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Everything posted by jenius

  1. US dollar was down to about 92 Yen to $1, a 13 year low. Measuring the cost of these toys in $US is only a good way to see how it will affect you, it's not a good barometer against the cost of prevoius releases.
  2. Toynami had the hardest time trying to figure out what to do about the cockpit in soldier mode... then they apparently gave up. They also probably took quite a while figuring out the connection between the two toys. I'm curious to see how that turned out. The Alpha also looks really plain without its stickers... Toynami doesn't exactly do a lot of tampo stuff.
  3. Your being able to tell doesn't help me. Buy a 1/60v2 and let us know. Speaking of ABS though, isn't it easily the most logical choice for what the fists would be made of?
  4. Pete, you have an incomplete understanding of economic theory. Not trying to bash you, just letting you know. Really, we should all work hard not to get into heavy economics discussions here on MW. I do that crap from 9-5 and sneak on to MW to get away from it.
  5. Blame him? No, I said he gets to do what he pleases, which is niiiiiiiiiiiice.
  6. That's the old Imai 1/48 kit the toynami MPC is based on.
  7. Man, those comparison pics are rough... the MPC is mistransformed so that ain't helping anything. The Imai does have a more bubbly canopy but is that it?
  8. She died in 91 and that definitely caused a time out (definitely not NIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice). From what I hear now though is he just does whatever he wants. That's not to say he does nothing, he does some music and producing but I read a Yahoo news blurb a while ago about him that said the Ghostbusters gang couldn't get him 'cause he's wealthy enough to do whatever he feels like... and Ghostbusters ain't what he feels like.
  9. Why would TV hands be POM? I see your deduction but it doesn't add up from the other direction. Anyway, find some definitive way of testing and some member here will do it (provided it doesn't harm the toy). I'd be happy to help if I knew how I could. Unfortunately, I've felt lots of toys and have never been able to distinguish what type of plastic they're made of (except when they're rubbery like PVC).
  10. DND - steer clear of Mospeada merchandise until after the Beagle is released. Then read reviews for the Beagle. You're right, all the other stuff isn't worth the cost of admission unless your a Mospeada freak.
  11. Think of the Taka 1/55. One of the most beloved collectibles of our fandom... huge liberties taken with the look to make the toy a friggin' rock you could literally bludgeon someone to death with. It seems adults are forgetting just how important durability is these days with comments about how they don't care if their Yamatos might fall apart because of how pretty they look. People who think this way are definitely in the minority in the toy fandom even if they are the loudest posters on toy forums.
  12. The 1/60 YF-21 problem I was referring to ended up being more rumor than fact I think. The rumor was that Yamato was looking at a small redesign for the feet because they were having some breakage issues. I searched around and couldn't really find anything on this and I haven't heard anything since. Also, it does sound like the VF-0S that was with the Ghost Combo does vary a lot from person to person. Some people swear there's is the perfect VF-0 toys while others see some lingering results from the inital problems as Scrapnasty has indicated. Mine was on the better side but I also noticed a bit more slop then you'd see in the VF-1 toys. I guess what I'm trying to say is just a disclaimer that everyone's mileage may vary.
  13. I find the notion that the Hikaru 1J might have POM shoulders but future 1/60v2s won't a bit silly. It sounds like Shin might be rallying for a change he sees has already happened? I'm confused. How do we determine if the sholders on the Hik 1J are POM?
  14. Now that China is modernizing the toy factories should stream off into another nation ready to industrialize any way. Things used to be made in the USA, someday we'll say that things used to be made in China (although we probably have another 50 years before that's really the case).
  15. The 0S combo is 100% fine for the whole production run (fine meaning the shoulders are improved). The Shin 0A is not, some people had terrible shoulder issues with them while some received improved versions. Thus a recommendation for VF-0 fans to buy the 0S combo but to avoid the 0A combo until the next reissue when all of them will feature the shoulder improvements.
  16. I reviewed these at one point, check it out here.
  17. Yeah, it's not obvious WHY the DX looks different from the anime but the fact the 1/72 is a dead ringer makes it obvious that there were decisions made behind every difference we see in the DX. I thought it had been figured out that the hips have to be like they are on the DX to accomodate being able to pose the toy in an A-stance as the intake would otherwise press against the waist. At any rate, it's this toy and the Beagle Mospeada that I'm looking forward to the most right now.
  18. The new Yamato 1/60s are essentially all plastic, do they feel cheap? While the CMs Tread certainly lacks heft it's obviously made of pretty high quality plastic and extremely poseable. Oddly enough, the one part of it that seems really cheap to me is the heavy ass piece of diecast arm that's supposed to be used to connect it to the Legioss toy... ugh, what a horrible design. The Toynami Alpha is also as heavy as a brick but that thing is clearly a cheap piece of junk in comparison to the light CMs Legioss. While the CMs Legioss may not look pretty there can be little doubt it's made much better than the Toynami toy and will last much longer despite weighing about a 10th of Toynami's effort.
  19. No *reputable* dealer is going to be selling a new release for much less than MSRP. Blocky vs. bulky seems like just a battle of semantics. That thumbnail looks like a bulky and blocky mech to me. One I like a lot... oddly I think I like it so much for the sound its ammunition made as it tore Invid apart in Robotech. It was the only ammo that made a sound like metal hitting metal and it was normally heard as a bad guy got shred to bits.
  20. Oh yes, I'll make sure to have at least a couple shots comparing the two side by side with some observations.
  21. The only guy they couldn't get involved was Rick Moranis (sp?) because he's so rich from the "Honey I shrunk the..." franchise that he never wants to work on anything again. NIiiiiiiiiiice.
  22. Yes, 15K of the Toynami were made, it's probably closer to 1.5K of the CMs. Also, the CMs is made of higher quality materials and is just all around made better. Another plus for the CMs is that it has the unique Shadow Fighter shoulders that the toynami Shadow Fighter lacks. Sadly, it's not all sunshine with the CMs, it has its faults too including two different tones of white paint, a head that can't be turned, and the CMs interpretation of the sculpt. Visit www.anymoon.com for more info
  23. I've been sold on the VF-25 toys for a long time now.... I want to see the next valk they do already!
  24. I think I'll have my Beta on Monday of next week. If I get it Monday I could probably have a review up on Wednesday. I'm pretty excited.
  25. You must visit my website: www.anymoon.com and get caught up on Macross toys! Shameless plug FTW! If I wasn't at work I'd post a link to exactly what you need.
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