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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Wait, did you get an Ivanov? Sounds like yours has the reversed hinge in one of its wings (a common problem on the Ivanovs). Check the old SV-51 thread from when the toy was first released for a fix.
  2. First the gnomes steal the underwear... then step 2.... then PROFIT! I have no honest idea but maybe it wasn't so much a sequel as a "what happened to those colony groups who fled Earth?" I'm sure it was a very different concept at its inception just as Mospeada was very different on the drawing board from what actually got produced.
  3. No, no art yet for the Shadow (that I've seen) but Ariel is my guess.
  4. Fire up the tubes on the interwebs!!! We gots us a debate!
  5. Oooh, I don't own a detolf anymore but I suspect you'll have problems. If my tape measure pops up suddenly I'll try to give you better dimensions. the wing span is pretty huge so even if it would fit length-wise it might prove problematic width wise. The greenie is going to be volume 3... it's probably the one I'm looking forward to the most as well. The instructions that come with the blue Beta show that Lunk will be the guy on the book.
  6. Check the reviews on my site! Essentially you should just save your money though for the Beagle (although there's still a chance it won't live up to the hype).
  7. No screen cap but you've got the timing right. Yellow is on stage still as a woman and we see Sera racing to his concert on her ride armor. Later we see her in the crowd after Yellow reveals his true identity. Sorry 007, I looked for a tape measure and couldn't find one.
  8. Oops, saw my mistake, yes Mog, when the Alpha is in soldier mode, not fighter, that's when you're not supposed to have the hood. Sorry about the confusion.
  9. Three notes: 1) The back of the MPC Certificate of Authenticity (that gold certificate within the book flap) does list the people involved in the MPC's production including "ENGINEERING - AOSHIMA" 2) I just rewatched the last 5 minutes of Robotech's TNG to try and remember what note Scott leaves on, turns out Sera (Sorji) has her own ride armor paint scheme variant. My hope is piqued for a future limited edition (it look's like it's the same model as Rand's). 3) I just reviewed some new pics of the Maia MPC. All Toynami did was repaint Rook's MPC. This isn't at all accurate as it has the round intakes instead of the Shadow Intakes and it has the VTOL that isn't present on Shadow Fighters. Since it's quite clearly just a repaint and obviously not very line art accurate I've got almost no inspiration to purchase it and it definitely won't be on my site any time soon. EDIT - AcroRay, I don't think this is an indicator of things to come but rather an indicator of things that were. Toynami and Aoshima annouced the intention to make the Beta/Tread before the release of the Aoshima Legioss. After the Legioss turned out so poorly it appears Aoshima walked away from Toynami, probably after the engineering work had been done for the Beta. If we do see Aoshima repaints we'll know the hatchet was buried but from everything I've heard those two companies are done working together.
  10. It butts against your toy in three different spots and usually it's not hard to place one of those bumpers somewhere where violent shaking won't cause any affect at all (like in the foot of a battroid or in a wingroot of an angled fighter). The rods are very stiff (and can be tightened and loosened to your liking). Unfortunately it appears the pictures of my Detolf displays are long gone but I used to have five 1/72 Yammies in one cube with a YF-21 and a VF-11 in fighter mode on other side at 80 degree angles on flexidisplays... they never fell. The trick is to buy multiple display stands of different sizes so you can swap in different rods to make sure your poses are supported perfectly. I definitely found the flexis more versatile for poses than the Yamato launch arm.
  11. This list is premature... the DX VF-25 is supposed to be released this year... it might creep into people's lists.
  12. Anything that would knock your toy off a flexi display stand would cause a stand that attaches more firmly to topple over... I think it would only help limit collateral damage.
  13. Yes, I suppose angling the arms upward helps reduce the gap by a tiny margin but it's still a huge gap in comparison. The gun handle in the second pic also helps make the gap look less extreme. In all honesty, not many people display their toys as direct profiles which is where the CMs looks the worst. I'm not sure why there's a slight elevating angle to the Toynami but I assume it was so that when people opt not to use the display stand the boom is less likely to slide out.
  14. Over at Rt.com someone pointed out that Aoshima is credited with the engineering of the toy somewhere in the packaging. I haven't looked but that sounds believable considering what an improvement it was.
  15. I couldn't connect the CMs "correctly" because the part that gets pushed up on the swing bar can't support the weight of the Legioss. Is there something else I'm missing? Actually, I just fought it some more and I don't think it has to do with the mechanism holding the weight of the Legioss. How do you make it look less gappy? I need a pic. Pic from my first review looks very similar:
  16. A Kakizaki 1S? You must be thinking of a custom 'cause that ain't ever gonna happen.
  17. I think I've owned 13 Alphas and the latter releases didn't seem any better to me than the early ones. I think it's really just luck of the draw. That said, I only ever bought two Lancers, by then I knew to be afraid of the hands, and both were the best Alphas I owned... but again, I think it's just coincidental and lucky.
  18. It looks bigger than the Gnus, i think they're showing it works with the new 1/60 line.
  19. I'm pretty sure they avoided doing a collapsible connector because of the weight of the Toynami Alpha... it wouldn't have been as strong as the reinforced piece of plastic and might have sagged under the weight. I agree about the stand... still it's much better than the CMs. As with most toys that come with stands, if you can find an after market stand you'll be much better served. Thanks for posting the comment! I love getting feedback on the site and having more there for others to read.
  20. Something is different with the 1D... they've concealed the fuselage pushing the neck way up so there is more there than a simple repaint and different cockpit.
  21. None of my Japan contacts have mentioned a Bandai release but I believe they're coming up on a holiday and may be too busy to drop me an email.
  22. Just one word of warning, while the soldier mode shots are probably 100% perfect, there is some room for error on the side shots in fighter mode. I can't guarantee I had the camera in exactly the same position for both shots. I tried to make it perfect but it's possible some shots will make a toy appear a tiny bit bigger or smaller in comparison to the other. The difference should be pretty minimal though. It looks like I forgot to pull down the "prong" on the Toynami Beta's center booster, whoops. Shun - While I think the completely pressed together look is good for the CMs, I can't really consider it a plus since it's not an attribute the Alpha/Legioss was ever shown to have. I don't consider it a negative by any means either, just something interesting. Edit - color recommendation - GREEN! That's the one I'm looking forward to and coincidentally I've had the best luck with my Lancer MPCs.
  23. I heard a rumor that Yamato has perfected a method of rapidly applying their weathering and that we should expect lots more weathering editions.
  24. Well then, you're probably not going to like that I did this: I was too hung over to do anything but take and edit pictures today.... Click here for my next post and let me know if there are problems with the write-up, I don't think I'm as coherent as I normally am when I write those things.
  25. For those of you considering an Aoshima Legioss as a replacement to a blue MPC to go with your new Beta, I've updated my review by adding the following picture (I'll put it here to save you the trip).
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