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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I don't know much about the Xbox360 but my brother asked for one for Xmas. He said something that confused me, maybe you guys can help. He said something about watching movies on it. He's pretty tech savvy but when he said movies I thought of two things, the failed HD Drive the XBox360 had and the blu ray on the PS3. Does Xbox360 have an HD movie download through Netflix or something? I didn't want to seem like i was entertaining the notion of getting him one so I didn't ask him to clarify.
  2. Bummer they didn't get the TV missiles colored properly.
  3. c'mon Ruskii, TV arm armor is different from DYRL arm armor. You're a veteran by now, you should be on that.
  4. Yeah, my VF-1S comparison page used a 1990 Bandai super as the chunky example and you can see the differences to the sculpt pretty well on it. New head and deleted landing gear doors.
  5. I'm sure there's a limit to the quantity that will be made (although there's always the potential a very similar product will be released later or a second window would be opened up on the website if demand was strong enough). Chances are that Bandai has done the math to determine just about how many Alto/Ozma owners will want these matching parts and so they will make enough to meet that demand without having too much extra. This may be something that's hard to find a year after it's been out but I doubt you'll have problems if you can't preorder one right this minute.
  6. I wouldn't worry about it, if they're available to anyone in Japan who goes to the website then there will be plenty of orders and you'll still be able to find them in March.
  7. This thread needs a new lock on it.
  8. OOh.... maybe now I can buy those golf clubs I've been eyeing... All these toy releases were eating up all my disposable income!
  9. A hint at a common ancestor could suffice if handled up front and properly. The SDF-3 thing is definitely not canon any more and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work for a live action flick.
  10. For those confusd by Ruskii's telling you how to buy the toy, the link to the blog is here: http://www.over-drive-inc.com/overdrive-blog/info/1864.html
  11. Are audiences too sophisticated these days for human-like aliens? In canon Robotech, if I'm not mistaken, there's no reason the Robotech Masters (and their creation the Zenraedi) have nearly identical gene structurs to humans right? It's just one big universal happy coincidence? Wouldn't audiences have a hard time these days buying off on something like that? I'm guessing if the aliens in this movie are going to be anything like the Zentraedi than the writers are going to have to come up with a reason why they so closely resemble man.
  12. Weren't there a bunch of MicroMan transforming bikes too? Maybe that'd help -
  13. That's a definite possibility. Calling them "knock-offs" is probably the wrong terminology since there's no disputing that they actually are Yamato valks that have been hand painted and had their stickers applied. It wouldn't be hard to have the sleeves made and lift the BW logo from another 1/48. Still, it doesn't seem right... The origin is a mystery, it's just my cynical nature that's weary of these newer releases.
  14. I think you just get put in a queue and they let you know when Yamato responds (which doesn't seem particularly frequent). Have you tried an email to their info address? That'd probably be helpful. From what I understand things have been pretty busy in their neck of the woods with attending shows and such.
  15. There are something like 1500 fewer Weathering editions than there are LV1s.
  16. Nah, that's not racist. There's plenty of Japanese people working for Hollywood in various capacities. He said the Japanese film industry sucks, that's no more racist than saying Hollywood (aka the American film industry) sucks. Edit - A racist argument would have been "Japanese people suck. They can't make movies." He clearly was talking about a business, not the people.
  17. Okay, there's one on eBay now with the shiny slip.... I'm really really thinking this is shenanigans. Something definitely seems fishy. I suspect someone got an original, then got all the stuff to make more weathering editions, and is now taking VF-1S toys and making Weathering editions (and selling them through Angolz). Naughty naughty.
  18. The guys at Overdrive had a sample they were playing with, I'm sure it can't be long before we're all playing with our own.
  19. His group is "Banned for having no life." Niiice... sounds like he earned it.
  20. I remember that guy... claimed he had warehouses of Italian marble or something also. Who was it? Lord Kungfu?
  21. Are they reusing the audio and just updating the visuals?
  22. None currently planned at this price/size range.
  23. This largely should be in another thread and your understanding of the matter is fundamentally flawed. Unfortunately any discussion of licensing and the history of the Big West, Tatsunoko, Harmony Gold relationship is one that requires more than a few sentences and is highly unlikely to be productive.
  24. I vaguely recall an interview with George Sohn where he was bragging about the MPC boxes. He contended that they were fantastic boxes and the price per unit was tiny so it wasn't really a detriment to the price of the toys. I really like the boxes so while I agree they have a ton of progress to make on the toys I'd like them to keep doing a good job in the one place where they seem most capable!
  25. No, the plastic being used shouldn't be affected in any way by transit. It looked to me like the culprit was a pin placed in the shoulders upside down but I don't know if we ever got a definitive answer on that.
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