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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Some Focker 1S' have Yamato's exploding shoulders. Some members found loosening the screws in the shoulders helped but it seems like you have a small chance of getting hosed... Many of us have perfectly fine Focker 1S strikes... for now.
  2. Paint chips>Broken parts That said, the Toynami MPC Alpha is the best example of why diecast and a modern transforming toy don't always mix. Too much diecast to fathom and all it does is cause strain on already weak joints since all of those are made of terrible grade plastic. One thing to note though, Yamato was always the WORST company I ever witnessed when it came to putting paint on metal. I've handled many other painted metal toys that saw some wear without nearly the destruction that Yamato's products always showed if you breathed on them funny. I forgave Yamato for this since the toys they used painted metal on were amongst their first. I suspect we'll find Bandai a whole lot better at color matching and avoiding excessive paint chipping. I also suspect Bandai knows not to make the lousy engineering decisions Toynami made (but this is an industry that always surprises me).
  3. Technically Toynami's "Wave 3" of the 1/100s was the stand alone armors. Wave 4 will come with the DYRL armor pack (and I pray it will also come with improved missile connectors). I paid less than $60 shipped (each) for both waves when they were released and I think the armors cost me less than $10 each shipped so the price point is definitely low. It's simply way to soon to try to come up with any comparison between these products, it wouldn't really be appropriate until we're handling Bandai's effort at the 1/100 VF-1. In the meantime the Toynami 1/100s are cheap in every sense of the word but they can also be pretty fun and at near knock-off prices they're pretty much the best bang for your buck in the Macross toy universe. I doubt even Toynami knows the answer to that question. (wave 4)
  4. Seriously though, if a movie gets made and flops, it doesn't really hurt HG all that bad. Sure, it doesn't catapult them like a successful movie would but they've gotten some money from selling the rights already and even if it flops it goes to the old addage of "there's no such thing as 'bad' press." It's not like HG stands to lose money from a flop, just WB.
  5. That's what I get for not reading more closely. It seems odd that there'd be an interview with someone saying they're working hard on Robotech the LAM and then see the speculation here that it was stuck in development hell... he didn't mention anything about "other priorities" or "back burners" or "legal difficulties" or "production issues." Oh well, I love wild and baseless speculation as much as the next person.
  6. I wonder if Toynami will now push the Beta back even further as to not compete with the MPC Cyclone. I'm sure they're aware that many people can't pony up for both a $200 Cyclone and a $150 Tread in the same month. If it's going to be 4 or 5 months between each Ride Armor release then maybe we'll see Tread releases on a staggered schedule at the gap between Cyclones. If that's the case Toynami won't drop the blue Beta until February. That'd be my speculation at least.
  7. RT.com has an interview up with some guy (Chuck Rove) saying they're still working on the script but he really hopes they start going to film next year. He also states that Tobey is currently still only a producer for the movie and when asked if it takes place on Earth he says just that the impetus to all the action will be an attack on Earth.
  8. It's predominantly English... note all the writing.
  9. It gets a little crazy but the essential idea is that the Protoculture came to Earth, did something with the life they found to mold it into a life form not too unlike the Protoculture (this is the whole Bird Man, creation myth that gets repeated a few times), and left a fail safe (the AFOS) to make sure that the life form (humans) wouldn't be torn apart by war like the Protoculture were being when they discovered Earth. The M'yans have been segregated forever on an island so they're the most like the original tweaked by Protoculture state and thus the most in tune with the Protoculture relics. Opinion-wise it's application is extremely uneven with some real peaks of heavy handedness (flying rocks, plants being brought back to life, feathers flying off a valk, etc.).
  10. FOOKE? That's a new one.
  11. I meant it's the best proportioned VR-41 Ride Armor yet... which just means it's better than the Gakken and the Mega House. The same is true of Stig and Ley's CMs offerings but no, beyond that there weren't significant tweaks to things (other than the obvious mold changes). One thing I find interesting, CMs is selling Houquet and Shinobu for $12 more than their other Ride Armors. I wonder why the bump?
  12. No one should be bummed about the delay.... it could potentially mean improvements are being made.
  13. What happened with an escalator at the last event????
  14. 1/35 Gakken is about 9" tall so a 1/18 would be like 18" right? Yeah, that'd be a handful! I still think the 1/35 scale is out there just begging to be tried again.
  15. Jesus can you imagine how much people in this thread would gripe if Yamato made a VF-1 toy and completely changed where the head is positioned... Oh, wait...
  16. PHEW... I'm out of October funds for toys...
  17. The bits I've read have actually been pretty funny in regard to this. "We can't do anything right now because of the potential movie... and we can't say there's been any progress with the movie."
  18. Windshield was solid as a rock on mine (but you'll have to forgive me for not deliberately wiggling it too much). I'm pretty certain it is much improved over the Stig and Ley models. The front end wasn't nearly as prone to being pulled apart but bike mode still leaves something to be desired with pegs not holding very well/being a bit too small. Full write up is here.
  19. Got my VR-41 post up after a nice little vacation in Seattle. I also snuck in a little comic of a drunk Yellow putting his Ride Armor on, killing his friends, and then speeding off. Morbid? Yes, but it was made mostly through coincidence. Anyway, check out this pose that was done without any trick photography or stands:
  20. Wow, that's a tricky sentence... "all" meaning "none'? Certainly "some" still are. I agree with Roger, movies don't get made over night... most don't get made quickly by any stretch. If this thing isn't filming in 2011 then I'll start wondering what happened.
  21. Not to brag or anything... but I actually own a VF-11B that hasn't broken at the hips and it's been handled a LOT. Either that or it broke and got fixed so well I'll never know it was broken...
  22. If it's a fast pack version you're in the clear... if it's a non fast pack version they had prolific issues with the hips breaking... Often times brand new toys, never opened, already have broken hips in the package.
  23. So will they do this with all the destroids? Should we always just wait for weathered versions if that's what we prefer?
  24. I wonder if there's any hope the Raus have been improved...
  25. What are we getting next year? Hikaru's bike. Mark my words (i'm cheating).
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