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Everything posted by jenius

  1. That would be anyone who had someone in Japan (a friend) get it for them.
  2. I too hate the cockpit's exposure in Soldier mode. I give Toynami only a very slight pass in the fact that that's how the lineart shows the vehicle transform. Still, I'm with you, there were some easy fixes to that anime magic and it's a shame Toynami didn't take the extra step to implement them, especially if they're going to charge $149.99 for it! Good news is, if they don't sell at that price point we'll be able to find them for much less later. I'm going to preorder the blue at full MSRP, it's something I tend to do to support toys I really have wanted to see, but I'll be hunting bargain bins for the green, red, and black.
  3. This makes good reading: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26009707/
  4. How did Two Face survive the car accident?
  5. I think this was just off the cuff talking by Toynami and not really something they had on the drawing board. When people said "$250? That's ridiculous" they suggested that instead of making a transformable toy they might consider making a fighter only Beta that could have the head put down so it would connect with the Alpha. They would then include a stand that you would attach to the toy that would also reach forward and support the Alpha. It was just a thought they were kicking around when they were still thinking about hitting the $79.99 price tag. Either that or it was just a Toynami employee free-styling at one of the cons to judge people's reactions.
  6. Sweet! Ranka and Sheryl Guard schemes!
  7. The Toynami boys used that number way back when they first started parading their Beta. "If we do decide to make it, it might cost $250. That's why we're thinking about making a static one instead if any at all."
  8. I was shocked as the episode was coming to an end and I realized we hadn't seen Sheryl once, just one mention of her when Alto and Michael were being disciplined. Next episode they'll probably explain that Sheryl was off learning more about her condition and that's why she's about to confront Grace. Not sure if I like it yet, we'll see next episode.
  9. LOL, "This close to selling off my 1/48s" eh UN Spacy? Nice pick up and if you ever do feel like selling it PM me .
  10. You don't remove anything clear from the toy. You remove the WHITE heatshield that slides on over top the clear canopy. Then you slide the chest piece down like you would any 1/55 toy.
  11. I really liked it but I think it should have been split into two movies. They should have ended the first movie with Joker being incarcerated and Gordon promoted to commissioner. The sequel to that film could have started off just a few days later with Harvey and Rachel suddenly going missing then. That would have let them utiltize Two Face a bit more. As it was though, great movie, just a little too long (went to a late showing not expecting to get out just as the bars were going to last call).
  12. Uh, seriously, did you just ask for approximate release dates from Toynami? You're better off picking a time frame and consulting a magic 8 ball.
  13. Is the myster piece of plastic the hook from the backpack?
  14. I can't tell if I was just handling it too gingerly at first and just not clicking the joint far enough or if there is a little give and it extends. Now that I know how it's supposed to be it seems to get that way just through the act of transforming (it might have just been really tight with new-ness also).
  15. I did a review also, view it by clicking here.
  16. Avoid the 1st release, the nosecone and wing flaps fall off very easily (there are other minor revisions you can see by clicking on the link in my sig and finding my review of the 1/48s). Otherwise all the reissues are pretty much the same. You should try to get as new a release as possible though as plastic yellows as it ages.
  17. I absolutely loved the sinister foreshadowing of Ranka's pet destroying Alto's paper airplane.
  18. I've got the dark MH on the way and will be putting it up on my site. From what I heard, lots of people loved it. The guy who bought it for me, normally not a sucker for ride armors, thought it looked so sweet he bought himself one too.
  19. They've been selling DYRL stuff for a while now, the 1/100s and the super poseables for example.
  20. I kinda like the MPC Book packaging... although I wouldn't qualify it as being very important to me. If the Yune-ified head is an extra on top of everything else I wouldn't complain about that either.
  21. Look closely at the forearm armor. There's also a color difference.
  22. The tip of the nose is no longer removeable to expose the radome, instead now the entire cockpit and fuselage is removeable. This is so you can emulate the scene in Macross when Roy saves Hikaru and Minmay
  23. For those of you having problems with the swing bar, double and triple check that you've walked the nosecone/fuselage all the way up or all the way down. The first time I transformed the toy thinking "I've transformed a million valks, this won't be a problem" i had a devil of a time with the swing bar because I hadn't brought the nosecone up all the way. Now that I know how to manipulate my cone properly, it's a lot easier to swing.
  24. Lonely Boy, are you talking about OmegaBlue? I think all he said was "don't be a dick" which hardly qualifies as lashing out with name calling. Seemed to me OmegaBlue qualified his opinion with a background and stood by his opinion. Who is having the issue with pluralism of ideas? Seems more to me that Exo is just unduly peeved about some perceived elitism. Maybe I missed an angry diatribe somewhere though so if I did my bad.
  25. There's no joke here. Tommy Yune is the guy who does most the art for Harmony Gold these days in relation to Robotech. He has his own style. Toynami said a long time ago that they may scrap doing their own Masterpiece Cyclone in favor of bringing another company's version (from Japan) to the states instead. Toynami has announced that is exactly what's going to happen, they're going to repackage the Beagle Ride Armor as a Masterpiece Ride Armor here in the states. Rather than simply repackaging it though, they're also going to include an exclusive head. Look at the pictures on the previous page, you can see the heads are slightly different.
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