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Everything posted by jenius

  1. This is a fan made poster, it was discussed previously.
  2. x2. I like the brute-like thick look of it. I'm less keen on the Aoshima's brighter green, I like the superposeables cartoonier look, and the CMs I pretty much just accept with it's odd shaped intakes and it's starving appearance.
  3. I wonder if this means Yamato got the VF-X license back? Either that or maybe they're showing off someone's custom? It's listed as a Macross Plus item... which it ain't.
  4. Glad you guys like the review. Shun - I've taken pictures of both greenies but I think I'll wait a couple weeks before I put that post up since there really isn't much new to them. Yep, I'm going hardcore on the Mospeada completism... there's only one toy I'm missing at the moment and it's vintage (and crappy). Theoretically you could put Stig or Ley's head on Yellow's body to get him into armor mode for now, if you put the visor down it'd essentially be correct. FTF - the pearl essence they gave these metallic figures actually does look kinda glittery in person. Yeah, not my favorite.
  5. I've been updating my CMs reviews and just got my post on the clear/metallic editions up: Go here to see the post.
  6. I watched this with the girlfriend on a portable DVD player while traveling by train in Japan. A lot happened at night which made not watching it in a pitch black room pretty difficult. For some reason, the GF actually thought the first film was decent but after the second one she said "Wait, was the first one this bad also?" When I told her I thought it was she suggested she might have been drunk when she saw the first one. There were just why too many points you were left wondering "Why doesn't this happen?" Since when does an alien take on the characteristics of its hosts? Has that always been part of the lore?
  7. Is that Save's friend? I remember when these were available at Wonderfest Save had a buddy who sold one on eBay and had like 1 feedback. Maybe this is the same guy. I wouldn't mind owning one of these either but at the same time I'm thinking of ditching my 1/48s and just being a 1/60 guy going forward. Decisions.... decisions.
  8. While it makes sense to say "Don't trust a deceitful character", the line she says is directed toward one of the other members of Galaxy Anonymous. Essentially she'd have to be lying to herself which doesn't make any sense (unless we're given reason to believe at some point she has self-esteem issues or a history of mental illness... and while she is clearly hellbent on a cause I don't see either surfacing in her character). Also, you're wrong about your quote. If you were to say "I will accomplish something the English could not achieve" it does indeed mean that you are not English. The only loophole would be that you could have potentially identified yourself with the English at some point and have since separated from them (like you may now identify yourself as an American or you could have been part of a separatist movement) but it absolutely does mean that you currently do not identify yourself as English. Look at it this way, we have one quote that says she's not Protoculture and no evidence that suggests she is. Until anything further, I think it'd be an odd assumption that Galaxy Anonymous is Protoculture.
  9. Grace says "we will accomplish something the protoculture could not in 500,000 years" so she isn't protoculture or she would say "we will finally accomplish what we've been working on for 500,000 years."
  10. Honestly, I'm not even sure I believe they are Vajra. We see the nest hatching during the concert so I don't really see any reason to believe that there'd be three Vajra of that size just hanging out. I also don't think Vajra are sophisticated enough to hang out in a crowd of humans and not draw attention to themselves either before the concert started or immediately following it. It was odd that our attention was brought to them for so long so who knows... but I don't think it's Ai Kun.
  11. Just finished the episode, put me in the camp that doesn't believe the three dancing Vajra are Ai Kun.
  12. I don't think either the CMs or the Mega House are currently worth what they cost. Both toys will be pretty big let downs to anyone other than a Mospeada diehard. The Beagle looks to be a dramatic improvement over both but it's also going to run about three times the cost. At 1/10 scale it is slightly smaller than the 1/8 scale of the original large Gakken toy. There are still lots of questions about the Beagle though, it has proportionally small feet so it's unclear how well it will be able to stand on its own. It's also unclear if Beagle will make the other ride armors although they did show one pic of Ray's beam gun in a prototype so at the very least it seems we'll be getting Ray and Stig. Toynami is releasing them here in the states about six months after their Japanese releases repackaged in Masterpiece Collection packaging. Toynami has also stated four MPC Ride Armors will be available which hopefully means that Beagle will indeed make Yellow and Houquet's ride armors as well. Drifand, if you want a broken Stig Ride Armor cheap to make a custom out of, let me know.
  13. The two most central Ride Armors in that picture look like models (the red one and the one just to it's rear left). I've had a change of heart when it comes to these Ride Armors now that I've had something other than a windscreen break on my CMs I just don't trust the CMs Ride Armors at all. Yeah, they have much better proportions and a very intelligent design (had it been done on a larger scale) but they're just not good toys. So I'll be updating my sit to reflect my change of heart. Honestly though, I would advise everyone to avoid the Stig and Ley from both manufacturers and hope that some day they do reissues with some fixes. MH ought to design a better connection of the armor to the rider figure and CMs ought to develop sturdier connections that actually work (ie no parts popping away from each other in bike mode).
  14. I think someone did fly the statue VF-1 in the manga... and I am SOOOO happy that never happened in the cartoon. Sorry, that idea sounds ridiculous to me. If they wanted to do VF-1 fan service I'd much prefer that the VF-1 be on campus to be used as a flight trainer or something (and it should be a VT-1) rather than appear to be a statue.
  15. Yes, it is supposed to have all the fixes.
  16. but they are reissuing the VF-0S this month, they're just not reissuing the VF-0S + Ghost this month... Will they ever reissue the + Ghost variety? I'd say that they probably will at some point but yes, it might be a few years from now. Then again, they never re-released Hikaru's 1/48 Super VF-1J.
  17. If anyone were privvy to that information they wouldn't be able to tell you and since Yamato is in the process of reissuing the stand alone VF-0S as we speak chances are if it is going to be reissued, it isn't going to be reissued any time soon.
  18. The Robotech Masters arch makes me shiver, that's how bad I think it is. Glad you like it though, to each their own. Southern Cross is infinitely better. Humans have colonized a Planet name Glorie (or Gloire). The original inhabitants come home from a long space mission and find humans running amok on their planet. They launch a war to get their planet back but the humans don't feel like leaving. The real twist to Southern Cross though is that it's a new take on "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" because the bad guys "The Zor" don't fight for themselves, they abduct humans in their attack, reprogram them, and send them back out as soldiers. This causes all sorts of internal strife as the humans have to deal with the fact they're killing their own every time the Zor attack. This also explains why a human named Seifreitt is taken back by the humans unlike Robotech Masters' Zor Prime story where a Master is given weapons and sent out to attack his own...
  19. As is so common, Totoro242 is correct. Don't try to remove the pilot, it will be futile.
  20. If Fold Quartz is unique to the Vajra then how does Bilra know anything about it? Does he have a relationship to the 117th also? Is it possible Fold Quartz has other origins as well (although likely not nearly as plentiful)? It seems definite at this point that the V-type infection is related to the Vajra (hence the earlier issues with quarantines). We know that Grace and Mao worked together on some scientific project. I'm guessing Sheryl was one experiment: she was infected with the V-type virus and then given inhibitors to control its development. Ranka was a second type of experiment probably done more under Mao's supervision (perhaps a fusing of Vajra DNA which helps negate the effects of the V-type infection and also causes Ranka to develop fold crystals internally like a Vajra queen). We also know that, as evil as Grace is, she really is working toward accomplishing a feat so grandiose that the Protoculture themselves were unable to accomplish it. It would appear that this feat is timeless/flawless folds and fold communication which would shrink the universe down from infinite vastness to a tiny neighborhood. I would suspect that Grace's sin is hubris and we will eventually learn that there's a reason the Protoculture never got to the place Grace is striving for. In the meantime, is it possible that Grace just needs a huge enough Vajra body count so that she can harvest enough Fold Quartz to make her vision a reality and that's why she keeps spurring all these battles? Is she just trying to make it appear that destroying all the Vajra is the only way humanity will be safe so that she can ensure herself enough crystals?
  21. No... but seriously, with as many little design problems as that toy has, I would gladly keep that seam down the middle if they'd fix the other issues (like breaking pegs!!!!).
  22. I did fix my old Ley windshield with a single drop of super glue... it's the world's easiest fix. Unfortunately, I pulled my first edition Stig out and broke the peg on the rear wheel (obviously not the metal peg) when I attached the piece that becomes the hip armor. That piece is not really repairable so now I'm really bummed.
  23. Is the "damaged" picture just supposed to be someone's imagination of the carnage the Vajra have inflicted on Galaxy? Seems a little disingenuous to show us that image of Galaxy if it wasn't made clear that that wasn't necessarily the state it was in.
  24. <---- working hard on CMs Ride Armor review. I think these qualify as a 2nd edition toy as CMs has made some improvements. I think having Mega House and CMs competing with each other is going to prove beneficial to everyone.
  25. Yep, I've got the crapnami preordered and my fingers crossed.
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