. What is it you wanted to know about their preorder policy? They do that whole thing where they'll hold your orders until they can make it whole and I think you have to pay up front. Email them with questions though, they always get back to me pretty quick.
  4. There's no friggin' way... the sculpt isn't similar to the old one at all. You could probably frankenstein it but why bother?
  5. LOL, my girlfriend was with us, while she appreciated everything she saw and learned I don't know how she would have reacted to me taking home a resin Klan figure like that! Here's something Overdrive pointed me toward: http://homepage3.nifty.com/rs-labo/
  6. Guys we're derailing, this thread is meant for the Bandai Frontier toys, not a discussion on the new Yammy 1/60. I apologize for my part in the derailment. I hope we get some exciting news out of Wondefest! At the very least, has Bandai shown painted versions of their Frontier gashapons yet?
  7. Still can't say anything concrete but Wonderfest is coming very quickly and I've heard from a couple different sources now that there is no CMs Dark Tread and that the CMs Dark Legioss is just a pre-release. I believe they may also be pre-releasing the Blow Superior there as well as having a few exclusives.
  8. I'm certain Overdrive and other toy stores will have a lot more to say about this after Wonderfest. Yamato will have someone there and I'm sure they'll be answering lots of questions on this subject.
  9. It is a phenomenal time to be both a Mospeada and a Macross fan. New Macross series plus all these new Macross toys while companies are still actively making toys for the original series... WOW. NB4M, you're missing out on the 1/60 2.0... it's quite nice.
  10. There are also two cannon fodder VF-27, not that'd we should ever expect to hear from either.
  11. Yes, the VF-1S should be released very soon without super/strike parts (which are also being sold separately). Go to overdrive-inc and they have them available for preorder. I don't know the URL to overdrive off the top of my head but the link is on www.anymoon.com.
  12. Once I have confirmation from my source I'll open up a bit more. My understanding is that CMs has no intention of releasing a Dark Tread and is simply pre-selling the first run of the product at Wonderfest so it will be exactly the same as the ones sold later. The wording used was "... will be released early at Wonderfest, limited to 30. Will be released in late August even if you don't get it there." I'll also have to double-check on the green one but I'm pretty sure they sold exactly the same green legioss tread combo at Winter Wonderfest that they ended upselling on their website. I have to double-check on this because I think CMs might have had a last minute supply problem and didn't actually get any of the greenies to the event. Man, I either drink too much or have way too much going on these days (okay, it's both).
  13. From what I've heard, CMs is releasing 30 pieces at Wonderfest and are doing a larger release later this year that will be regularly available. If memory serves, they did something similar with their green Legioss/Tread set at winter Wonderfest.
  14. I think I have that same $1 piece of cardboard. It's so friggin' hard to get a good picture rig going. If you use somehting too reflective you get blinding spots from the lighting... but I just got done snapping pictures of those all black 25th anniversary valks and taking pictures of anything that's all black is pretty frustrating.
  15. I think Save mentioned those GNUs as having been handed out by Yamato to people attending special events in the past so it's no real surprise that they're going to be made more available.
  16. My YF-19 GNU vs Revoltech post is up. It includes some pics of a very heavily washed/weathered GNU. That's the real strength of these toys, they're so much better to modify than Revoltechs. That said, I don't modify my toys and the Revoltech has a better price and comes with more accessories which, combined with their better pose-abilty, makes them the winner. Here's one of the pics of the heavily weathered and worn YF-19 doing battle with the Gnu YF-21 Note - I didn't weather the Gnu myself, I have no such skills. The weathering was done by someone who enjoys the site.
  17. Sheryl downloaded? Are you confusing Sheryl's coming out of spacefold with being downloaded? As far as we know she's "all natural"
  18. Wow, only $120! What a steal! Wait, WTF? That's like the worst price ever for that toy. Wow.
  19. Yeah Save, I've been thinking about it, and I'd like to change the quantity you're getting me from 1 to 3. Thanks! What's the best emoticon for sarcasm?
  20. You can't think "earth-centrically" when pondering life/evolution beyond the scope of Earth. You could say "but Earth is all we have to judge our experiences on" which is a fair enough start but it's nothing near concrete. The problem is that hives structured as described could just as likely be something unique to Earth. It is not at all logical to deduce that, with the infinite of variables that go into every component of life, that something similar would be emulated elsewhere. From a writer's standpoint though you could use the hive, as it is known on earth, as a convention easily enough (hives make great aliens, it's a time-honored tradition) and as a reader/viewer we can recognize that convention and make assumptions based on it (which is what everyone is doing with the Vajra) but the only thing that keeps writing conventions from getting stale is the ability to tweak them. So now the creator's of Macross Frontier may decide to leave their Vajra hive creatures as perfect mimics for hive creatures on Earth and stick strict to the convention but they could just as easily throw the earthbound hive to the wind and create their own completely unique (alien, if you will) structure. Just because we recognize a convention doesn't mean it has to be strictly adhered to and just because something congregates in hives does not mean it might not end up having a completely alien sociological system. All that said, you're right that one grand ruler seems unlikely due to the scattered nature of how the Vajra have acted. So we're left to theorize why it is Frontier is being coerced into constantly doing battle with groups of Vajra and why the members of Grace are so intent in causing hatred. While the queen/king theory may be incorrect, it still seems like Grace and crew are trying to provoke something that will create the opportunity they are looking for. Something that queen/king theory also didn't touch on was why Frontier was chosen. We know that Grace and co chose Frontier because it could be easily contaminated as it was all natural...
  21. It's just another theory to put out there. Since the Vajra aren't on Earth there's no reason to believe that their hive society should be held to the restraints of Earth's hive socieites (so my original quote should have been: "that's how all hives work in the whole universe" so it didn't sound as grandiose as the workings of the universe itself). Really though the theory doesn't have to hinge on this bigger/worse Vajra being a King, it could just be a more grand queen or some sort of ranking that doesn't have any earth equivalent whatsoever (nor indication of sex). It's not like we really know much about Vajra reproduction at this point other than the fact it involves eggs often times left in the hulls of ships.
  22. Lol... huh? How? Just 'cause something works one way on Earth it'd be a pretty lousy extrapolation to say that's how the whole universe works. After all, our whales don't fly through space and fold. I mean yeah, if you're pandering to a pretty basic audience (which almost every show does) then you may want to stick with things people will recognize but Macross doesn't seem to bind itself too tightly to that. Now, if we learn Vajra are a human construct modeled after something on Earth then yes, it'd make a lot of sense for the Vajra to behave like hives you and I would recognize from Earth. Otherwise, for all we know, hives on Galia IV are patriarchal societies with queen initiated colonies.
  23. If there's anything for sale... I want it!
  24. Gubaba, he did answer about his avatar, it's a video game reviewer on the webzine zero punctuation, hilarious stuff. By the way, I switched to Media Player Classic and rewatched the episode... so much nicer.
  25. I'd check out my review: by clicking here.
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